Manual Candy CO 106F/L1-S Washing Machine

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Kupnjom ovog Candy proizvoda
pokazali ste da ne Ïelite prihvatiti
sporazumno rje‰enje, veç Ïelite
Candy ima zadovoljstvo da Vam
moÏe ponuditi ovu novu perilicu
rublja, koja je rezultat
vi‰egodi‰njeg istraÏivanja i iskustva
na trÏi‰tu, u neposrednom dodiru
sa potro‰aãima. Izabrali ste
kvalitetu, trajnost i osebujne
znaãajke koje ovaj uredjaj nudi.
Osim perilice rublja koju ste
izabrali, Candy se ponosi ‰irokim
izborom uredjaja za domaçinstvo:
perilicama sudja, perilicama za
pranje i su‰enje rublja ednjacima,
mikrovalnim peçnicama,
tradicionalnim peçnicama,
grijaãim ploãama, hladnjacima i
TraÏite od svog prodavaãa
najnoviji katalog Candy
Ovaj uredjaj je namjenjen za
kori‰tenje u domaçinstvu I sliãnim
situacijama kao ‰to su:
- osoblje u trgovinama, uredima I
ostalim radnim mjestima;
- farmama;
- gostima hotela, motela i ostalih
smje‰tajnim objekata;
- prenoãi‰tima.
Razliãito kori‰tenje uredjaja od
domaçinstva ili uobiãajnih kuçnih
poslova, npr. kao komercijalno
kori‰tenje u profesionalne svrhe
nije pokriveno jamstvom.
Ako se uredjaj koristi nepravilno,
Ïivotni vijek mu se smanjuje i moÏe
izbjeçi jamstvo.
O‰teçenje uredjaja ili neko drugo
o‰teçenje ili gubitak kroz kori‰tenje
koje nije u skladu sa uputama
(iako je uredjaj u domaçinstvu)
neçe biti pokriveno
proizvodjaãkim jamstvom.
Upotreba ove nove perilice je
jednostavna, ali Vas molimo da
paÏljivo proãitate UPUTE ZA
KORI·TENJE sadrÏane u ovoj knjiÏici
i da ih u potpunosti po‰tujete. One
Vam daju vaÏne podatke u svezi
sigurnog postavljanja, kori‰tenja i
odrÏavanja perilice, te korisne
savjete za postizanje najboljih
rezultata pranja.
âuvajte paÏljivo ovu knjiÏicu, jer bi
Vam ubuduçe jo‰ mogla zatrebati.
Kada bi u sluãaju kvara perilice,
morali pozvati jednog od na‰ih
servisera, obavezno mu recite
oznaku modela, broj perilice i broj
G, ako je naveden na ploãici s
tehniãkim podacima, koja je
priãvr‰çena na perilici.
Ennek a Candy háztartási készüléknek
a megvásárlásával Ön megmutatta,
hogy nem fogadja el a
kompromisszumokat: csakis a
legjobbat akarja.
A Candy örömmel mutatja be Önnek új
mosógépét, amely több éves kutatás
és a vevŒkkel fennálló közvetlen
kapcsolat révén szerzett piaci
tapasztalat eredménye. Ön a mosógép
által nyújtott minŒség, tartósság és
kiváló teljesítmény mellett döntött.
A Candy sokféle más háztartási gépet
is kínál: mosógépeket,
mosogatógépeket, mosó-
szárítógépeket, tızhelyeket,
mikrohullámú sütŒket.
Hagyományos sütŒket és
tızhelylapokat, valamint hıtŒ- és
A Candy termékek teljes katalógusát
kérje helyi kiskereskedŒjétŒl.
A készüléket háztartásokban és
hasonló környezetekben történŒ
használatra terveztük, például:
- üzletek, irodák és más
munkakörnyezetek személyzeti
- lakóépületekben;
- szállodák, motelek és más
lakókörnyezetek ügyfelei által;
- „szoba reggelivel” típusú
A készülék háztartási környezettŒl vagy
a tipikus háztartási feladatoktól eltérŒ
használata, például szakemberek vagy
képzett felhasználók által történŒ
kereskedelmi használata a fent említett
alkalmazások esetében sem
Ha a készüléket nem a fentiek szerint
használják, akkor az csökkentheti a
készülék élettartamát és
érvénytelenítheti a gyártó garanciáját.
A törvények által megengedett
mértékben a gyártó nem fogadja el a
készülék sérülését vagy más jellegı
olyan károsodását vagy kárát, amely az
otthoni vagy a háztartási használattól
eltérŒ használat miatt következik be
(még akkor sem, ha a készülék otthoni
vagy háztartási környezetben van).
Kérjük, hogy figyelmesen olvassa el ez
a füzetet, mert fontos útmutatásokkal
szolgál a készülék biztonságos
telepítésével, használatával és
karbantartásával kapcsolatban,
továbbá hasznos tanácsokat ad a
legkedvezŒbb eredmények eléréséhez
a mosógép használata során.
Kérjük, tartsa ezt a tájékoztató füzetet
biztonságos helyen, hogy a késŒbbiek
során is bármikor belelapozhasson.
A Candy szerviz felkeresésekor mindig
adja meg a típust, a típusszámot és
a G-számot (lásd a készülék
Cumparind aceasta masina
de spalat CANDY ati aratat ca
nu acceptati compromisuri,
vreti doar ce e cel mai bun.
CANDY are placerea sa va
prezinte o noua masina
de spalat, rezultatul multor ani
de cercetari si studii asupra
nevoilor consumatorilor. Ati ales
calitatea, durabilitatea si
eficienta oferite de aceasta
masina de spalat.
CANDY va ofera o gama larga
de aparate electrocasnice:
masini de spalat vase, masini
de spalat si uscat rufe,
aragaze, cuptoare cu
