Manual Vango Omega 450XL Tent

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Montare i tre paletti e stenderli paralleli al suolo. Un paletto risulterà più lungo degli altri due.
Aprire il telo esterno e posizionarlo nella direzione richiesta
individuare i manicotti dei paletti sul telo esterno e inserirvi i paletti. I paletti e i relativi manicotti devono essere fatti corrispondere in base ai
Su un lato, collocare l'estremità di ogni paletto negli occhielli corrispondenti delle cinghie di fissaggio dei paletti.
Sul lato opposto, arcuare i paletti e collocarne le estremità negli occhielli corrispondenti delle cinghie di fissaggio dei paletti.
Tirare le cinghie da tensione alla base dei paletti
Attaccare i ganci del telo esterno ai paletti
Fissare i punti di ancoraggio regolabili a entrambi gli angoli di uno dei lati della tenda usando i picchetti forniti.
Tendere il telo esterno, tirandolo rispetto ai punti di ancoraggio, fino a che la tenda prende forma. Fissare i due punti di ancoraggio
regolabili sul lato opposto della tenda.
Fissare i paletti a terra attraverso gli anelli metallici e i restanti punti di ancoraggio del telo esterno.
Fissare TUTTI i tiranti.
Aprire la camera interna all'interno del telo esterno e posizionare la porta in modo che corrisponda con la veranda.
Cominciando dagli angoli posteriori della tenda, collegare i ganci elastici del telo impermeabile agli anelli corrispondenti del telo esterno.
Appendere la camera interna attaccando gli anelli elastici della camera interna ai ganci sul lato interno del telo esterno.
Per installare il telo impermeabile della veranda, agganciare il gancio del telo impermeabile agli anelli metallici alla base del lato esterno.
Assicurare le olivette attraverso gli anelli sopra al telo impermeabile.
Inserire le bande di tensione attraverso i punti di accesso corrispondenti nella camera interna della tenda (soffitto e pareti laterali).
Agganciare le cinghie con le fibbie a scatto.
Regolare la tensione delle cinghie TBS fino a eliminare il gioco
Le tasche per le bande di tensione permettono di riporle quando vengono utilizzate.
Zet de drie stokken in elkaar en leg ze parallel op de grond. Eén stok is langer dan de andere twee.
Open de buitenkant en positioneer in de gewenste richting
Lokaliseer de stoksleuven op de buitentent en steek de stokken er in. De stokken hebben kleuren die overeenkomen met de
overeenkomende stoksleuf openingen.
Steek aan een kant het einde van elke stok in het bijbehorende oogje op de stok ankerpunten.
Duw aan de andere kant de stokken in een boog en plaats de uiteinden in de overeenkomende stok ankerpunten.
Span alle spanbanden aan de basis van de stokken strak.
Bevestig buitentent klemmen aan stokken
Zet de verstelbare haringpunten aan beide hoeken van een kan van de tent vast met de bijgeleverde pin haringen.
Strek de buitentent strak, weg van de haringpunten, tot de tent vorm krijgt. Zet de twee verstelbare haringpunten aan de andere kant van
de tent vast.
Zet stokken vast door de metalen ringen en overgebleven buitentent haringpunten.
Zet ALLE spanbanden vast.
Open de binnentent binnen de buitentent en positioneer de deuropening om overeen te komen met de veranda
Begin bij de achterste hoeken van de tent, bevestig de elastische haken aan het grondzeil aan de overeenkomende ringen aan de
buitentent. Hang de binnentent op door de elastische lussen van de binnentent met klemmen aan de buitentent te bevestigen.
Klem de haak van het grondzeil aan de metalen ringen aan de basis van de buitentent. Zeker de knevels door de ringen aan de
bovenkant van het grondzeil.
Steek spanbanden door de overeenkomende toegangspunten in de binnentent (plafond en zijwanden). Verbind de banden met de
zijwaartse gespen.
Stel de spanning van de Spanband Systeem banden bij tot er geen speling meer is
Spanband zakken zijn verstrekt voor opslag wanneer deze niet gebruikt worden.
Poskládejte tři tyčky a položte je rovnoběžně na zem. Jedna tyčka bude delší než ty další dvě.Tyčky jsou barevně odlišeny tak, aby se barva
shodovala se štítkem na konci tunýlku .
Otevřete tropiko a umístěte jej v požadovaném směru
Na tropiku najděte rukávky do kterých vsuňte tyče. Tyče jsou barevně odlišeny podle značení na rukávcích
Na jedné straně umístěte konec každé tyče do příslušných oček na popruzích
Na opačné straně zatlačte tyče do oblouku a umístěte konce tyčí do příslušných oček na popruzích
Zatáhněte všechny stahovatelné popruhy na opěrném bodu tyček
Připněte svorky tropika na tyče
Zakolíkujte nastavitelné fixační body v obou rozích jednoho konce stanu pomocí dodaných kolíků
Pevně roztáhněte tropiko směrem od kolíkovacích bodů tak, až se stan vytvaruje. Zakolíkujte dva nastavitelné kolíkovací body na druhém
konci stanu.
Přikolíkujte tyčky skrz kovová kolečka a kolíkovací body zbytku tropika.
Přikolíkujte VŠECHNY napínací šňůry
Roztáhněte vnitřní stan vevnitř tropika a umístěte vchod tak, aby korespondoval s předsíňkou.
Začněte v zadních rozích stanu, připojte elastické háčky na podlážku k odpovídajícím kroužkům na tropiku. Zavěste vnitřní část tam, že
připojíte elastické poutko vnitřní části stanu na sponky na vnitřní straně tropika.
Abyste nainstalovali podlážku předsíňky připněte háček podlážky do kovových kroužků na dnu tropika. Zajistěte kolíčky skrz kroužky na
vrchní straně tropika.
Vložte spínací pásky skrz příslušné přístupové body do vnitřního stanu (strop a strana). Připojte popruhy na bočních stranách přezkami.
Nastavte napnutí popruhů tak, aby zmizelo povolení
Napínací pásky můžete skladovat v kapse, když je zrovna nepotřebujete.
Download manual in English (PDF, 0.13 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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Herman van kuijk 05-07-2021
Tent is 4 years break sticks where can get new ones

