Manual REV 25300 Time Switch

Need a manual for your REV 25300 Time Switch? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 1 frequently asked question, 15 comments and has 125 votes with an average product rating of 44/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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E. Buske 09-12-2020
Dear Sir or Madam, I thought that the pictures made it easy to set the timer. Unfortunately this is not the case. The description is incomprehensible and printed so small that it can hardly be read. Also because of the light print. It is very exhausting to read. Perhaps you can design the description in such a way that it is understandable for people who do not have that much knowledge of technology.

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Reinhard Lebersorger 03-12-2021
The instruction manual is very difficult to understand and understand. I don't understand how one can publish such a guide without testing it with many people first.

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Siegfried Wachter 23-11-2020
Functional life too short.

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Edelgard Meier 72 Jahre 19-12-2021
I have to agree with E.Buske, I thought it was because of my age or I'm not blonde at all

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Regina Meyer 09-01-2022
Hello, for years I've been trying to understand this damn manual without success. I think I will smash timers with a hammer this time and buy a product that is explained in an understandable way. Unfortunately, I bought several at the same time. It may be that the clock works well once you have managed to program it, but for that you have to study electronics. Regards, R. Meyer

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Wolfgang Merz 22-07-2022
it is a disaster to set this timer item 25300. The description is printed too small and everything is miserably described. Despite various attempts, I have not been able to get the timer to work. Unsuitable for the normal consumer. Buy me another product now. Kind regards

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Сергей 14-11-2019
I like. It works for a long time.

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Bernhard Gruber 16-02-2020
Dear Sir or Madam, The manufacturer has a product liability, the issue cannot simply be passed on to third parties, such as a Repair Cafe! Because only the instructions for repairs may be given there!

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Münir Saraç 04-09-2020
Hello there; I bought 1 of this product and I am very satisfied. I could not find this product in the market, where can I find it, can you give me information? What is the price?

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Michael Hartmann 11-09-2020
The program has recently stopped running. Since I have two and this one is displayed in the top right (probably an S), could it be related to that? If so, how does the S go away. Don't find anything in the instructions. thanks for your help

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Kasım 01-07-2022
rev 25300 How to set the time and date, I couldn't find a video

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Manfred Hörner 07-09-2022
REV 25300 Switching time 1 on MON-SUN 2:30 from MON-SUN 2:28 does not work, I just want to have a short break of 1-2 minutes at around 2:30 a.m. every night for the whole time (Mon-Sun). How do I program this? Thank you in advance for an answer. Many Thanks. Otherwise, the clock works great, although I have actually only had it in operation over the Christmas period and the turn of the year and the rest of the time it was in the basement. Manfred

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Ted Herold 05-12-2022
I can only agree with the negative opinions on the operating instructions for the time switch 25300! I've never read such an antisocial guide as this in my life! Either the developer didn't feel like it or he was just fed up with his job! But it would have been more honest if he had just written: Leave me alone! Without these "instructions" and simply following your intuition, you will reach your goal faster.

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Uwe 01-08-2023
You don't want to imagine what a Japanese would have done if they had developed this shit

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Basilio Montis 02-03-2024
Buongiorno, posso avere il manuale in ITALIANO? Ci sono 20 lingue ma non l'Italiano. Grace.

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your REV 25300 Time Switch. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact REV. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your REV 25300 Time Switch in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand REV
Model 25300
Category Time Switches
File type PDF
File size 9.27 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about REV 25300 Time Switch

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

My time switch makes a soft rattling noise, is that normal? Verified

Mechanical time switches have an internal mechanism that can produce a soft rattling noise. These time switches can also produce a clear click when turning on and off.

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Manual REV 25300 Time Switch

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