Manual JBL Tune 560BT Headphone

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Commutation aisée entre les appareils
1. Coupler et connecter le casque avec le 1er dispositif (Voir la section 3 sur la connexion Bluetooth)
2. Coupler et connecter le casque avec le 2e dispositif Bluetooth
3. Se connecter au périphérique bluetooth
Choisir «JBL TUNE560BT» pour se connecter
Éléments à noter:
a. Un maximum de 2appareils peuvent être connectés simultanément
b. Pour modifier la source de musique, mettre en pause la musique sur le dispositif actuel et sélectionner
lancer sur le 2e périphérique.
c. Les appels téléphoniques ont toujours la priorité.
d. Si un appareil est hors de portée du Bluetooth ou de est hors tension, vous devrez peut-être
reconnecter manuellement le dispositif restant. Voir Section7 Étape3
Intercambio perfecto entre dispositivos
1. Emparejar y conectar los auriculares con el primer dispositivo (consulte la sección 3 Conexión
2. Emparejar y conectar los auriculares con el segundo dispositivo Bluetooth
3. Conexión con un dispositivo Bluetooth
Seleccione "JBL TUNE560BT" para conectarse
Elementos a tener en cuenta:
a. Es posible conectar dos dispositivos simultáneamente como máximo
b. Para cambiar la fuente de la música, pause la música en el dispositivo actual y seleccione la
reproducción en el segundo dispositivo.
c. Las llamadas telefónicas siempre tienen prioridad.
d. Si un dispositivo sale del alcance de Bluetooth o se apaga, es posible que deba
volver a conectar el otro dispositivo manualmente. Consulte la sección 7, paso 3.
Nahtloser Wechsel zwischen verschiedenen Geräten
1. Kopple und verbinde den Kopfhörer mit dem ersten Gerät (siehe Abschnitt 3: Bluetooth-Verbindung)
2. Kopple und verbinde den Kopfhörer mit dem zweiten Bluetooth-Gerät
3. Stelle die Verbindung mit dem Bluetooth-Gerät her
Wähle “JBL TUNE560BT” aus, um das Gerät zu verbinden
a. Es können maximal 2 Geräte gleichzeitig angeschlossen werden
b. Um die Musikquelle zu wechseln, pausiere die Musikwiedergabe auf dem aktuellen Gerät und wähle
'Play' auf dem zweiten Gerät aus.
c. Ein Telefonanruf erhält immer die Priorität.
d. Falls ein Gerät den Bluetooth-Bereich verlässt oder sich ausschaltet, muss das andere Gerät eventuell
manuell erneut verbunden werden. Siehe Abschnitt 7: Schritt 3.
Passaggio immediato fra diversi dispositivi
1. Abbinare e collegare la cuffia col 1° dispositivo (vedere Sezione 3 Collegamento Bluetooth)
2. Abbinare e collegare la cuffia col 2° dispositivo bluetooth
3. Collegamento ad un dispositivo bluetooth
Scegliere"JBL TUNE560BT" per collegare
Elemento da notare:
a. E' possibile collegare in contemporanea massimo 2 dispositivi
b. Per cambiare sorgente musicale, mettere in pausa la musica sul dispositivo corrente e selezionare
play sul 2° dispositivo.
c. Le telefonate avranno sempre la priorità.
d. Se un dispositivo va fuori dalla portata del Bluetooth o si spegne, potrebbe essere necessario
ricollegare manualmente il dispositivo rimanente. Vedere Sezione 7, Passo 3
Probleemloos schakelen tussen apparaten
1. De hoofdtelefoon koppelen en aansluiten op het eerste apparaat (zie Sectie 3 Bluetooth-verbinding)
2. De hoofdtelefoon koppelen en aansluiten op het tweede Bluetooth-apparaat
3. Aansluiten op Bluetooth-apparaat
Selecteer “JBL TUNE560BT” om verbinding te maken
Let op het volgende:
a. Maximaal 2 apparaten kunnen tegelijkertijd worden aangesloten
