Manual Zanussi ZAN3615 Vacuum Cleaner

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Safe ty pre cautions
Th is appliance is not inte nde d for us e by pe rs ons (including
ch ildre n) w ith re duce d ph ys ical, se nsory or m e ntal
capabilitie s , or lack of e xpe rie nce and k now le dge , unle ss
th e y h ave be e n give n supe rvis ion or ins truction conce rning
us e of th e appliance by a pe rs on re s pons ible for th e ir safe ty.
Th e vacuum cle ane r fe ature s double insulation and doe s not
ne e d to be e arth e d.
Ch ildre n sh ould be supe rvis e d to e ns ure th at th e y do not
play w ith th e appliance .
Ne ve r vacuum :
In w e t are as.
Clos e to am m able gase s , e tc.
W ith out a dust bag (th is m ay dam age th e cle ane r). A
safe ty de vice is fitte d w h ich pre ve nts th e cove r to close
w ith out a dust bag. D o not atte m pt to force cove r to close .
Sh arp obje cts.
Fluids (th is can caus e se rious dam age to th e m ach ine ).
H ot or cold cinde rs, lit cigare tte butts, e tc.
Fine dust from plas te r, concre te , or or ash , for e xam ple .
Th e above can caus e se rious dam age to th e m otor
dam age w h ich is not cove re d by th e w arranty.
Ele ctrical cable pre cautions:
If th e supply cord is dam age d, it m us t be re place d by th e
m anufacture r, its se rvice age nt or sim ilary q ualifie d
pe rson in orde r to avoid a h azard. D am age to th e
cle ane r cable w ill not be cove re d by th e w arranty.
Ne ve r pull or lift th e vacuum cle ane r by th e cable .
D is conne ct th e plug from th e w all sock e t be fore cle aning
or m aintaining th e vacuum cle ane r.
Re gularly ch e ck th at th e cable is not dam age d. Ne ve r us e
th e vacuum cle ane r if th e cable is dam age d.
All se rvice and re pairs m ust be carrie d out by an auth oris e d
Ele ctrolux se rvice ce ntre . Alw ays k e e p th e vacuum cle ane r in
a dry place .
Be fore starting
(9 .) Ch e ck th at th e dus t bag and m otor filte r are in
place .
(10.) Ins e rt th e h os e until th e catch click s to e ngage
(pre s s th e catch to re le ase th e h ose ).
(11.) Attach th e e xte ns ion w and or te le s copic w and (only
on ce rtain m ode ls ) to th e h ose h andle and oor
nozzle (to tak e th e m apart again, tw ist and pull).
(12.) Exte nd th e cord and plug it into th e w all sock e t.
Th e vacuum cle ane r h as an inte grate d cord
w inde r. To re w ind th e cable pre s s th e foot pe dal
(tak e h old of th e plug to pre ve nt it strik ing you).
(13.) Start th e vacuum cle ane r by rotating th e pow e r
control button.
(13./14.) Adjus t suction pow e r us ing th e pow e r control
button on th e vacuum cle ane r or th e suction
control on th e h ose h andle .
(15.) A practical park ing fe ature (as w e ll as m inim izing
th e risk of bre ak age ) m ak e s th ings e asie r w h e n
paus ing during cle aning.
(16.) Th e park ing fe ature m ak e s it e asie r to m ove and
store th e vacuum cle ane r.
Use th e nozzle s as follow s:
Carpe ts: Us e th e carpe t/h ardfloor nozzle w ith th e le ve r in
position (17). Re duce s uction pow e r for s m all carpe ts.
H ard floors: Use th e carpe t/h ardfloor nozzle w ith th e le ve r
in position (18).
W oode n floors: Us e th e parq ue t nozzle (ce rtain m ode ls
only, 6).
Spe cial com bine d nozzle : D e tach th e nozzle from th e
acce ss ory dock and us e it for book sh e lve s (w ith folding out
of th e brush e nd) or cre vice s , corne rs (w ith th e cre vice
e nd) (8.)
Using th e turbo nozzle
(ce rtain m ode ls only) (7a)
(19 .) Attach th e nozzle to th e tube .
Note : D o not use th e pow e r or turbo nozzle on fur rugs, rugs
w ith long fringe s or a pile de pth e xce e ding 15 m m . To avoid
dam aging th e carpe t, do not k e e p th e nozzle stationary
w h ilst th e brush is rotating. D o not pass th e nozzle across
e le ctric cable s, and be sure to sw itch off th e vacuum cle ane r
im m e diate ly afte r use .
Re placing th e dust bag/cle aning th e filte r
Ch anging th e dust bag
Th e dus t bag m us t be re place d late s t w h e n th e indicator
w indow is com ple te ly re d. Re ad w ith th e nozzle lifte d up
1. O pe n th e lid.
2. Pus h th e dus t bag h olde r back w ard (21.) and clos e
th e bag by sliding tab (22.).
3. Lift out th e dus t bag (23.).
Be w are : Lift out th e bag care fully if its com ple te ly full.
4. Ins e rt th e ne w dus t bag from ups ide by pus h ing th e
h olde r back w ard again.
5. Be fore closing th e lid m ak e sure th e h olde r is in th e
forw ard position and th e dus t bag cardboard is
ove r th e pipe -s tub .
Acce ssorie s
1 D ust bag
2* Te le scopic tube
3* Exte ns ion tube (2)
4 H os e h andle + h ose
5 Carpe t/h ardfloor nozzle
6* Parq ue t nozzle
7* Turbo nozzle
8 Com bination nozzle
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We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Zanussi ZAN3615 Vacuum Cleaner. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Zanussi. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Zanussi ZAN3615 Vacuum Cleaner in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Zanussi
Model ZAN3615
Category Vacuum Cleaners
File type PDF
File size 6.5 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Zanussi ZAN3615 Vacuum Cleaner

