Manual Whirlpool SW8 2QW RN Refrigerator

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1. Ventilator*
2. Elektronisk betjeningspanel/belysning
3. Flaskehylde*
4. Sensordæksel
5. Hylder
6. Typeplade med varenavn
7. Frugt-/grøntsagsskuffe
8. Dørvendingssæt
9. Flaskeholder*
10. Hylder i døren
11. Lugens pakning
* Findes på valgte modeller
Når strømstikket sættes i stikkontakten, starter apparatet
automatisk. Når der er tændt for apparatet, skal der
gå mindst 4-6 timer, inden der anbringes madvarer i
det. Når apparatet sluttes til strømforsyningen, tænder
displayet, og alle ikonerne vises i ca. 1 sekund. De
fabriksindstillede værdier for køleafdelingen tænder.
- se den medfølgende brugervejledning (Version_2)
Det anbefales, at ændring af dørens åbningsretning
udføres af to personer.
Dørens åbningsretning kan ikke ændres for:
- modeller med integreret håndtag
- modeller med glaspanel på døren.
Specifikationer, tekniske data og billeder kan
variere afhængigt af modellen.
Før man anvender apparatet, skal man
omhyggeligt læse den medfølgende vejledning.
ALARMTYPE Signal Årsag Løsningsforslag
Alarm for åben dør Køleskabslys blinker Døren har været åben i mere end 5 minutter. Luk døren
Alarm for åben dør Køleskabslys SLUKKET Døren har været åben i mere end 8 minutter. Luk døren
Funktionsfejl En temperaturkontrollampe blinker Funktionsfejl med apparatet. Kontakt Service
Denne funktion fungerer automatisk for at sikre optimale betingelser for de
opbevarede fødevarer.
Funktionen "6th Sense" aktiveres automatisk:
når der er anbragt en større mængde madvarer i køleskabet
når køleskabsdøren har været åbnet i lang tid
når der forekommer en længerevarende strømafbrydelse, så temperaturen
i skabet stiger så meget, at der ikke længere kan garanteres en korrekt
opbevaring af madvarerne.
Ventilatoren forbedrer temperaturfordelingen i køleafdelingen, hvilket giver en bedre
opbevaring af madvarerne.
Ventilatoren er som standard tændt.
Det anbefales, at ventilatoren er tændt, så funktionen "6th Sense" kan fungere
korrekt, samt når rumtemperaturen er over 27-28° C, hvis der er vanddråber på
glashylderne, eller når det er meget fugtigt.
Tryk på knappen for at slukke for ventilatoren.
Bemærk, at ventilatoren ikke kører konstant, når der er tændt for den. Ventilatoren
aktiveres/deaktiveres afhængigt af temperatur- og/eller fugtighedsniveauet i
Det er derfor helt normalt, at ventilatoren ikke kører, selvom der er tændt for den.
on - o
Knappen til
Tryk på knappen Temperatur på betjeningspanelet for at justere temperaturen fra det
varmeste niveau til det koldeste.
Temperaturindstillingen ændres trinvist, hver gang der trykkes på knappen
Når apparatet tændes første gang, er den fabriksindstillede temperatur valgt
Nedenstående tabel viser temperaturindstillingerne:
Bemærk: De viste temperaturindstillinger svarer til den gennemsnitlige
temperatur i hele køleskabet.
Led ON Led OFFLed ON Led OFF
high temp.
med-high temp.
medium temp.
med-low temp.
low temp.
Lyssystemet i køleafdelingen bruger LED-lys, der giver en bedre
belysning, og som har et meget lavt forbrug af energi.
Hvis LED-lyssystemet ikke fungerer, skal det udskiftes af
Vigtigt: Køleafdelingens lys tænder, når døren åbnes. Hvis
døren holdes åben i mere end 8 minutter, slukkes lyset
Kontrollamper, der viser den aktuelle
temperaturindstilling eller funktionen Lynafkøling.
Det anbefales at bruge funktionen Lynafkøling til at:
- øge afkølingshastigheden i køleafdelingen, når der
anbringes meget store mængder af madvarer i den
Funktionen Lynafkøling aktiveres ved at trykke og
holde på knappen Temperatur på betjeningspanelet
i 3 sekunder, indtil alle 3 kontrollamper på
betjeningspanelet blinker og forbliver tændt.
Led ON Led OFFLed ON Led OFF
high temp.
med-high temp.
medium temp.
med-low temp.
low temp.
Funktionen deaktiveres automatisk efter 6 timer og
går tilbage til den forrige indstilling. Funktionen kan
deaktiveres manuelt ved at trykke på Temperatur-
knappen på betjeningspanelet og holde den inde i
3 sekunder.
Led ON Led OFFLed ON Led OFF
high temp.
med-high temp.
medium temp.
med-low temp.
low temp.
høj temp.
middel-høj temp.
middel-lav temp.
lav temp.
Printed in Italy 01/16 - Whirlpool
Registered trademark/TM Trademark of Whirlpool group of companies - © Copyright Whirlpool Europe s.r.l. 2013. All rights reserved -
Download manual in English (PDF, 1.08 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Whirlpool SW8 2QW RN Refrigerator. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Whirlpool. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Whirlpool SW8 2QW RN Refrigerator in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Whirlpool
Model SW8 2QW RN
Category Refrigerators
File type PDF
File size 1.08 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Whirlpool SW8 2QW RN Refrigerator

