Manual Zanussi ZRD33SM Fridge-Freezer

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FFrriissss ételek hıtése
A hıtŒ részleg jobb kihasználása érdekében
ügyeljen az alábbiakra:
ne tegyen a gépbe meleg ételeket vagy gŒzölgŒ
az élelmiszereket (fŒleg, ha fıszerezettek)
gondosan csomagolja be
ne tegyen a rácsra papír vagy mıanyaglapot, ami
a rácson keresztüli levegŒmozgás akadályozná.
A felállított készüléket langyos vízzel és semleges
mosószerrel gondosan tisztítsa meg, hogy ezzel
megszüntesse a tipikus “új” szagot!
Ne használjon semmilyen dörzsölŒszert,
poralakú terméket, se acél súrolót!
A hŒmérséklet szabályozása
A készülékben egy termosztát szabályozza
automatikusan a hıtŒ és a fagyasztó részleg belsŒ
hŒfokát. A termosztát kapcsolóján feltüntetett
magasabb számértéknek alacsonyabb hŒfok felel
meg. Vagyis minél magasabb számra állítja a
kapcsolót, annál alacsonyabb lesz a belsŒ
A megfelelŒ hŒmérsékletet az alábbi
körülményeknek megfelelŒen kell megválasztani:
szobahŒmérséklet értéke
ajtónyitogatás gyakorisága
a tárolt élelmiszer mennyisége
a készülék elhelyezése
Rendszerint a közepes érték a megfelelŒ.
Ha a fokszabályzó a legalacsonyabb hŒmérsékletre
van állítva, magas szobahŒmérséklet és nagy
ételmennyiség hıtése esetében a készülék
folyamatosan mıködhet. A hıtŒrész párolóján
képzŒdhet zúzmara vagy jégréteg is. Ez esetben a
kapcsolót kissé magasabb fokra kell állítani.
Kapcsolja be a készüléket az áramkörbe!
Fordítsa el a szabályozógombot a “O” (stop) jelrŒl az
óra járásával egyezŒ irányba.
Ha a gombot a “O” állásra állítja, a készülék
Friss ételek fagyasztása
A 4 csillagos fagyasztó alkalmas friss
ételek fagyasztására illetve fagyasztott, valamint
mélyhıtött ételek hosszú idŒn keresztüli tárolására.
A friss ételek lefagyasztásához nem szükséges a
termosztát szabályozógombján beállított
hŒmérsékletet megváltoztatni, kivéve, ha meg
kívánja gyorsítani a fagyasztási folyamatot. Ez
esetben állítsa a leghidegebb hŒmérsékletre a
gombot. Figyelem: a hıtŒrekesz hŒmérséklete is 0
fok alá csökkenhet, ilyenkor állítsa a gombot egy
alacsonyabb értékre.
A fagyasztandó ételt a legfelsŒ rekeszbe helyezze.
JJégkocka készítés
Ez a készülék jégkészítéshez szükséges mıanyag
tartályokkal van ellátva. Töltse meg a tartályokat
vízzel és helyezze be a fagyasztóba!
Soha ne használjon fémtárgyat a jégkockatartók
A fagyasztott- illetve mélyhıtött ételeket
felhasználás elŒtt ki kell olvasztani a hıtŒszekrény
részben, illetve szobahŒmérsékleten, a
rendelkezésre álló idŒ függvényében.
A kisebb adagokat közvetlenül is elkezdheti fŒzni;
természetesen ebben az esetben a fŒzési idŒ
hosszabb lesz.
Mélyhıtött ételek tárolása
Mıködésbe helyezéskor vagy ha hosszabb ideig
nem használta a készüléket, mıködtesse azt
legalább két órán keresztül a legalacsonyabb
hŒmérsékleten, majd pedig állítsa a
hŒfokszabályozó gombot a normál mıködési állásra.
Az étel véletlenszerı - például áramkimaradásnak
betudható - felengedése esetén, ha az
áramkimaradás idŒtartama a mıszaki adatok
táblázatának “felengedési idŒ” alatt feltüntetett
értékétŒl jelentŒsen eltér, a felengedett ételt minél
elŒbb el kell fogyasztani vagy azonnal megfŒzni és
(miután kihılt) újra lefagyasztani.
Electrical connection
Before plugging in, ensure that the voltage and
frequency shown on the serial number plate
correspond to your domestic power supply. Voltage
can vary by ±6% of the rated voltage.
For operation with different voltages, a suitably sized
auto-transformer must be used.
The appliance must be earthed.
The power supply cable plug is provided with a
contact for this purpose.
If the domestic power supply socket is not earthed,
connect the appliance to a separate earth in
compliance with current regulations, consulting a
specialist technician.
The Manufacturer declines all responsibility if
the above safety precautions are not observed.
This appliance complies with the following
E.E.C. Directives:
- 87/308 EEC of 2/6/87 relative to radio interference
- 73/23 EEC of 19.2.73 (Low Voltage Directive) and
subsequent modifications;
- 89/336 EEC of 3.5.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility Directive) and subsequent
Rear spacers
In the bag with the documentation, there are two
spacers which must be fitted in the two top
Slacken the screws and insert the spacer under the
screw head, then re-tighten the screws.
Shelf holders
Your appliance is equipped with shelf retainers that
make it possible to secure the shelves during
To remove them proceed as follows:
Raise the shelf from the back, push it in the direction
of the arrow until it is freed and remove the retainers.
Download manual in English (PDF, 0.44 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Zanussi ZRD33SM Fridge-Freezer. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Zanussi. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Zanussi ZRD33SM Fridge-Freezer in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Zanussi
Model ZRD33SM
Category Fridge-Freezers
File type PDF
File size 0.44 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Zanussi ZRD33SM Fridge-Freezer

