Manuals for Medisana Thermometers

Below you can find all models Medisana Thermometers for which we have manuals available. Also view the frequenty asked questions at the bottom of the page for useful tips about your product. Is your model not on the list? Please contact us.

Is your product defective and the manual offers no solution? Go to a Repair Café for free repair services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

I just took my temperature but what is actually considered a 'healthy' body temperature? Verified

This partially depends on the body part where the temperature was taken. The following can be considered healthy: Forehead 35,8 to 37,6 °C, Ear 36 to 37,8°C, rectally 36,3 to 37,8°C and orally 36 to 37,4°C.

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What parts of the body are best to measure body temperature? Verified

This depends on the thermometer. Some thermometers are designed for use on specific parts of the body. With a regular thermometer, rectal usage is the fastest and most accurate way to measure body temperature.

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From what temperature does a person officially have a fever? Verified

A temperature above 38°C is officially considered a fever.

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Latest comments

Manual Medisana FTD Thermometer
rivage 22-06-2024
Hello, one more gadget to fill the bag of malicious spirits. No more operation after 1 use! I won't be taken back

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Medisana FTD Thermometer
Manual Medisana TM 750 Thermometer
Sietie 29-12-2023
What is an easy way to remove the sensor cover? Should you turn or just pull? It is very heavy and there is no rough side where you can get hold of it. Who knows the answer ?

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Medisana TM 750 Thermometer
Manual Medisana FTC Thermometer
Luigi basile 13-10-2023
The thermometer always gives me an error on the display, what should I do? Thank you

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Medisana FTC Thermometer
Manual Medisana TM 750 Thermometer
Cees de Lange 08-10-2023
I tried for hours to use the manual, but I couldn't get this device to work. Clearly a bad buy, I will buy one in a store where I can go back in situations like this for an explanation and/or exchange/refund.

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Medisana TM 750 Thermometer
Manual Medisana TM 750 Thermometer
[email protected] 19-06-2023
Absolutely useless for a device used in healthcare. Just keep your fingers away...... Protective caps cannot be removed without destroying them. With new batteries - empty battery is displayed - the LO display can no longer be removed. The results that eventually appear are a joke (between 24° and 33°). Such a device would have to be officially removed from the market.

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Medisana TM 750 Thermometer