Manual Tylö CC20 Thermostat

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Art nr 29004132
Bruksanvisning för manöverpanel CC 20/CC 200...................................... Svenska sid 2.
Läs anvisningen tillsammans med instruktionerna för bastuaggregat resp ånggenerator. Inkoppling skall utföras
av behörig el-installatör. SPARA ANVISNINGEN! Efter installation överlämnas denna till bastun/steambadets ägare
eller till den som sköter anläggningen.
Operating instructions for control panel CC 20/CC 200........................... English page 6.
Please read this information together with the instructions supplied with the sauna heater or steam generator.
Installation work must be carried out by an authorised electrician. KEEP THIS INFORMATION IN A SAFE PLACE.
On completion of the installation work, please give these instructions to the owner or operator of the sauna/steam bath.
Gebrauchsanleitung für Kontrollgerät CC 20/CC 200........................... Deutsch Seite 10.
Benutzen Sie diese Anleitung zusammen mit den Instruktionen für Saunaöfen und Dampfgeneratoren.
Der elektrische Anschluß ist von einem Fachmann auszuführen. ANLEITUNG AUFBEWAHREN! Nach der
Installation ist diese Anleitung dem Sauna-/Dampfbadbesitzer oder Bedienungspersonal auszuhändigen.
Instr. mode d'emploi du tableau de commande CC 20/CC 200.............Français page 14.
Bien lire ce document ainsi que les instructions du poêle de sauna ou du générateur de vapeur. Les branchements
doivent être effectués par un électricien agréé. CONSERVER CE DOCUMENT! Après installation, le remettre au
propriétaire du sauna/hammam ou au responsable de l'entretien.
Bruksanvisning for manøversentral CC 20/CC 200.................................... Norsk side 18.
Les instruksjons- og bruksanvisningen for badstuovn og dampgenerator. Tilkobling skal utføres av autorisert
installatør. NB! TA VARE PÅ BRUKSANVISNINGEN! Etter installasjonen skal den leveres til eier av badstu/dampbad
eller til den som skal ha ansvar for driften av anlegget.
Brugsanvisning for manøvrepanel CC 20/CC 200...................................... Dansk side 22.
Læs brugsanvisningen sammen med instruktionerne for saunaovn resp. dampbad-generator. Installation
skal foretages af autoriseret el-installatør. GEM BRUGSANVISNINGEN! Efter installation afleveres brugs-
anvisningen til saunaens/dampbadets ejer eller til den ansvarlige for anlægget.
Asennus- ja käyttöohjeet, käyttötaulu CC 20/CC 200................................. Suomi sivu 26.
Lue nämä ohjeet samalla kuin saunakiukaan tai höyrygeneraattorinkin ohjeet. Asennuksen saa tehdä
vain pätevä sähköasentaja. SÄILYTÄ OHJEITA HYVIN! Anna ne asennuksen jälkeen saunan/höyrykylvyn
omistajalle tai laitteiston hoitajalle.
Gebruiksaanwijzing voor regelpaneel CC 20/CC 200.......................... Nederlands blz.30.
Lees deze aanwijzing samen met de instructies voor resp. de saunakachel en de stoomgenerator door. Laat alle
aansluitingen steeds door een erkend installateur uitvoeren. BEWAAR DEZE AANWIJZING! Geef ze na installatie
aan de eigenaar van de sauna/het stoombad of aan diegene die verantwoordelijk is voor het onderhoud.
Instrucc. de instalación y empleo para el panel de mando CC 20/CC 200. Español p.34.
Leer estas instrucciones junto con las instrucciones para la estufa de sauna o el baño de vapor. La instalación deberá
hacerla un electricista competente. ¡CONSERVAR LAS INSTRUCCIONES! Después de la instalación entregar estas
instrucciones al propietario o a la persona encargada del mantenimiento de la sauna o del baño de vapor.
Istruzioni per l'installazione e l'uso del pannello comandi CC 20/CC 200.Italiano pag. 38.
Leggere insieme le istruzioni sia per l'apparecchio delle sauna sia per il generatore di vapore. L'allacciamento deve essere
effettuato da un elettricista specializzato. CONSERVARE IL LIBRETTO DELLE ISTRUZIONI! Dopo il montaggio, questo dovrà
essere consegnato al proprietario della sauna o del bagno a vapore oppure al responsabile che accudisce al complesso.
Instruções de utilização do painel de controlo CC 20/CC 200....... Português página 42.
Leia estas instruções, juntamente com as instruções fornecidas com o aquecimento de sauna ou com o gerador de vapor.
O trabalho de instalação deve ser efectuado por um electricista habilitado. GUARDE ESTAS INFORMAÇÕES NUM LOCAL SEGURO.
Uma vez concluído o trabalho de instalação, entregue estas instruções ao proprietário ou à pessoa encarregada da sauna/banho de vapor.
ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ CC 20/CC 200........................................................... –ÛÒÒÍËÈ ˇÁ˚Í ÒÚ. 46.
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Download manual in English (PDF, 1.97 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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Here you can share what you think about the Tylö CC20 Thermostat. If you have a question, first carefully read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

Magnus Pettersson 28-01-2020
sat and basked when it snapped in the sauna since then the panel is dead. Is there any overload protection or fuse that has gone in the unit or in the panel?

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Angelo Ritrovato 23-06-2021
Why does only the water in the rear reservoir heat up and not the glow elements near the stones?

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Tylö CC20 Thermostat. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Tylo. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Tylö CC20 Thermostat in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Tylo
Model CC20
Category Thermostats
File type PDF
File size 1.97 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Tylö CC20 Thermostat

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

What is the dead zone of a thermostat? Verified

Many modern thermostats have a dead zone. If the temperature deviates less than 4°C from the set temperature, the system will not heat or cool. This so called dead zone of the thermostat prevents the system from turning on and off too often, saving energy.

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What is the best place to mount a thermostat? Verified

The best place for a thermostat is approximately 1,5 meter above the ground. Never place the thermostat nead a radiator or other heat emitting equipment or in direct sunlight. Choose a room that is used often. In most cases this is the living room.

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Manual Tylö CC20 Thermostat

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