Manual Kettler Kinetic F3 Multi-gym

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D 5. Beinheben
Ausgangsposition: Sitz einklappen, Fuß -
schlaufe am unteren Seilzug einhaken. Rücken
zum Gerät. Fußschlaufe oberhalb des Sprung -
gelenkes anbringen.
Bewegungsausführung: Knie anziehen, an -
schlie ßend kontrolliert ablassen. Oberkörper
bleibt aufrecht.
Beanspruchte Muskulatur: Hüftbeuger
Variation: liegend
GB 5. Cable Leg Raise
Starting position: Fold the seat in. Hook the foot loop onto the lo-
wer rope pulley. Stand with your back to the machine. Position
the the loop just above the ankle.
Movement: Lift the knee and lower it again slowly. Keep the
body erect.
Muscles used: Thigh-bending muscles
Variant: In lying position
F 5. Lever de jambe
Position de départ : rentrez le siège en le rabattant, accrochez le
bracelet à la cheville au câble de traction inférieur. Dos tourné
vers l’appareil. Mettez le bracelet à la cheville au-dessus de
l’articulation de la cheville.
Exécution du mouvement : ramenez le genou, puis rabaissez-le
en contrôlant le mouvement. Le haut du corps reste bien droit.
Muscles sollicités : muscle fléchisseur de la hanche
Variation: en position couchée
NL 5. Beenheffen
Uitgangspositie : zitting inklappen, voetlus aan de onderste kabel
haken. Ga met de rug naar het apparaat staan. De voetlus bo-
ven het spronggewricht aanbrengen.
Beweging: knie optrekken en vervolgens gecontroleerd laten zak-
ken. Het bovenlichaam recht houden.
Gebruikte spieren: heupspieren
Variatie: liggend
E 5. Elevación de piernas
Posición inicial: con el asiento plegado cuelgue el estribo del pie
en la polea inferior. Espalda hacia el aparato. Fijar el estribo del
pie por encima de la articulación tibiotarsisana.
Movimiento: subir la rodilla y a continuación bajar de nuevo de
forma controlada. Mantener el tronco recto.
Músculos utilizados: flexores de cadera
Variación: tumbado
I 5. Sollevamento gambe
Posizione di partenza: ripiegare il sedile, agganciare la cinghia
per il piede alla fune inferiore. Schiena rivolta all’attrezzo.
Posizionare la cinghia al di sopra della caviglia.
Esecuzione del movimento: piegare il ginocchio, quindi abbassar-
lo in modo controllato. Il busto rimane diritto.
Muscolatura sollecitata: flessore del bacino
Variazione: distesi
12 13
D 6. Abduktor Flexion sitzend
Ausgangsposition: Sitz einklappen, Fuß -
schlaufe am unteren Seilzug einhaken. Seitlich
zum Gerät setzen. Fußschlaufe am gerätfernen
Bein anbringen. Gerätnahes Bein anwinkeln.
Bewegungsausführung: Das Bein mit Fuß -
schlaufe gegen den Widerstand vom Gerät
Beanspruchte Muskulatur: Abduktor, Hüftbeuger, Beinstrecker
GB 6. Abductor flexion, seated
Starting position: Fold the seat in. Hook the foot loop onto the lo-
wer rope pulley. Sit on floor with apparatus at the side. Attach
the loop to the leg furthest away from the apparatus. Raise the
knee of the other leg off the floor.
Movement: Move the leg with the loop away from the apparatus
against its resistance.
Muscles used: Abductor, hip-bending and leg-stretching muscles
F 6. Abducteur, en position assise
Position de départ: rentrez le siège en le rabattant, accrochez le
bracelet à la cheville au câble de traction inférieur. Mettez-vous
assis à côté de l’appareil. Posez le bracelet à la cheville sur la
jambe éloignée de l’appareil. Pliez la jambe proche de
Exécution du mouvement: éloignez la jambe portant le bracelet
de cheville contre la résistance de l’appareil.
Muscles sollicités: abducteur, muscle fléchisseur de la hanche,
muscle extenseur de la jambe
NL 6. Adductor flex zittend
Uitgangspositie: zitting inklappen, voetlus aan de onderste kabel
haken. Zijwaarts voor het apparaat gaan zitten. Voetlus aan het
buitenste been bevestigen. Het andere been buigen.
Beweging: het been met de voetlus tegen de weerstand in van
het apparaat weg bewegen.
Gebruikte spieren: adductoren, heupspieren en dijbeenspieren
E 6. Flexión del abductor, sentado
Posición inicial: con el asiento plegado colgar el estribo para el
pie de la tracción por cable inferior. Sentarse lateralmente res-
pecto al aparato. Llevar el estribo del pie hacia la pierna más
alejada del aparato. Doblar la pierna más cercana al aparato.
Movimiento: alejar del aparato la pierna con el estribo del pie
contra la resistencia.
Músculos utilizados: abductores, flexores de cadera, extensores
de pierna
I 6. Flessione abduttore da seduti
Posizione di partenza: ripiegare il sedile, agganciare la cinghia
alla fune inferiore. Sedere lateralmente all’attrezzo. Applicare la
cinghia alla gamba lontana dall’attrezzo. Flettere la gamba vici-
na all’attrezzo.
Esecuzione del movimento: allontanare dall’attrezzo la gamba
con la cinghia contrastando la resistenza.
Muscolatura sollecitata: abduttore, flessore del bacino, estensore
della gamba
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We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Kettler Kinetic F3 Multi-gym. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Kettler. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Kettler Kinetic F3 Multi-gym in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Kettler
Model Kinetic F3
Category Multi-gyms
File type PDF
File size 2.55 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Kettler Kinetic F3 Multi-gym

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

How much exercise does an average adult need? Verified

As an adult it is a good idea to perform moderately intensive exercise for a total ot at least 2.5 hours a week. Ideally this is spread out over several days.

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What is the maximum heart rate during exercise? Verified

In general you can take a heart rate of 220 and deduct your age. So for a person aged 48 the maximum heart rate would be 220 minus 48 equaling 172. If you are unsure of your personal condition, be sure to consult your doctor.

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Manual Kettler Kinetic F3 Multi-gym

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