Manual Gram KF 471554 Fridge-Freezer

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DA - 7
1.2 Installationsadvarsler
Før du bruger dit køleskab med fryser for
første gang, skal du være opmærksom på
følgende punkter:
Driftsspændingen for køleskab med
fryser er 220-240 V ved 50 Hz.
Stikket skal være tilgængeligt efter
Dit køleskab med fryser kan have en
lugt, når det bruges første gang. Dette
er normalt, og lugten forsvinder, når dit
køleskab med fryser begynder at køle.
Inden køleskab med fryser tilsluttes,
skal du sikre dig, at oplysningerne
på typeskiltet (spænding og tilsluttet
belastning) svarer til strømforsyningen.
Hvis du er i tvivl, skal du kontakte en
kvalificeret elektriker.
Sæt stikket i en stikkontakt med
en effektiv jordforbindelse. Hvis
stikkontakten ikke har nogen
jordforbindelse, eller stikket ikke passer,
anbefaler vi, at du konsulterer en
kvalificeret elektriker for at få hjælp.
Apparatet skal tilsluttes en korrekt
monteret sikringsstikkontakt.
Strømforsyningen (AC) og spændingen
ved betjeningsstedet skal stemme
overens med oplysningerne på
apparatets typeskilt (typeskiltet er
placeret på indersiden af apparatet).
Producenten påtager sig ikke ansvar for
skader der opstår på grund af manglende
Sæt dit køleskab med fryser et sted, hvor
det ikke udsættes for direkte sollys.
Dit køleskab med fryser må aldrig bruges
udendørs eller udsættes for regn.
Apparatet skal være mindst 50 cm væk
fra komfurer, gasovne og varmekilder, og
mindst 5 cm væk fra elektriske ovne.
Hvis dit køleskab med fryser placeres
ved siden af en dybfryser, skal der være
mindst 2 cm mellem dem for at forhindre,
at der dannes fugt på den ydre overflade.
Tildæk ikke køleskabet med fryser med
stof. Dette påvirker effektiviteten af dit
køleskab med fryser.
Der skal være mindst 150 mm luft over
apparatet. Der må ikke placeres noget
oven på apparatet.
Anbring ikke tunge genstande på
Rengør apparatet grundigt inden brug (se
Rengøring og vedligeholdelse).
Inden du bruger dit køleskab med
fryser, skal du tørre alle dele af med en
opløsning af varmt vand og en teskefuld
natriumbicarbonat. Skyl derefter med rent
vand og tør. Læg alle dele i køleskabet
med fryser efter rengøring.
Brug de justerbare forben til at sikre, at
dit apparat er vandret og stabilt. Du kan
justere benene ved at dreje dem i begge
retninger. Dette bør gøres, inden der
lægges madvarer i apparatet.
Installer de to plastik afstandsstykker
(delene med sorte
skovlblade -kondensator
på bagsiden) ved at dreje
dem 90° som vist i
figuren, for at forhindre at
kondensatoren rører
Afstanden mellem apparatet og
bagvæggen skal være maksimalt 75 mm.
1.3 Under brug
Tilslut ikke dit køleskab med fryser til
lysnettet med en forlængerledning.
Brug ikke beskadigede, iturevne eller
gamle stik.
Undlad at trække, bøje eller beskadige
Brug ikke en stikadapter
Dette apparat er designet til brug
af voksne. Lad ikke børn lege med
apparatet eller hænge i døren.
Rør aldrig ved netledningen/stikket
med våde hænder. Dette kan forårsage
kortslutning eller elektrisk stød.
Anbring ikke glasflasker eller dåser i
isfremstillingsrummet, da de springer, når
indholdet fryser.
Download manual in English (PDF, 6.72 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Gram KF 471554 Fridge-Freezer. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Gram. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Gram KF 471554 Fridge-Freezer in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Gram
Model KF 471554
Category Fridge-Freezers
File type PDF
File size 6.72 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Gram KF 471554 Fridge-Freezer

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

If I want my fridge-freezer to be colder, should I choose for a higher or lower setting? Verified

With most fridge-freezers a higher setting means the machine will cool harder. With a lower setting, the machine will cool less hard and the temperature in the fridge-freezer will be higher.