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

The hose of my vacuum cleaner is clogged, what can I do? Verified

Detach the hose and look through it to determine if it is actually clogged. If this is the case, you can take a long object such as a broomstick and carefully push it through the hose. This will generally remove any objects that are clogging the hose. If this didn't help you should contact the manufacturer.

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What sizes dust bag are there? Verified

There are two sizes that need to be considered. First is the size of the plate with the bag entrance. This determines whether the dust bag will fit a certain vacuum cleaner. Then theres the size of the bag. This is mostly indicated in liters and determines how much dust the bag can hold.

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The power cord of my vacuum cleaner does not rewind back into the device, what can I do? Verified

It is possible that there is a twist or fold in the cord. Completely roll out the cord a few times and rewind it back into the device under guidance of your hands. If this does not solve the problem, it is possible the mechanism to rewind the cord is broken. In that case, contact the manufacturer or a repair service.

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My vacuum cleaner makes a whistling noise, what can I do? Verified

This problem is often caused by a full dustbag or filter or when there is an opening that allows air into the hose. Check the dust bag and filter and replace them if necessary. Check the hose for any holes or bad connections. If this does not solve the problem, contact the manufacturer.

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How do I remove dust and hair from the vacuum cleaner brush head? Verified

Removing dust and hair from the vacuum cleaner brush head has be done manually. If this does not go as desired, it's possible to use a fine comb to remove the remaining dirt.

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What setting on the vacuum cleaner brush head should I use? Verified

Nearly all vacuum cleaners have a head with an adjustable brush. Use the brush for hard surfaces to prevent scratches and damage. Turn off the brush for carpeting and rugs.

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Can I user a paper dust bag more than once? Verified

This is not advisable. The pores of the bag wat will get saturated, causing a loss in suction and possibly damaging the motor.

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Can I use a regular vacuum cleaner to suck up ash? Verified

No, this is absolutely not possible. Ash that seems cooled may still be warm or even hot inside. A regular vacuum cleaner is not designed for this and it can cause a fire. Also, the filters of regular vacuum cleaners are not always suited for retaining extremely small particles such as ash. It can then reach the motor of the vacuum cleaner and cause damage.

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What is HEPA? Verified

HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air. Many vacuum cleaners have a HEPA filter. A HEPA filter will stop at least 85% and at most 99,999995% of all particles of 0,3 micrometer (µm) and up.

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Where can I find the model number of my Zanussi vacuum cleaner? Verified

The model number is generally found on a sticker on the bottom of the vacuum cleaner.

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Manual Zanussi ZAN3615 Vacuum Cleaner

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