reply | This was helpful (0) (Translated by Google)

More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Vango Omega 450XL Tent. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Vango. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Vango Omega 450XL Tent in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Vango
Model Omega 450XL
Category Tents
File type PDF
File size 0.13 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Vango Omega 450XL Tent

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

Can I store my tent when it's wet? Verified

Only for very short periods of time. When a tent is stored while wet for a week or longer, it can get moldy. This is harmful for your tent and possibly your health.

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How do I impregnate a tent? Verified

Pitch the tent, clean the cloth and let it dry. Apply the impregnation agent on the cloth with a plant sprayer or other spray. It is also possible to use a paint roller or brush. The cloth needs to be fully saturated with the impregnation agent. Also treat the inside of the tent. Thoroughly clean any windows with a moist cloth. Do not let the impregnation agent dry on it. Let the tent cloth fully dry. Repeat the treatment if needed.

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Can I repair a tear or hole in the canvas of my tent myself? Verified

There are special pieces of self-adhesive patches of cloth available for synthetic tent canvases. Stick one of these patches on both sides of the hole or tear. For cotton tent canvases or mixed material tent canvases it's best to use patches that can be ironed on. This will require an iron.

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The zipper of my tent won't run smoothly, what can I do? Verified

When a zipper is running smoothly, use a dry PTFE spray or silicone spray. Do not spray onto the cloth and preventively spray to prevent future problems.

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There are water drops on the inside of the tent, does this mean it is leaking? Verified

No, this is probably condensation. Make sure the tent is properly ventilated to keep condensation at a minimum.

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What tent pegs are best to use for which surfaces? Verified

On grassland or forest surfaces you can use semi circular or plastic pegs. On rocky surfaces you need to use rock pegs. On clay surfaces you can use semi circular, plastic or universal pegs. On gravel surfaces you need semi circular or universal pegs and on sand you need to use wooden pegs.

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The impregnation agent leaves white stains or a white haze on the tent cloth, what can I do about this? Verified

If the agent leaves a white haze or white stains on the tent cloth, this means you have applied more impregnation agent on those areas. This is not harmful and the stains often disappear over time. It is not advisable to use less impregnation agent to prevent stains. The cloth needs to be fully saturated with the impregnation agent to give good results.

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Manual Vango Omega 450XL Tent