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Can I change the opening direction of the door of my fridge-freezer? Verified

Yes, nearly all standing fridge-freezers offer the option to place the door on the other side. How to do this can generally be found in the manual.

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What is the best temperature setting for a refrigerator? Verified

From a health perspective temperatures between 3℃ and 4℃ are the best. At these temperatures the growth of bacteria and mold is limited.

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The drain hole in my fridge-freezer is dirty/clogged, how do I clean it? Verified

There are special cleaning devices to do this, but it is also possible to remove blockage or dirt with a cotton swab. To keep the drain hole clean and prevent smells it is advisable to put a drop of chlorine bleach in the drain 4 times a year.

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How often should I defrost my freezer? Verified

For optimal use of the freezer it is best to defrost it once every 3-6 months. Ice on the inside of the freezer reduces the available space and increases the use of energy. The thawing process can be accelerated by placing hot water in the drawer or placing bowls of hot water in the freezer.

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My fridge-freezer makes a bubbling sound, is that normal? Verified

Modern fridge-freezers make use of an environmentally friendly cooling agent. During the cooling process this substance turns into a gas, which can cause a bubbling and/or hissing sound. This is perfectly normal.

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I bought a new fridge-freezer, can I turn it on immediately? Verified

No, the fridge-freezer needs to stand in an upright position for at least 4 hours before it can be turned on. This is because the coolant liquid needs to settle.

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Is it normal that water or ice drops are forming on the back wall of my fridge-freezer? Verified

Yes, this a completely normal phenomenom. The moisture that enters the fridge-freezer with warm air or products will settle on the coldest part, being the back wall. Because the back wall can reach temperatures below freezing, the drops will freeze from time to time. When the fridge-freezer is idle the drops will thaw and flow to the drain of the fridge-freezer.

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De door of my fridge-freezer will not close properly, why is that? Verified

The two most common causes are that the fridge-freezer is not level and that the door seal is damaged or has food remains on it. Make sure the fridge-freezer is level and check the door seal. Replace the seal if neccesary.

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How much space should I leave betwee my fridge-freezer and the wall? Verified

To ensure a good ventilation it's best to leave at least 5cm of free space on both sides and the back of the fridge-freezer.

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What do the stars on the freezer mean? Verified

The stars indicate the freezing capacity. 1 star indicates a freezing capacity down to -6ºC. This makes the freezer suitable for making ice cubes or storing previously frozen goods for up to two weeks. Fresh food cannot be frozen. 2 stars indicates a freezing capacity down to -12ºC. This makes the freezer suitable for storing previously frozen goods for up to two months. Fresh food cannot be frozen. 3 stars indicates a freezing capacity down to -18ºC. This makes the freezer suitable

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How long does it take for my refrigerator to reach the set temperature after I turn it on? Verified

This depends on the size, age and model of the refrigerator. It may take several hours to 24 hours for the refrigerator to reach the set temperature. The process can be accelerated by placing non-perishable goods in the refrigerator. The temperature in the refrigerator cannot be measured properly by feeling the air inside. The best way to tell if the refrigerator has reached the set temperature is to place a glass of water in the refrigerator with a thermometer in it.

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There is condensation in my refrigerator, why is that? Verified

There can be several causes. The door gasket can be defective, allowing outside air into the refrigerator. It's also possible that the refrigerator is not level, preventing the door from closing correctly. Another cause is a large difference between the temperature inside the refrigerator and outside while the door is being opened frequently.

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There is mold on the rubber seals of my fridge-freezer, what should I do? Verified

The rubber seals are not actually inside the fridge-freezer and are therefore warmer. This allows bacteria to grow and mold to form. Clean the rubbers regularly to prevent this.

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What is R-410A? Verified

R-410A is a cooling agent that is used in appliances that cool up to 0°C, like refrigerators and air conditioners. It is the replacement of older cooling agents and does not damage the ozon layer.

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Can I put warm food or drinks in my fridge-freezer? Verified

Preferably not. The temperature in your fridge-freezer will rise, which negatively impacts the other items that are stored inside.

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Manual Gram KF 471554 Fridge-Freezer

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