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

If I want my refrigerator to be colder, should I choose for a higher or lower setting? Verified

With most refrigerators a higher setting means the machine will cool harder. With a lower setting, the machine will cool less hard and the temperature in the refrigerator will be higher.

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What is the best temperature setting for a refrigerator? Verified

From a health perspective temperatures between 3℃ and 4℃ are the best. At these temperatures the growth of bacteria and mold is limited.

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Can I change the opening direction of the door of my refrigerator? Verified

Yes, nearly all standing refrigerators offer the option to place the door on the other side. How to do this can generally be found in the manual.

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The drain hole in my refrigerator is dirty/clogged, how do I clean it? Verified

There are special cleaning devices to do this, but it is also possible to remove blockage or dirt with a cotton swab. To keep the drain hole clean and prevent smells it is advisable to put a drop of chlorine bleach in the drain 4 times a year.

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My refrigerator makes a bubbling sound, is that normal? Verified

Modern refrigerators make use of an environmentally friendly cooling agent. During the cooling process this substance turns into a gas, which can cause a bubbling and/or hissing sound. This is perfectly normal.

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What does '6th Sense' mean? Verified

Whirlpool appliances that are equipped with 6th Sense technology have sensors that ensure optimal operation of the machine. For example in dryers, these sensors measure the moisture left in the wash and stops the machine when everything is completely dry.

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Is it normal that water or ice drops are forming on the back wall of my refrigerator? Verified

Yes, this a completely normal phenomenom. The moisture that enters the refrigerator with warm air or products will settle on the coldest part, being the back wall. Because the back wall can reach temperatures below freezing, the drops will freeze from time to time. When the refrigerator is idle the drops will thaw and flow to the drain of the refrigerator.

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De door of my refrigerator will not close properly, why is that? Verified

The two most common causes are that the refrigerator is not level and that the door seal is damaged or has food remains on it. Make sure the refrigerator is level and check the door seal. Replace the seal if neccesary.

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I bought a new refrigerator, can I turn it on immediately? Verified

No, the refrigerator needs to stand in an upright position for at least 4 hours before it can be turned on. This is because the coolant liquid needs to settle.

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How much space should I leave betwee my refrigerator and the wall? Verified

To ensure a good ventilation it's best to leave at least 5cm of free space on both sides and the back of the refrigerator.

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How long does it take for my refrigerator to reach the set temperature after I turn it on? Verified

This depends on the size, age and model of the refrigerator. It may take several hours to 24 hours for the refrigerator to reach the set temperature. The process can be accelerated by placing non-perishable goods in the refrigerator. The temperature in the refrigerator cannot be measured properly by feeling the air inside. The best way to tell if the refrigerator has reached the set temperature is to place a glass of water in the refrigerator with a thermometer in it.

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Can I put warm food or drinks in my refrigerator? Verified

Preferably not. The temperature in your refrigerator will rise, which negatively impacts the other items that are stored inside.

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There is condensation in my refrigerator, why is that? Verified

There can be several causes. The door gasket can be defective, allowing outside air into the refrigerator. It's also possible that the refrigerator is not level, preventing the door from closing correctly. Another cause is a large difference between the temperature inside the refrigerator and outside while the door is being opened frequently.

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There is mold on the rubber seals of my refrigerator, what should I do? Verified

The rubber seals are not actually inside the refrigerator and are therefore warmer. This allows bacteria to grow and mold to form. Clean the rubbers regularly to prevent this.

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What is R-410A? Verified

R-410A is a cooling agent that is used in appliances that cool up to 0°C, like refrigerators and air conditioners. It is the replacement of older cooling agents and does not damage the ozon layer.

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What is the optimal temperature setting for my Whirlpool refrigerator? Verified

Whirpool advises to set the temperature at about 3°C to 4°C. Make sure that the temperature is not set below 0°C or above 7°C.

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Manual Whirlpool SW8 2QW RN Refrigerator

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