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

If I want my fridge-freezer to be colder, should I choose for a higher or lower setting? Verified

With most fridge-freezers a higher setting means the machine will cool harder. With a lower setting, the machine will cool less hard and the temperature in the fridge-freezer will be higher.

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Can I change the opening direction of the door of my fridge-freezer? Verified

Yes, nearly all standing fridge-freezers offer the option to place the door on the other side. How to do this can generally be found in the manual.

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What is the best temperature setting for a refrigerator? Verified

From a health perspective temperatures between 3℃ and 4℃ are the best. At these temperatures the growth of bacteria and mold is limited.

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The drain hole in my fridge-freezer is dirty/clogged, how do I clean it? Verified

There are special cleaning devices to do this, but it is also possible to remove blockage or dirt with a cotton swab. To keep the drain hole clean and prevent smells it is advisable to put a drop of chlorine bleach in the drain 4 times a year.

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How often should I defrost my freezer? Verified

For optimal use of the freezer it is best to defrost it once every 3-6 months. Ice on the inside of the freezer reduces the available space and increases the use of energy. The thawing process can be accelerated by placing hot water in the drawer or placing bowls of hot water in the freezer.

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My fridge-freezer makes a bubbling sound, is that normal? Verified

Modern fridge-freezers make use of an environmentally friendly cooling agent. During the cooling process this substance turns into a gas, which can cause a bubbling and/or hissing sound. This is perfectly normal.

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I bought a new fridge-freezer, can I turn it on immediately? Verified

No, the fridge-freezer needs to stand in an upright position for at least 4 hours before it can be turned on. This is because the coolant liquid needs to settle.

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Is it normal that water or ice drops are forming on the back wall of my fridge-freezer? Verified

Yes, this a completely normal phenomenom. The moisture that enters the fridge-freezer with warm air or products will settle on the coldest part, being the back wall. Because the back wall can reach temperatures below freezing, the drops will freeze from time to time. When the fridge-freezer is idle the drops will thaw and flow to the drain of the fridge-freezer.

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De door of my fridge-freezer will not close properly, why is that? Verified

The two most common causes are that the fridge-freezer is not level and that the door seal is damaged or has food remains on it. Make sure the fridge-freezer is level and check the door seal. Replace the seal if neccesary.

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How much space should I leave betwee my fridge-freezer and the wall? Verified

To ensure a good ventilation it's best to leave at least 5cm of free space on both sides and the back of the fridge-freezer.

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What do the stars on the freezer mean? Verified

The stars indicate the freezing capacity. 1 star indicates a freezing capacity down to -6ºC. This makes the freezer suitable for making ice cubes or storing previously frozen goods for up to two weeks. Fresh food cannot be frozen. 2 stars indicates a freezing capacity down to -12ºC. This makes the freezer suitable for storing previously frozen goods for up to two months. Fresh food cannot be frozen. 3 stars indicates a freezing capacity down to -18ºC. This makes the freezer suitable

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How long does it take for my refrigerator to reach the set temperature after I turn it on? Verified

This depends on the size, age and model of the refrigerator. It may take several hours to 24 hours for the refrigerator to reach the set temperature. The process can be accelerated by placing non-perishable goods in the refrigerator. The temperature in the refrigerator cannot be measured properly by feeling the air inside. The best way to tell if the refrigerator has reached the set temperature is to place a glass of water in the refrigerator with a thermometer in it.

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There is condensation in my refrigerator, why is that? Verified

There can be several causes. The door gasket can be defective, allowing outside air into the refrigerator. It's also possible that the refrigerator is not level, preventing the door from closing correctly. Another cause is a large difference between the temperature inside the refrigerator and outside while the door is being opened frequently.

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Can I put warm food or drinks in my fridge-freezer? Verified

Preferably not. The temperature in your fridge-freezer will rise, which negatively impacts the other items that are stored inside.

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There is mold on the rubber seals of my fridge-freezer, what should I do? Verified

The rubber seals are not actually inside the fridge-freezer and are therefore warmer. This allows bacteria to grow and mold to form. Clean the rubbers regularly to prevent this.

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What is R-410A? Verified

R-410A is a cooling agent that is used in appliances that cool up to 0°C, like refrigerators and air conditioners. It is the replacement of older cooling agents and does not damage the ozon layer.

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Manual Zanussi ZRD33SM Fridge-Freezer

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