Manual Black and Decker DCM2000BC Coffee Machine

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by an authorized service center.
This appliance is intended for household use only.
Remove all stickers, packing material, and literature.
Please go to to register your warranty.
Wash all parts as instructed in the Care and Cleaning section.
Pour cold water up to 12-cup level mark in the water reservoir. Brew it through as instructed
in BREWING, but do not add coffee grounds to the paper filter. When done, turn off the
coffeemaker and discard the water from the carafe.
1. Lift the one-piece cover. Use the carafe to fill water reservoir with cold water.
2. Place a paper filter into the brew basket. Add ground coffee, (we recommend one heaping
tablespoon for every 2 cups). Close the cover.
3. Place carafe on the “Keep Hot” carafe plate and plug in the unit.
4. Press the on/off (I/O) switch; the indicator light comes on.
5. Replace the carafe on the “Keep Hot” carafe plate when not serving to keep coffee hot.
6. Press the on/off (I/O) switch to turn the unit off.
The Sneak-A-Cup
feature allows you to pour a cup of coffee from the carafe while the coffee is
brewing. When the carafe is removed, the brewing process is paused. Simply replace the carafe
on the “Keep Hot” carafe plate within 30 seconds and brewing will resume automatically.
Note: If the carafe is not replaced within 30 seconds the filter basket may overflow.
This product contains no user serviceable parts. Refer service to qualified service personnel.
1. To clean your coffeemaker, be sure the unit is off and cooled. Open the one-piece cover,
remove the filter basket, and discard the paper filter/ grounds.
Clean as follows: filter basket, carafe and carafe lid are all top rack
dishwasher-safe or they may be hand washed in warm, sudsy water.
See carafe care below. The coffeemaker’s exterior and “Keep Hot”
carafe plate may be cleaned with a soft damp cloth. Do not use
abrasive cleansers or scouring pads. Never immerse the coffeemaker
in water.
2. To clean inside one-piece, open and allow it to rest in the open
position. Pull out showerhead, wipe surfaces with a damp cloth, then push back into place and
close the cover (A).
A damaged carafe may result in possible burns from a hot liquid. To avoid breaking:
Do not allow all liquid to evaporate from the carafe while it is stationed on the “Keep Hot”
carafe plate, or heat the carafe when it is empty.
Discard the carafe if it is chipped, cracked or damaged in any manner.
Never use abrasive scouring pads or cleansers, they will scratch and weaken the glass.
Do not place the carafe on or near a gas or electric burner, in a heated oven or in a microwave
Avoid rough handling and sharp blows.
Mineral deposits left by hard water can clog your coffeemaker. Cleaning is recommended once a
1. Pour white vinegar into the water reservoir up to the 6-cup line on the water window. Add cold
water up to the 10-cup line.
2. Put a paper filter in the filter basket and close the cover. Set the empty carafe on the “Keep
Hot” carafe plate.
3. Turn on the coffeemaker and let half the cleaning solution brew into the carafe (until water
level goes down to around 5). Turn off the coffeemaker and let it soak for at least 15 minutes to
soften the deposits.
4. Turn on the coffeemaker and brew the remaining cleaning solution into the carafe.
5. Turn off the coffeemaker; empty the carafe and discard the soiled filter.
6. Fill the reservoir with cold water to the 12-cup line, replace the empty carafe, then turn on the
coffeemaker for a complete brew cycle to flush out the remaining cleaning solution. You may
have to repeat this to eliminate the vinegar smell/taste.
Please Read and Save this Use and Care Book
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be fol-
lowed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and/or injury to persons, including
the following:
Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handle or knobs.
To protect against electric shock, do not place cord, plug or appliance in water or
other liquids.
Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by or near children.
Unplug from outlet when not in use and before cleaning. Allow to cool before
putting on or taking off parts and before cleaning the appliance.
Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug or after the appliance
malfunctions, or has been damaged in any manner. Return the appliance to the
nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair or adjustment. Or, call the
appropriate toll-free number on the cover of this manual.
The use of an accessory not evaluated for use with this appliance may cause
Do not use outdoors.
Do not let cord hang over the edge of table or counter, or touch hot surfaces.
Do not place on or near a hot gas or electric burner or in a heated oven.