b. Om naar een andere muziekbron te schakelen, de muziek op het huidige apparaat afspelen en
weergave op het tweede apparaat selecteren.
c. Telefoonoproepen hebben altijd prioriteit.
d. Als een apparaat buiten bereik van Bluetooth komt of wordt uitgeschakeld, kan het nodig zijn om het
andere apparaat handmatig opnieuw aan te sluiten. Zie Sectie 7 Stap 3.
Bytt sømløst mellom enheter
1. Par og koble til hodetelefonene med første enheten (Se avsnitt 3 Bluetooth-tilkobling)
2. Par og koble til hodetelefonene med andre bluetooth-enhet
3. Koble til Bluetooth-enhet
Velg "JBL TUNE560BT" for å koble til
Elementer å legge merke til:
a. Maks 2 enheter kan kobles til samtidig
b. Hvis du vil bytte musikkilden, pause musikken på den aktuelle enheten og velg spill av på den andre
c. Anrop vil alltid ha prioritet.
d. Hvis en enhet kommer utenfor bluetooth-rekkevidde eller slår seg, kan det hende du trenger å koble til
den gjenværende enheten på nytt manuelt. Se kapittel 7, trinn 3.
Vaihda saumattomasti laitteiden välillä.
1. Yhdistä kuulokkeet lähdelaitteeseen. (katso kappale 3 Bluetooth-yhteys)
2. Muodosta yhteys kuulokkeiden ja 2. bluetooth-laitteen välillä
3. Liitä Bluetooth-laitteeseen
Valitse "JBL TUNE560BT" yhteyden muodostamiseksi
Pidä mielessä seuraavat asiat:
a. Samanaikaisesti voidaan kytkeä enintään 2 laitetta
b. Voit vaihtaa musiikinlähteen keskeyttämällä musiikin nykyisessä laitteessa ja valitsemalla toista 2.
c. Puhelut ovat aina ensi sijalla
d. Jos yksi laite on bluetooth-alueen ulkopuolella, jäljellä oleva laite on kytkettä manuaalisesti uudelleen.
Katso osio 7 vaihe 3.
Smidigt att växla mellan enheter
1. Parkoppla och anslut hörlurarna med den första enheten (se avsnitt 3 Bluetooth-anslutning)
2. Parkoppla och anslut hörlurarna med den andra Bluetooth-enheten
3. Anslut Bluetooth-enhet
Välj "JBL TUNE560BT" för att ansluta
a. Högst två enheter kan vara anslutna samtidigt
b. Byt musikkälla genom att pausa musiken på den aktuella enheten och därefter spela upp musik på
den andra enheten.
c. Telefonsamtal prioriteras alltid.
d. Om en av enheterna hamnar utanför Bluetooth-området eller stängs av kan du behöva återansluta
den andra enheten manuellt. Se avsnitt 7, steg 3.
Skift problemfrit imellem enheder
1. Danne par og forbinde hovedtelefonen med den 1. enhed (se afsnit 3 Bluetooth-forbindelse)
2. Danne par og forbinde hovedtelefonen med den 2. Bluetooth-enhed
3. Forbinde til Bluetooth-enhed
Vælg "JBL TUNE560BT" for at forbinde
a. Du kan højst forbinde 2 enheder simultant
b. Til at skifte musikkilde, sætte musikken på pause på den aktuelle enhed og vælge afspilning på den 2.
c. Telefonopkald vil altid have prioritet.
d. Hvis en enhed går ud af bluetooth-området eller slukkes, skal du muligvis forbinde den tilbageblivende
enhed manuelt igen. Se afsnit 7 trin 3.
Z łatwością przełączaj się między urządzeniami
1. Sparuj i połącz słuchawki z pierwszym urządzeniem (patrz Rozdział 3. Połączenie Bluetooth)
2. Sparuj i połącz słuchawki z drugim urządzeniem Bluetooth
3. Połącz z urządzeniem Bluetooth
Wybierz "JBL TUNE560BT", aby się połączyć
a. Jednocześnie można połączyć tylko 2 urządzenia.
b. Aby przełączyć źródło muzyki, wstrzymaj jej odtwarzania na bieżącym urządzeniu i wybierz
odtwarzanie na drugim.
c. Rozmowa telefoniczna zawsze jest priorytetowa.
d. Jeśli urządzenie utraci zasięg łączności Bluetooth lub wyłączy się, można ręcznie połączyć pozostałe
