Manual Kettler Kinetic F3 Multi-gym

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D 1. Beinstrecken
Ausgangsposition: Rücken gerade an das
Polster anlehnen. Untere Curl-Rolle oberhalb
des Sprunggelenks, Fußspitze anziehen.
Kniegelenksachse auf Höhe der Geräteachse.
Bewegungsausführung: Bein strecken, an-
schließend kontrolliert absenken.
Beanspruchte Muskulatur: Beinstrecker
GB 1. Leg Extension
Starting position: upright posture with back against back rest.
The lower curl roller is just above the ankle joint. Raise tip of
foot. Axis of knee joint at level of apparatus axis.
Movement: Stretch leg then lower it slowly again.
Muscles used: Leg-stretching muscles
F 1. Extension des jambes
Position de départ: adossez-vous, le dos bien droit, au dossier
rembourré. Rouleau inférieur à curls, au-dessus de l’articulation
de la cheville, pointe des pieds tirée vers l’arrière. Axe de
l’articulation du genou à hauteur de l’axe de l’appareil.
Exécution du mouvement: étirez les jambes, abaissez-les ensuite
de façon contrôlée.
Muscles sollicités: quadriceps
NL 1. Beenstrekken
Uitgangspositie: de rug recht tegen het kussen plaatsen. De on-
derste curl-rol boven het spronggewricht plaatsen, de punt van
de voet aangespannen. De as van het kniegewricht ter hoogte
van de as van het apparaat.
Beweging: been strekken en vervolgens gecontroleerd laten zak-
Gebruikte spieren: dijbeenspieren
E 1. Extensión de piernas
Posición inicial: apoyar la espalda recta contra el respaldo.
Barra de curl inferior por encima de la articulación tibiotarsiana,
alzar la punta del pie. Eje de la rodilla a la altura del eje del
Movimiento: estirar la pierna y bajarla de forma controlada.
Músculos utilizados: extensores de pierna
I 1. Estensione gambe
Posizione di partenza: tenere la schiena diritta e appoggiata
allo schienale. Il rullo curl inferiore è al di sopra della caviglia,
tendere le punte dei piedi. L’asse dell’articolazione delle ginoc-
chia è all’altezza dell’asse dell’attrezzo.
Esecuzione del movimento: tendere le gambe poi abbassarle in
modo controllato.
Muscolatura sollecitata: estensore della gamba
8 9
D 2. Beinbeugen
Ausgangsposition: Stand mit Gesicht zum
Gerät. Untere Curl-Rolle auf Höhe der
Achillessehne. Obere Curl-Rolle über der
Kniescheibe. Fußspitzen angezogen.
Bewegungsausführung: Ferse zum Gesäß zie-
Beanspruchte Muskulatur: Beinbeuger, Gesäß -
GB 2. Leg Curl
Starting position: Stand facing the apparatus. The lower curl rol-
ler is at the level of the Achilles tendon. The upper curl roller is
just above the knee cap. The tips of the feet are raised.
Movement: Pull the ankle up towards the seat.
Muscles used: Leg-bending muscles, seat muscles
F 2. Flexion des jambes
Position de départ : debout, le visage tourné vers l’appareil.
Rouleau inférieur à curls à hauteur du tendon d’Achille. Rouleau
supérieur à curls au-dessus de la rotule. Pointes des pieds tirées
vers l’arrière.
Exécution du mouvement : tirez le talon vers le fessier.
Muscles sollicités : ischios-jambiers, muscles fessiers
NL 2. Beenbuigen
Uitgangspositie: met het gezicht naar het apparaat gaan staan.
De onderste curl-rol ter hoogte van de achillespees. Bovenste
curl-rol boven de knieschijf. De punt van de voet aangespannen.
Beweging: de hiel naar het achterwerk trekken.
Gebruikte spieren: hamstrings, bilspieren
E 2. Flexión de piernas
Posición inicial: colocarse con la cara hacia el aparato. Barra
de curl inferior a la altura del tendón de Aquiles. Barra de curl
superior por encima de la rótula. Alzar la punta del pie.
Movimiento: tirar del talón hacia los glúteos.
Músculos utilizados: flexores de pierna, músculos glúteos
I 2. Flessione gambe
Posizione di partenza: in piedi con il viso rivolto all’attrezzo. Il
rullo curl inferiore è all’altezza del tendine d’Achille. Il rullo curl
superiore è al di sopra della rotula. Le punte dei piedi sono tese.
Esecuzione del movimento: tirare il tallone verso i glutei.
Muscolatura sollecitata: flessore della gamba, muscolatura dei
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We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Kettler Kinetic F3 Multi-gym. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Kettler. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Kettler Kinetic F3 Multi-gym in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Kettler
Model Kinetic F3
Category Multi-gyms
File type PDF
File size 2.55 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Kettler Kinetic F3 Multi-gym

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

How much exercise does an average adult need? Verified

As an adult it is a good idea to perform moderately intensive exercise for a total ot at least 2.5 hours a week. Ideally this is spread out over several days.

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What is the maximum heart rate during exercise? Verified

In general you can take a heart rate of 220 and deduct your age. So for a person aged 48 the maximum heart rate would be 220 minus 48 equaling 172. If you are unsure of your personal condition, be sure to consult your doctor.

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Manual Kettler Kinetic F3 Multi-gym

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