To disconnect, turn any control to OFF (O), then remove plug from wall outlet.
Do not use this appliance for other than intended use.
Keep lid on the carafe when in use.
Scalding may occur if the lid is removed during the brewing cycles.
The carafe is designed for use with this appliance. It must never be used on a
range top.
Do not set a hot carafe on a wet or cold surface.
Do not use a cracked carafe or a carafe having a loose or weakened handle.
Do not clean carafe with cleansers, steel wool pads or other abrasive material.
This product is for household use only.
This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other). To reduce the
risk of electric shock, this plug is intended to fit into a polarized outlet only one way. If
the plug does not fit fully into the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a
qualified electrician. Do not attempt to modify the plug in any way.
Warning: This appliance is equipped with a tamper-resistant screw to prevent removal of
the outer cover. To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not attempt to remove the
outer cover. There are no user-serviceable parts inside. Repair should be done only by
authorized service personnel.
a) A short power cord (or detachable power cord) is to be provided to reduce the risk resulting from
becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord.
b) Longer detachable power cords or extension cords are available and may be used if care is exercised in
their use.
c) If a long detachable powercord or extension cord is used,
1) The marked electrical rating of the detachable power cord or extension cord should be at
least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance,
2) If the appliance is of the grounded type, the extension cord should be a grounding-type
3-wire cord, and
3) The longer cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the countertop or tabletop
where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over unintentionally.
Note: If the power cord is damaged, it should be replaced by qualified personnel; in Latin America,
7. Wash the filter basket and carafe as instructed in CLEANING.
For service, repair or any questions regarding your appliance, call the appropriate 800 number
on cover of this book. Please DO NOT return the product to the place of purchase. Also, please
DO NOT mail product back to manufacturer, nor bring it to a service center. You may also want to
consult the website listed on this sheet.
Two-Year Limited Warranty
(Applies only in the United States and Canada)
What does it cover?
Any defect in material or workmanship provided; however, Applicas liability will not exceed the
purchase price of product.
For how long?
Two years from the date of original purchase with proof of such purchase.
What will we do to help you?
Provide you with a reasonably similar replacement product that is either new or factory refurbished.
How do you get service?
Save your receipt as proof of date of sale.
Visit the online service website at, or call toll-free 1-800-231-9786,
for general warranty service.
If you need parts or accessories, please call 1-800-738-0245.
What does your warranty not cover?
Damage from commercial use
Damage from misuse, abuse or neglect
Products that have been modified in any way
Products used or serviced outside the country of purchase
Glass parts and other accessory items that are packed with the unit
Shipping and handling costs associated with the replacement of the unit
Consequential or incidental damages (Please note, however, that some states do not allow the
exclusion or limitation of consequential or incidental damages, so this limitation may not apply to
How does state law relate to this warranty?
This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights that vary from state to
state or province to province.
Veuillez lire et conserver ce guide d’entretien et d’utilisation.
Lorsquon utilise un appareil électrique, il faut toujours respecter certainesgles
de sécurité fondamentales afin de minimiser les risques d’incendie, de secousses
électriques ou de blessures, notamment les suivantes.
Lire toutes les directives.
Ne pas toucher aux surfaces chaudes; utiliser les poignées et les boutons.
Afin déviter les risques de secousses électriques, ne pas immerger le cordon, la
fiche ni lappareil.
Exercer une étroite surveillance lorsquon utilise lappareil près dun enfant ou que
ce dernier s’en sert.
Débrancher lappareil avant de le nettoyer et lorsquon ne sen sert pas. Laisser
lappareil refroidir avant denlever ou de remettre des accessoires, et avant de
nettoyer l’appareil.
Ne pas utiliser un appareil dont la fiche ou le cordon est abî, qui présente
un problème de fonctionnement ou qui est endomma. Confier lexamen, la
réparation ou le glage de lappareil au centre de service autorisé de la région.
Ou composer le numéro sans frais approprié indiqué sur la page couverture du
