Manual Robens Sprinter 3 Tent

Need a manual for your Robens Sprinter 3 Tent? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 7 frequently asked questions, 0 comments and has 0 votes. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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© 03/2023 Oase Outdoors ApS
Congratulation on your new
Robens Tent designed and
created to accompany you
out into the great outdoors.
Note how you unpack the tent so
the process can be reversed to
aid packing away.
Spread out the tent and place
it with the doors facing the
desired directions and, for best
aerodynamic stability, position it
with the rear into the wind.
Check out
for pitching film and tips.
Wir beglückwünschen Sie
zum Kauf Ihres neuen Robens
Zeltes und wünschen Ihnen,
dass Sie hiermit viele schöne
Touren machen werden!
Merken Sie sich, wie Sie das
Zelt auspacken, damit Sie den
Vorgang umkehren und sich so das
Einpacken erleichtern können.
Breiten Sie das Zelt aus und
stellen Sie es so auf, dass die
Eingänge in die gewünschten
Richtungen zeigen. Positionieren
Sie es so, dass die ckseit
in Windrichtung zeigt, um die
bestmögliche Ausrichtung bei
windigem Wetter zu erzielen.
Tipps und Videos zum Aufbau finden
Sie auf
Tillykke med dit nye Robens
telt, som er designet og
udviklet til at følge dig
store oplevelser ude i
Vær opmærksom , hvordan
teltet pakkes ud, du kan pakke
det ned igen, i den omvendte
Fold teltet ud, og læg det,
rene vender i de ønskede
retninger, og bagsiden vender op
mod vinden. Det giver det bedste
resultat, når vinden blæser.
Se opstillingsfilm og tips på
licitations pour l’achat de
votre nouvelle tente Robens,
conçue et créée pour vous
accompagner dans vos
excursions en pleine nature.
Faites attention à la manière dont
vous déballez votre tente, car le
processus pourra être inver
pour la ranger.
Dépliez la tente et placez-la avec
les portes en face des directions
sirées. Positionnez-la avec le
dos dans le sens du vent pour
de meilleurs résultats en cas de
conditions venteuses.
Allez sur
pour découvrir une vidéo et des
conseils de montage.
Gefeliciteerd met uw nieuwe
Robens tent, ontworpen
voor jarenlange trouwe
dienst in het open veld!
Let goed op als je de tent uitpakt,
zodat je hem in omgekeerde
volgorde weer precies zo kan
Spreid de tent uit en leg hem zo
neer dat de deuren op de gewenste
plekken liggen, en de achterkant
in de wind ligt, voor de beste
resultaten bij harde wind.
Ga naar
voor een video en tips over het
opzetten van tenten.
Gratulujeme k nákupu
noho stanu spolnosti
Robens, jebyl navržen
a vytvořen tak, aby s
prožel úžasnou přírodou.
Při rozbalování stanu věnujte
pozornost jednotlivým krokům,
abyste je dokázali v opačm
pořadí zopakovat při balení.
Rozložte stan a otočte jej tak,
aby dveře byly v požadovaných
místech. Pro dos
ažení nejlepších
výsledků ve větrných podmínkách
jej umístěte tak, aby se jeho konec
naczel po směru větru.
Podívejte se na
pro více filmů a tipů.
Gratulerer med ditt nye
Robens-telt, designet og
utviklet for å være med deg ut
i naturen.
Legg merke til hvordan du pakker
ut teltet, slik at du kan gjøre
prosessen omvendt når du skal
pakke det ned igjen.
Spre teltet utover og plasser det
medrene i ønskede retninger.
Hvis det blåser, bør du plassere
teltet slik at enden uten dør
vender mot vindretningen.
for film av hvordan telt slås opp og
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
Download manual in English (PDF, 0.87 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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Here you can share what you think about the Robens Sprinter 3 Tent. If you have a question, first carefully read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Robens Sprinter 3 Tent. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Robens. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Robens Sprinter 3 Tent in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Robens
Model Sprinter 3
Category Tents
File type PDF
File size 0.87 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Robens Sprinter 3 Tent

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

Can I store my tent when it's wet? Verified

Only for very short periods of time. When a tent is stored while wet for a week or longer, it can get moldy. This is harmful for your tent and possibly your health.

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How do I impregnate a tent? Verified

Pitch the tent, clean the cloth and let it dry. Apply the impregnation agent on the cloth with a plant sprayer or other spray. It is also possible to use a paint roller or brush. The cloth needs to be fully saturated with the impregnation agent. Also treat the inside of the tent. Thoroughly clean any windows with a moist cloth. Do not let the impregnation agent dry on it. Let the tent cloth fully dry. Repeat the treatment if needed.

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Can I repair a tear or hole in the canvas of my tent myself? Verified

There are special pieces of self-adhesive patches of cloth available for synthetic tent canvases. Stick one of these patches on both sides of the hole or tear. For cotton tent canvases or mixed material tent canvases it's best to use patches that can be ironed on. This will require an iron.

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The zipper of my tent won't run smoothly, what can I do? Verified

When a zipper is running smoothly, use a dry PTFE spray or silicone spray. Do not spray onto the cloth and preventively spray to prevent future problems.

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There are water drops on the inside of the tent, does this mean it is leaking? Verified

No, this is probably condensation. Make sure the tent is properly ventilated to keep condensation at a minimum.

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What tent pegs are best to use for which surfaces? Verified

On grassland or forest surfaces you can use semi circular or plastic pegs. On rocky surfaces you need to use rock pegs. On clay surfaces you can use semi circular, plastic or universal pegs. On gravel surfaces you need semi circular or universal pegs and on sand you need to use wooden pegs.

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The impregnation agent leaves white stains or a white haze on the tent cloth, what can I do about this? Verified

If the agent leaves a white haze or white stains on the tent cloth, this means you have applied more impregnation agent on those areas. This is not harmful and the stains often disappear over time. It is not advisable to use less impregnation agent to prevent stains. The cloth needs to be fully saturated with the impregnation agent to give good results.

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Manual Robens Sprinter 3 Tent

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