microunde, cuptoare
traditionale si hote, frigidere si
Solicitati de la magazin
catalogul cu gama completa
Acest aparat este destinat
pentru uz casnic sau pentru uz
similar, cum ar fi:
- bucatarii de magazin, birou si
alte medii de lucru;
- ferme;
- de catre clientii de la hotel,
motel sau alte medii
- la pensiuni.
Utilizarea aparatului în scopuri
comerciale este exclusa.
Utilizarea aparatului în alte
scopuri decât cele mentionate
mai sus, duce la reducerea
duratei de viata a aparatului si
la anularea garantiei.
Orice deteriorari ale aparatului
sau pierderi care apar ca
urmare a neutilizarii aparatului
pentru uz casnic (chiar daca a
fost utilizat într-un mediu casnic
sau rezidential) nu vor fi
acoperite de agrantie.
Va rugam sa cititi aceste
instructiuni cu mare atentie
deoarece furnizeaza informatii
importante cu
privire la instalarea, folosirea si
intretinerea masinii Dvs. De
spalat precum si sugestii pentru
a obtine cele mai bune
rezultate la spalare.
Pastrati instructiunile cu grija
pentru a le putea consulta de
cite ori aveti nevoie.
VáÏen˘ zákazníku,
Dûkujeme Vám, Ïe jste si
zakoupil v˘robek spoleãnosti
Pfied prvním pouÏitím
v˘robku si pozornû pfieãtûte
pfiiloÏen˘ ãesk˘ návod , kter˘
firma Candy dodává, a
dÛslednû se jím fiiìte.
Návod, kter˘ jste k v˘robku
obdrÏel, vychází z
v‰eobecné v˘robkové fiady
a z tohoto dÛvodu mÛÏe
dojít k situaci, Ïe nûkteré
funkce, ovládací prvky a
pfiíslu‰enství nejsou urãeny
pro Vበv˘robek. Dûkujeme
za pochopení.
Tento spotfiebiã je urãen˘
pro pouÏití v domácnosti a
podobn˘ch místech:
- zamûstnanecké kuchynû v
prodejnách, kanceláfiích a
jiném pracovním prostfiedí;
- na farmách;
- klienty hotelu, motelu
- v prostfiedí pro pfiípravu
Jiné pouÏití spotfiebiãe mimo
domácnosti nebo na jiné
neÏ bûÏné pouÏití, jako je
komerãní vyuÏití
profesionály, není zahrnuto
ve v˘‰e uvedeném popisu
Pokud se spotfiebiã pouÏívá
nesprávnû, mÛÏe se zkrátit
jeho Ïivotnost a uÏivatel
mÛÏe ztratit právo na
Jakékoliv po‰kození
spotfiebiãe nebo jiná
po‰kození a ztráty vypl˘vající
z nesprávného pouÏití
spotfiebiãe jako domácího
spotfiebiãe (i kdyÏ se nachází
v domácnosti) není
v˘robcem akceptováno.
With the purchase of this Candy
household appliance, you have
shown that you will not accept
compromises: you want only the
Candy is happy to present their
new washing machine, the result of
years of research and market
experience through direct contact
with Consumers.You have chosen
the quality, durability and high
performance that this washing
machine offers.
Candy is also able to offer a vast
range of other household
appliances: washing machines,
dishwashers, washer-dryers,
cookers, microwave ovens.
Traditional ovens and hobs,
refrigerators and freezers.
Ask your local retailer for the
complete catalogue of Candy
This appliances is intended to be
used in household and similar
applications such as:
- staff kitchen areas in shops, offices
and other working environments;
- farm houses;
- by clients in hotels, motels and
other residential type
- bed and breakfast type
A different use of this appliance
from household environment or
from typical housekeeping
functions, as commercial use by
expert or trained users, is excluded
even in the above applications.
If the appliance is used in a
manner inconsistent with this it may
reduce the life of the appliance
and may void the manufacturer’s
Any damage to the appliance or
other damage or loss arising
through use that is not consistent
with domestic or household use
(even if located in a domestic or
household environment) shall not
be accepted by the manufacturer
to the fullest extent permitted by
Please read this booklet carefully
as it provides important guide lines
for safe installation, use and
maintenance and some useful
advise for best results when using
your washing machine.
Keep this booklet in a safe place
for further consultation.
When contacting Candy
or a Customer Services Centre
always refer to the Model, No., and
G number (if applicable of the
appliance see panel).
Download manual in English (PDF, 4.37 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Candy CO 106F/L1-S Washing Machine. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Candy. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Candy CO 106F/L1-S Washing Machine in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Candy
Model CO 106F/L1-S
Category Washing Machines
File type PDF
File size 4.37 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Candy CO 106F/L1-S Washing Machine