urządzenia. Patrz Rozdział 7 Krok 3.
Легкое переключение между устройствами
1. Создайте пару и установите соединение наушников с 1-м устройством (см. раздел 3 ""Соединение через
2. Создайте пару и установите соединение наушников со 2-м устройством
3. Соединение с устройством Bluetooth
Выберите "JBL TUNE560BT" для подключения
a. Одновременно может быть подключено не более 2 устройств
b. Чтобы выбрать другой источник музыки, приостановите воспроизведение музыки на текущем
устройстве и начните воспроизведение на 2-м.
c. Телефонный звонок всегда имеет приоритет.
d. Если устройство выходит из диапазона действия Bluetooth или выключается, может понадобиться
повторное подключение оставшегося устройства вручную. См. раздел 7, шаг 3.
Alterna facilmente entre dispositivos
1. Emparelhe os fones com o primeiro dispositivo. Consulte a Seção 3 (Conexão Bluetooth)
2. Emparelhe os fones com o segundo dispositivo Bluetooth.
3. Conexão com dispositivo Bluetooth
Selecione “JBL TUNE560BT” para se conectar
Observações importantes:
a. Até dois dispositivos podem ser conectados ao mesmo tempo
b. Para trocar a fonte de sinal, pause a música no dispositivo em uso e selecione Play no outro
c. As chamadas telefônicas sempre têm prioridade.
d. Se um dispositivo sair do alcance do Bluetooth ou for desligado, pode ser necessário reconectar
manualmente o outro dispositivo. Consulte a Etapa 3 na Seção 7.
Beralih antarperangkat tanpa hambatan
1. Pasangkan dan hubungkan headphone dengan perangkat pertama (lihat Bagian 3 Koneksi Bluetooth)
2. Pasangkan dan hubungkan headphone dengan perangkat bluetooth kedua
3. Hubungkan ke perangkat bluetooth
Pilih “JBL TUNE560BT” untuk menyambung
Poin yang harus dicatat:
a. Jumlah maksimum perangkat yang dapat dihubungkan secara bersamaan adalah 2 perangkat
b. Untuk beralih sumber musik, hentikan sementara musik di perangkat yang sedang berjalan dan pilih
tombol putar di perangkat kedua.
c. Panggilan telepon akan selalu diutamakan.
d. Jika satu perangkat keluar dari jangkauan bluetooth atau dimatikan, Anda perlu menghubungkan
ulang perangkat lainnya secara manual. Lihat Bagian 7 Langkah 3.
1. 1台目のデバイスにヘッドホンをペアにして接続 (セクション3 Bluetooth 接続をご覧ください)
2. 2台目のBluetooth対応機器にヘッドホンをペアにして接続してください。
3. Bluetooth対応機器に接続
接続するには「JBL TUNE560BT」を選択
a. 同時に最高2台のデバイスまで接続が可能です
b. 音楽ソースを切り替えるには、現在使用中のデバイスの音楽を一時停止し、2台目のデバイスで再
c. 通話は常に優先します。
d. 1台のデバイスがBluetoothの圏外にある、または電源が切れている場合、もう1台を手動で再接続
끊김없는 장치 전환
1. 헤드폰을 첫 번째 장치에 페어링 및 연결합니다. (섹션 3 Bluetooth 연결 참조)
2. 헤드폰을 두 번째 Bluetooth 장치에 페어링 및 연결합니다.
3. Bluetooth 장치 연결
연결할 "JBL TUNE560BT" 선택
참고 품목:
a. 최대 장치 2개와 동시에 연결할 수 있습니다
b. 음원을 전환하려면 현재 장치에서 재생 중인 음악을 일시 중지하고 두 번째 장치에서 재생을 선택하십시오.
c. 전화가 우선 처리됩니다.
d. 장치가 Bluetooth 범위를 벗어나거나 전원이 꺼질 경우 남은 장치를 직접 재연결해야 할 수 있습니다.
(섹션 7 3단계 참조)
1. 为耳机和 1 号设备配对并连接。(参阅第 3 节蓝牙连接)
2. 为耳机和 2 号蓝牙设备配对并连接。
3. 连接蓝牙设备
选择 "JBL TUNE560BT" 以连接
a. 最多可同时连接 2 台设备
b. 要切换音乐源,请暂停当前设备上的音乐并选择 2 号设备以播放。
c. 通话总是优先。
d. 如果设备不在蓝牙范围以内或电源关闭,您可能需要手动重新连接剩下的设备。 参见第 7 节的步骤 3。
1. 配對並將耳機與第 1 個裝置連接(請參閱第 3 節 Bluetooth 連接)
2. 配對並將耳機與第 2 個 Bluetooth 裝置連接
3. 連接至 Bluetooth 裝置
選擇「JBL TUNE560BT」以進行連接
a. 同時可以連接最多 2 個裝置
b. 若要切換音樂來源,暫停目前裝置上的音樂,然後選擇第 2 個裝置上的播放按鈕。
c. 通話將始終優先。
d. 若一個裝置超出 Bluetooth 範圍或斷電,您可能需要手動重新連接剩餘裝置。 請參閱第 7 節第 3 步。
םירישכמ ןיב תולקב רובע
Bluetooth           .
 Bluetooth-      .
Blurtooth   .
  JBL TUNEBT 
בל תמושתל
-       .a
.  play      pause    ,   .b
.     .c
  .         ,  bluetooth      .d
  