présent guide.
Lutilisation daccessoires non évalués avec lappareil présente des risques de
Ne pas utiliser à l’extérieur.
Ne pas laisser pendre le cordon dune table ou dun comptoir, ni le laisser entrer en
contact avec une surface chaude.
Ne pas placer sur ni près dune cuisinière au gaz ou à lélectricité chaude, ni dans
un four réchauffé.
Pour débrancher lappareil, placer toutes les commandes à la position darrêt (O) et
retirer la fiche de la prise.
Utiliser lappareil uniquement auxns pour lesquelles il a é conçu.
Garder le couvercle sur la carafe lorsque l’appareil est utilisé.
Des blures peuvent de produire si le couvercle de la carafe est retiré pendant les
cycles d’infusion.
La carafe est conçue pour servir avec lappareil. Ne jamais sen servir sur une
Ne pas déposer la carafe chaude sur une surface froide ou mouillée.
Ne pas se servir de la carafe si le verre en est fêlé ou si la poignée est lâche ou
Ne pas nettoyer la carafe avec des produits nettoyants abrasifs, de la laine dacier
ni tout autre produit abrasif.
Cet appareil est conçu pour un usage
domestique seulement.
Lappareil est muni d’une fiche polarisée (une lame plus large que lautre). Afin de
minimiser les risques de secousses électriques, ce genre de fiche nentre que d’une
façon dans une prise polarisée. Lorsqu’on ne peut insérer la fiche à fond dans la prise,
il faut tenter de le faire après avoir inversé les lames de côté. Si la fiche nentre toujours
pas dans la prise, il faut communiquer avec un électricien certifié. Il ne faut pas tenter de
modifier la fiche.
Avertissement : Lappareil est doté d’une vis indesserrable empêchant lenlèvement du
couvercle extérieur. Pour réduire les risques d’incendie ou de secousses électriques, ne
pas tenter de retirer le couvercle extérieur. Lutilisateur ne peut pas remplacer les pièces
de l’appareil. En confier la réparation seulement au personnel des centres de service
a) Le cordon dalimentation de lappareil est court (ou amovible) an de minimiser les risques
d’enchevêtrement ou de trébuchement.
b) Il existe des cordons d’alimentation amovibles ou de rallonge plus longs et il faut sen servir avec
c) Lorsquon utilise un cordon d’alimentation amovible ou de rallonge plus long, il faut s’assurer que :
1) la tension nominale du cordon d’alimentation amovible ou de rallonge soit au moins égale à
celle de l’appareil, et que;
2) lorsque lappareil est de type mis à la terre, il faut utiliser un cordon de rallonge mis à la terre
à trois broches, et;
3) le cordon plus long soit placé de sorte qu’il ne soit pas étalé sur le comptoir ou la table d’
des enfants pourraient le tirer, ni placé de manière à provoquer un trébuchement.
Note: Lorsque le cordon dalimentation est endommagé, il faut le faire remplacer par du personnel
qualifié ou, en Amérique latine, par le personnel d’un centre de service autorisé.
L’a p p ar e il e s t c o n çu p ou r u n e u t i li s a ti o n d o me s t iq ue se ul em en t .
Retirer tous les autocollants, le matériau demballage et la documentation.
Veuillez aller à l’adresse pour enregistrer votre garantie.
Laver toutes les pièces selon les directives de la rubrique relative à lentretien et au nettoyage.
Verser de l’eau froide jusqu’à la marque de 12 tasses dans le réservoir. L’infuser selon les
directives de la rubrique Infusion du café, mais sans ajouter la mouture. À la fin de l’infusion,
mettre la cafetière hors tension et jeter l’eau de la carafe.
1. Soulever le couvercle monopièce et se servir des marques pour l’eau sur la carafe pour remplir
le réservoir d’eau froide jusqu’au niveau voulu.
2. Déposer un filtre en papier ou deux dans le panier-filtre amovible. Ajouter la quantité voulue
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We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Black and Decker DCM2000BC Coffee Machine. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Black and Decker. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Black and Decker DCM2000BC Coffee Machine in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Black and Decker
Model DCM2000BC
Category Coffee Machines
File type PDF
File size 0.14 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Black and Decker DCM2000BC Coffee Machine

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

What does the grind say about the coffee? Verified

The type of grind heavily determines the taste of the coffee. A finer grind generally means a stronger taste and a coarser grind means a milder taste. A very fine grind can result in bitter coffee.

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What is the best way to store coffee? Verified

Coffee is best stored in a clean and airtight can.

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Manual Black and Decker DCM2000BC Coffee Machine

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