Manual Candy FXLP649RX Oven

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Safety Instructıons
1. General warnings
1.1 Declaration of compliance
1.2 Safety hints
1.3 Recommendations
1.4 Installation
1.5 Electrical connection
2. Accessories
2.1 Oven equipment
2.2 Rotisserie
2.3 U-SEE
2.4 Removing and cleaning wire racks
3. Cleaning the oven
4. Description of the display
4.1 Before using the oven for the first time
4.2 Using the end of cooking timer
4.3 Setting The Correct Time
4.4 Use Of Touch Control Clock Programmer
4.5 How to use the oven
4.6 Cooking tips
5. Service centre
Instruccıones Para Un Uso Seguro
1. Advertencias Generales
1.1 Declaracıon De Cumplımıento
1.2 Consejos De Segurıdad
1.3 Recomendacıones
1.4 Instalacıón
1.5 Conexıón Eléctrıca
2. Tecnología Pro/exp’r (depende Del Modelo)
2.1 Equıpo Del Horno (depende Del Modelo)
2.2 Asador (depende Del Modelo)
2.3 U-SEE (depende Del Modelo)
2.4 Extracción y limpieza de las guías laterales
3. Lımpıeza Del Horno
4. Descrıpcıón De La Pantalla
4.1 Antes De Utılızar El Horno Por Prımera Vez
4.2 Uso del temporızador
4.3 Ajuste De La Hora
4.4 Temporizador Táctil
4.5 Cómo Utılızar El Horno
4.6 Consejos De cocción
5. Servicio Técnico
Indıcazıonı Dı Sıcurezza
1. Avvertenze Generali
1.1 Dichiarazione Di Conformità
1.2 Suggerimenti Sulla Sicurezza
1.3 Raccomandazioni
1.4 Installazione
1.5 Collegamenti Elettrici
2. Tecnologia Pro/exp'r
2.1 Accessori Del Forno
2.2 Girarrosto
2.3 U-SEE
Rimozione E Pulizia Delle Griglie
3. Pulizia Del Forno
4. Descrizione Del Display
4.1 Prima Di Utilizzare İl Forno Per La Prima Volta
4.2 Uso del temporızzatore
4.3 Regolazıone Ora
4.4 Timer Elettronico A Sfioramento
4.5 Come Utilizzare Il Forno
4.6 Suggerimenti Per La Cottura
5. Assistenza Tecnica
Instrukcje Bezpıeczeństwa
1. Wskazówki Ogólne
1.1 Deklaracja Zgodności
1.2 Wskazówki Dotyczące Bezpieczeństwa
1.3 Zalecenia
1.4 Instalacja
1.5 Podłączenie Elektryczne
2. Technologia Pro/expr (W Zależności Od Modelu)
2.1 Wyposażenıe Piekarnika (W Zależności Od Modelu)
2.2 Rożen (W Zależności Od Modelu)
2.3 Oświetlenie Diodowe Led (W Zależności Od Modelu)
2.4 Demontaż i czyszczenie drabinek
3. Czyszczenie Pıekarnika
4. Panel Sterowania
4.1 Przed Użyciem Piekarnika Po Raz Pierwszy
4.2 Korzystanie z wyłącznika konca pieczenia
4.3 Ustawianie Zegara
4.4 Zegar Dotykowy
4.5 Używanie Piekarnika
4.6 Wskazówki Dotyczące Pieczenia
5. Centrum Serwisowe
Bezpečnostní Pokyny
1. Všeobecna Upozorněni
1.1 Prohlašeni O Shodě
1.2 Bezpečnostni Tipy
1.3 Doporučeni
1.4 Instalace
1.5 Přıpojeni K Elektricke Siti
2. Pro/exp'r Technologie
2.1 Vybaveni Trouby
2.2 Rožeň
2.3 U-SEE
2.4 Vyjmutí a čištění drátěných úrovní roštů
3. Čıštěnı Trouby
4. Popıs Displeje
4.1 Před Prvnim Použitim Trouby
4.2 Použiti Časovače Na Ukončeni Doby Přıpravy
4.2 Použiti Trouby
4.3 Nastavení Správného Času
Využití Času Dotykové Ovládání Programmer - Programování
4.5 Použití Trouby
4.6 Typy K Pečeni
5. Servısnı Středısko
Правила Техники Безопасности
1. Общие Меры Предосторожности
1.1 Декларация Соответствия
1.2 Меры Предосторожности
1.3 Рекомендации
1.4 Установка
1.5 Подключение К Электросети
2. Технология Pro/exp'r
2.1 Принадлежности Духовки
2.2 Вертел
2.3 Светодиодное Освещение
2.4 Демонтаж и очистка металлических направляющих
3. Чистка Духовки
4. Описание Дисплея
4.1 Перед Первым Использованием Духовки
4.2 Иcποль30bahиetaйmepa Okohчahия Bpemehи
4.4 Таймер С Сенсорным Управлением
4.5 Как Пользоваться Духовкой
4.6 Советы По Приготовлению Пищи
5. Сервисный Центр
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We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Candy FXLP649RX Oven. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Candy. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Candy FXLP649RX Oven in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Candy
Model FXLP649RX
Category Ovens
File type PDF
File size 4.89 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Candy FXLP649RX Oven

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

My oven does not get warm enough, what should I do? Verified

The thermostat makes sure the ovens heats up to the designated temperature. It is likely that the thermostat is defective. Have it replaced. When in doubt, contact the manufacturer.

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What is pyrolysis? Verified

Some ovens are equipped with a pyrolysis function. This is a cleaning system that burns dirt and fat in the oven by using very high temperatures. After pyrolysis, all the dirt will have turned to ash and can be easily removed. If the oven has a pyrolysis function, it is advisable to use it 3 to 4 times a year to keep the oven clean.

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Can I prepare several items simultaneously by using more grill trays? Verified

Technically this is possible. However, it depends on the type of food if you need to adjust the preparation time or swap the trays halfway during the preparation.

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When I use the oven there often food remains that fall on the bottom, causing smoke. How can I prevent this? Verified

Many ovens come with both a grid and a baking tray. When food is prepared on the grid, the baking tray can be placed on the bottom to prevent food remains from burning and causing smoke.

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Smoke is accumulating in the oven when warming up, why is that? Verified

Probably there are food remains from previous use left in the oven. Especially greasy food remains can generate smoke when heated. Clean the oven thoroughly.

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Manual Candy FXLP649RX Oven

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