Manual Reebok ZR10 Treadmill

Need a manual for your Reebok ZR10 Treadmill? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 4 frequently asked questions, 11 comments and has 3 votes with an average product rating of 100/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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Heart Rate Program Setting
ZR10 Treadmill
Target zone (L-H)
Target zone (L-H)
Target zone (L-H)
Lowest Default Highest Lowest Default Highest Lowest Default Highest
15 128 133 138 15 149 154 159 15 169 174 179
16 128 133 138 16 148 153 158 16 168 173 178
17 127 132 137 17 147 152 157 17 168 173 178
18 126 131 136 18 147 152 157 18 167 172 177
19 126 131 136 19 146 151 156 19 166 171 176
20 125 130 135 20 145 150 155 20 165 170 175
21 124 129 134 21 144 149 154 21 164 169 174
22 124 129 134 22 144 149 154 22 163 168 173
23 123 128 133 23 143 148 153 23 162 167 172
24 122 127 132 24
142 147 152 24 162 167 172
25 122 127 132 25 141 146 151 25 161 166 171
26 121 126 131 26 141 146 151 26 160 165 170
27 120 125 130 27 140 145 150 27 159 164 169
28 120 125 130 28 139 144 149 28 158 163 168
29 119 124 129 29 138 143 148 29 157 162 167
30 119 124 129 30 138 143 148 30 157 162 167
31 118 123 128 31 137 142 147 31 156 161 166
32 117 122 127 32 136 141 146 32 155 160 165
33 117 122 127 33 135 140 145 33 154 159 164
34 116 121 126 34 135 140 145 34 153 158 163
35 115 120 125 35 134 139
144 35 152 157 162
36 115 120 125 36 133 138 143 36 151 156 161
37 114 119 124 37 132 137 142 37 151 156 161
38 113 118 123 38 132 137 142 38 150 155 160
39 113 118 123 39 131 136 141 39 149 154 159
40 112 117 122 40 130 135 140 40 148 153 158
41 111 116 121 41 129 134 139 41 147 152 157
42 111 116 121 42 129 134 139 42 146 151 156
43 110 115 120 43 128 133 138 43 145 150 155
44 109 114 119 44 127 132 137 44 145 150 155
45 109 114 119 45 126 131 136 45 144 149 154
46 108 113 118 46 126 131 136 46
143 148 153
47 107 112 117 47 125 130 135 47 142 147 152
Target zone (L-H)
Target zone (L-H)
Target zone (L-H)
Lowest Default Highest Lowest Default Highest Lowest Default Highest
48 107 112 117 48 124 129 134 48 141 146 151
49 106 111 116 49 123 128 133 49 140 145 150
50 106 111 116 50 123 128 133 50 140 145 150
51 105 110 115 51 122 127 132 51 139 144 149
52 104 109 114 52 121 126 131 52 138 143 148
53 104 109 114 53 120 125 130 53 137 142 147
54 103 108 113 54 120 125 130 54 136 141 146
55 102 107 112 55 119 124 129 55 135 140 145
56 102 107 112 56 118 123 128 56 134 139 144
57 101 106 111 57
117 122 127 57 134 139 144
58 100 105 110 58 117 122 127 58 133 138 143
59 100 105 110 59 116 121 126 59 132 137 142
60 99 104 109 60 115 120 125 60 131 136 141
61 98 103 108 61 114 119 124 61 130 135 140
62 98 103 108 62 114 119 124 62 129 134 139
63 97 102 107 63 113 118 123 63 128 133 138
64 96 101 106 64 112 117 122 64 128 133 138
65 96 101 106 65 111 116 121 65 127 132 137
66 95 100 105 66 111 116 121 66 126 131 136
67 94 99 104 67 110 115 120 67 125 130 135
68 94 99 104 68 109 114
119 68 124 129 134
69 93 98 103 69 108 113 118 69 123 128 133
70 93 98 103 70 108 113 118 70 123 128 133
71 92 97 102 71 107 112 117 71 122 127 132
72 91 96 101 72 106 111 116 72 121 126 131
73 91 96 101 73 105 110 115 73 120 125 130
74 90 95 100 74 105 110 115 74 119 124 129
75 89 94 99 75 104 109 114 75 118 123 128
76 89 94 99 76 103 108 113 76 117 122 127
77 88 93 98 77 102 107 112 77 117 122 127
78 87 92 97 78 102 107 112 78 116 121 126
79 87 92 97 79 101 106 111 79
115 120 125
80 86 91 96 80 100 105 110 80 114 119 124
RFE 5073_ZR10ConsoleManual_ALLLANGUAGES.indd 10-11 26/06/2012 12:09
Download manual in English (PDF, 17.02 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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Here you can share what you think about the Reebok ZR10 Treadmill. If you have a question, first carefully read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

Ahmed 20-10-2019
How to solve error 03 on the treadmill Reebok ZR10 Thank you

reply | This was helpful (17)
Kerry 06-12-2019
What is the distance measured in, kilometres or miles?

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Karen E 28-11-2020
Hi, my machine just stopped working - and tripped the electric. Power is going in but it’s showing no sign of firing up and no lights on the LCD screen?? I’ve checked all wires and none are loose - what next?

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Lourenço Ferreira 25-06-2019
I would like to request information if this treadmill in the engine assembly has a fuse

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David 21-10-2019
What are the Reebok zr10 packaging sizes

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Gordon 27-06-2020
Big! the box was heavy 97 Kg. I didn't measure it but from recollection about 2m long by 1m wide by 50cm high. lots of polystyrene packaging inside

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Dave lil 12-01-2020
How to solve error 03 on treadmill

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Emma Hewlett 17-06-2020
Can someone please help me, how do I move the treadmill? I see it has wheels but am cautious with what to do.. thanks

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Gordon 27-06-2020
You lift the running track up from the back end. It's on a gas strut so makes it easy to lift. When fully raised it will lock in place. You then use the locked running track as a lever and pull/push down on it. (a bit like a see-saw) The front (console end) will lift as you pull the back end down and as its fairly well balanced you can then wheel it around. Once in position there is a collar on the gas strut to release it the deck. move it a few centimetres (with your foot) to lower the base

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David 09-01-2021
Hi every time I switch it on the display screen flickers and beeps on my zr10 treadmill and it won’t allow me to use the machine

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Benrokia 13-05-2021
Hello please ic u12 name for reebook zr10 treadmill

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Reebok ZR10 Treadmill. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Reebok. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Reebok ZR10 Treadmill in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Reebok
Model ZR10
Category Treadmills
File type PDF
File size 17.02 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Reebok ZR10 Treadmill

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

What muscles are trained when using a treadmill? Verified

When correctly using a treadmill you train back, abdominal, gluteal and leg muscles.

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The belt on my treadmill slips, what should I do? Verified

If the belt on the treadmill slips, it might be a sign that it is too loose and needs to be tightened. Consult the manual of your specific treadmill to learn how to tighten the belt on your model.

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How much exercise does an average adult need? Verified

As an adult it is a good idea to perform moderately intensive exercise for a total ot at least 2.5 hours a week. Ideally this is spread out over several days.

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What is the maximum heart rate during exercise? Verified

In general you can take a heart rate of 220 and deduct your age. So for a person aged 48 the maximum heart rate would be 220 minus 48 equaling 172. If you are unsure of your personal condition, be sure to consult your doctor.

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Manual Reebok ZR10 Treadmill

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