ةﺰﻬﺟﻷا ﺑ ﺔﻟﻮﻬﺴﺑ ﻞﻘﻨﺘﻟا
(ثﻮﺗﻮﻠﺒﻟا ﱪﻋ لﺎﺼﺗﻻا ٣ ﻢﺴﻘﻟا ﺮﻈﻧا) لوﻷا زﺎﻬﺠﻟﺎﺑ ﺎﻬﻠﺻوو سأﺮﻟا ﺔﻋﺳ نﺮﻗأ .
ﺎﺜﻟا زﺎﻬﺠﻟﺎﺑ ﺎﻬﻠﺻوو سأﺮﻟا ﺔﻋﺳ نﺮﻗأ .
ثﻮﺗﻮﻠﺑ زﺎﻬﺠﺑ ﻞﻴﺻﻮﺘﻟا .
لﺎﺼﺗﻼﻟJBL TUNEBTﱰﺧا
:ﺎﻬﺗﺎﻋاﺮﻣ ﺐﺠﻳ رﻮﻣأ
ﺪﺣاو ﺖﻗو ﰲ ﻦﻳزﺎﻬﺟ ﻦﻣ ﻛأ ﻞﻴﺻﻮﺗ ﻦﻜ ﻻ .a
.ﺎﺜﻟا زﺎﻬﺠﻟا ﲆﻋ ﻞﻴﻐﺸﺗ دﺪﺣو ﱄﺎﺤﻟا زﺎﻬﺠﻟا ﲆﻋ ﺎ
ﺘﻗﺆﻣ ﻰﻘﻴﺳﻮﳌا ﻒﻗوأ ،ﻰﻘﻴﺳﻮﳌا رﺪﺼﻣ ﻞﻳﻮﺤﺘﻟ .b
ﻣود ﺔﻳﻮﻟوﻷا ﺔﻴﻔﺗﺎﻬﻟا تﻻﺎﺼﺗﻻا ﺬﺧﺄﺗ .c
. ةﻮﻄﺨﻟا ﻢﺴﻘﻟا ﺮﻈﻧا .ﺎ
ﻳوﺪﻳ ﻲﻘﺒﺘﳌا زﺎﻬﺠﻟا ﻞﻴﺻﻮﺗ ةدﺎﻋإ ﱃإ جﺎﺘﺤﺗ ﺎر ،ﻪﻓﺎﻘﻳإ ﻢﺗ وأ قﺎﻄﻨﻟا ﻦﻣ ﻦﻳزﺎﻬﺠﻟا ﺪﺣأ جﺮﺧ لﺎﺣ ﰲ .d
Download manual in English (PDF, 4.35 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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Kadir Takan 04-07-2021
The blue light is flashing, why can't it connect when you turn it on?

