Manual BEKO RFNE 312E35 W Freezer

Need a manual for your BEKO RFNE 312E35 W Freezer? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 12 frequently asked questions, 9 comments and has 1 vote with an average product rating of 0/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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RFNE 312E35 W
RFNE 312E35 X
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Here you can share what you think about the BEKO RFNE 312E35 W Freezer. If you have a question, first carefully read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

Birgit Danielsen 21-10-2020
My freezer flashes all the time And shows -19 and o degrees?

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Mogens B.Jensen 19-09-2022
It alternates between -18 and 10 followed by a red exclamation point.

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Anders Osbirk 23-01-2022
The display flashes all the time. That changes between temperature -19 and 0 degrees followed by a red exclamation mark?

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Kenneth Friis 28-04-2022
The display flashes all the time. That changes between temperature -19 and 0 degrees followed by a red exclamation mark?

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Trygve Johannessen 26-10-2022
My obsession

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Kenneth Jansson 19-05-2023
The freezer flashes -18 and -17 degrees plus one! Sign. From what I can see in the user manual, is it an electrical fault? But the freezer keeps the temperature at -18 degrees

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Clara Reichel 22-03-2023
The display flashes and shows different degrees and an exclamation mark

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Clara Reichel 22-03-2023
The display flashes and shows different temperatures and an exclamation point

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Mie 10-09-2021
Among other things

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your BEKO RFNE 312E35 W Freezer. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact BEKO. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your BEKO RFNE 312E35 W Freezer in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand BEKO
Model RFNE 312E35 W
Category Freezers
File type PDF
File size 1.75 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about BEKO RFNE 312E35 W Freezer

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

If I want my freezer to be colder, should I choose for a higher or lower setting? Verified

With most freezers a higher setting means the machine will cool harder. With a lower setting, the machine will cool less hard and the temperature in the freezer will be higher.

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How often should I defrost my freezer? Verified

For optimal use of the freezer it is best to defrost it once every 3-6 months. Ice on the inside of the freezer reduces the available space and increases the use of energy. The thawing process can be accelerated by placing hot water in the drawer or placing bowls of hot water in the freezer.

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What does NoFrost mean? Verified

Freezers that have NoFrost technology can keep the air in the freezer dry, resulting in less ice forming inside.

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I bought a new freezer, can I turn it on immediately? Verified

No, the freezer needs to stand in an upright position for at least 4 hours before it can be turned on. This is because the coolant liquid needs to settle.

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Can I put warm food or drinks in my freezer? Verified

Preferably not. The temperature in your freezer will rise, which negatively impacts the other items that are stored inside.

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Can I change the opening direction of the door of my freezer? Verified

Yes, nearly all standing freezers offer the option to place the door on the other side. How to do this can generally be found in the manual.

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How long does it take for my freezer to reach the set temperature after I turn it on? Verified

This depends on the size, age and model of the freezer. It may take several hours to 24 hours for the freezer to reach the set temperature. The process can be accelerated by placing non-perishable goods in the freezer.

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What do the stars on the freezer mean? Verified

The stars indicate the freezing capacity. 1 star indicates a freezing capacity down to -6ºC. This makes the freezer suitable for making ice cubes or storing previously frozen goods for up to two weeks. Fresh food cannot be frozen. 2 stars indicates a freezing capacity down to -12ºC. This makes the freezer suitable for storing previously frozen goods for up to two months. Fresh food cannot be frozen. 3 stars indicates a freezing capacity down to -18ºC. This makes the freezer suitable

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How much space should I leave betwee my freezer and the wall? Verified

To ensure a good ventilation it's best to leave at least 5cm of free space on both sides and the back of the freezer.

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De door of my freezer will not close properly, why is that? Verified

The two most common causes are that the freezer is not level and that the door seal is damaged or has food remains on it. Make sure the freezer is level and check the door seal. Replace the seal if neccesary.

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There is mold on the rubber seals of my freezer, what should I do? Verified

The rubber seals are not actually inside the freezer and are therefore warmer. This allows bacteria to grow and mold to form. Clean the rubbers regularly to prevent this.

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What is R-410A? Verified

R-410A is a cooling agent that is used in appliances that cool up to 0°C, like refrigerators and air conditioners. It is the replacement of older cooling agents and does not damage the ozon layer.

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Manual BEKO RFNE 312E35 W Freezer