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

My washing machine won't start when I press the start-button, what can I do? Verified

In many cases the door of the washing machine hasn't closed properly. Open and close the door and try again.

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My washing machine won’t drain, what can I do? Verified

The main reason a washing machine won’t drain is because of blockage in either the pump or the drain hose. If your washing machine has access to these parts, try to remove any blockage. If this does not solve the problem or if you don’t have access to these parts you should contact a mechanic or the manufacturer.

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There is no water coming into my washing machine, what can I do? Verified

Check if the water inlet is open and if there aren't any kinks in the hose of the water inlet. If this doesn't solve the problem you should contact the manufacturer.

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The door of my washing machine won't open, what can I do? Verified

There can be several causes. The most common cause is the filter being clogged. Unplug the appliance and check the filter. Remove any blockage if necessary. The location of the filter is different depening on the model. It is also possible that there is a special lever to open the door. If these options don't help, the last option is unplug the appliance for a period of 30-60 minutes and try to open the door after that. If this doesn't work, contact the manufacturer or a mechanic.

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My washing machine makes a lot of noice and/or vibrates loudly, what can I do about that? Verified

It's possible that the washing machine has not been leveled. You can do this by adjusting the feet to make it perfectly level. The problem can also be caused by inserting to much clothes in the machine. If these are not the cause of your problem you should contact the manufacturer.

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In which compartment should the detergent go? Verified

Most washing machines have 3 compartments for detergent. These compartments are often marked with I, II and * to show where the detergent goes. Compartment I is used for a pre-wash cycle, II is for the main wash cycle and * is for fabric softener. Compartment II is used most often.

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My washing machine smells, what can I do about it? Verified

There are washing machines with self-cleaning features. If these features are not available it's possible to add 100ml of white vinegar or 100gr of soda crystals and have the washing machine run a 90 ℃ program.

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Can I connect my washing machine to a warm water outlet? Verified

Although washing machines can probably handle water intake up to 65°C, this is not recommended by most manufacturers. There are wash cycles that specifically make use of cold water. In those cases warm water can harm the results of your wash cycle. Also, many washing machines are designed to be connected to a cold water outlet.

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What should I pay attention to when moving a washing machine? Verified

When moving a washing machine, you should secure the drum. You can use the transit bolt which come with every washing machine and will prevent the drum from moving around inside the machine. You also need to drain all the water.

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What is the difference in usage between a washer-dryer and a separate washing machine and dryer? Verified

The biggest advantage of a washer-dryer is that it takes less space. However, a separate dryer will be able to dry more than a washer-dryer. A washer-dryer also uses relatively more energy and requires more time.

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Can I stack my dryer and washing machine? Verified

In general it is possible to directly stack a dryer and washing machine directly on top of each other. This only works with front loading models. However, it is advisable to use a fitting accessory to do so. This will prevent the machines from vibrating and falling off and also prevents damage to the bottom machine.

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Can I connect a washing machine to an extension cord? Verified

Appliances that require large amounts of power, like a washing machine, can not be connected to all extension cords. See what the power usage of the washing machine is, which is indicated in Watt, and check if the extension cord can handle this. There are extension cords with thicker cables that are made to handle larger appliances.

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Manual Candy CO 106F/L1-S Washing Machine