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Mario Hatz 25-07-2021
No connection despite the described procedure. What should I do.

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Martina 09-11-2021
Good evening, my headphones (jbl tune560bt) turn on quietly but all devices do not detect it, there is white light and when I try to turn them off it remains at least that I do not press the off button for more than 10 sec. I tried to reset them and the light flashes and turns blue but still nothing is solved :(

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Gus 10-04-2022
You solved?

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виктор николаевич 30-05-2021
you can charge TUNE% ^) BT from a mobile phone charger, which means a red and flashing white light near the power button. where to get instructions in Russian.

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Antonio R 28-04-2021
how can it be connected to the computer

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Oktay 09-12-2021
When the jbl t560bt device is turned on, it does not see bluetooth on the phone, after a while the blue light flashes

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Конюшен Игорь 27-11-2022
You need to turn it off and on several times, and if it doesn’t work, put it on charge and it will automatically reboot

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Polat 27-09-2021
Do you have Active Noise Canceling?

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Giacomo 16-09-2022
Can they be connected to a bluetooth tower? If so, how Thank you

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Abdoul Diarra 09-11-2021
There is a pillow that doesn't work, please help me

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Конюшен Игорь 27-11-2022
You just need to turn up the volume and it will work again, but if it doesn’t work, then it’s just that the headphones are broken

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Nanick 28-12-2021
Can we have sound on the television and in the headphones at the same time? thank you for the answer

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Tom 13-09-2022
Sound on the TV and headphones at the same time, is that possible????

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Tayyar Erkoç 06-03-2023
Can we connect the headphones to the TV and listen to the sound from the TV and headphones at the same time? What is the path to follow for this? Thanks

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Ecrin 08-07-2023
The product is good, but when you connect, there is a sizzling sound, what can I do?

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Max 20-07-2023
Someone connected to my headphones, how to collect the headphone settings in this case?

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Semanur 29-02-2024
Hello, should this blue light be on constantly? Can we turn it off or is it normal? I would be very happy if you could inform me in this way, thank you in advance.

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Matvii stechyshyn 05-04-2024
The headphones do not turn on when I put them on the charger, the red light flashes, what should I do?

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your JBL Tune 560BT Headphone. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact JBL. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your JBL Tune 560BT Headphone in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand JBL
Model Tune 560BT
Category Headphones
File type PDF
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Frequently Asked Questions about JBL Tune 560BT Headphone

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

When I connect a headphone to my device it doesn't work properly, what can I do? Verified

It is possible that dirt has amassed in the opening where the headphone is connected, preventing it from making proper contact. The best way to clean this is with compressed air. When in doubt, have this done by a professional.

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When is my music too loud? Verified

Sounds over 80 decibel (dB) can start to damage hearing. Sounds over 120 dB immediately damage hearing. The severity of the damage depens on how often and how long the sound is present.

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What is Noise Cancelling? Verified

Noise Canceling is a technique that is mainly used in headphones. Active noise control is used to lower or eliminate the influence of ambient noise.

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Does bluetooth work through walls and ceilings? Verified

A bluetooth signal will work through walls and ceiling, unless these are made from metal. Depending on the thickness and the material of the wall the signal can lose in strength.

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Up to what noise level is it safe for children? Verified

Children get their hearing damaged quicker than adults. Therefore it is important to never expose children to noise louder than 85dB. In the case of headphones there are special models for children. In case of speakers or other situations you have to be watchful the noise does not exceed that level.

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Can I wrap the cord around the device after use? Verified

It's better not to do this, because it can damage the cord. The best thing to do is wrap the cord the way it was when the product was packaged.

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Manual JBL Tune 560BT Headphone

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