Manual Toshiba RAS-3M23YACV-E Air Conditioner

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<Concealed Duct Type>
<Type à conduits dissimulés>
<Luftkanal verborgen montiert>
<Tipo a condotto nascosto>
<Modelo con conductos ocultos>
<Tipo com Conduto Embutido>
<Ôýðïò óõãêåêáëõììÝíïõ áãùãïý>
Indoor Unit Outdoor Unit
Unité intérieure/Raumeinheit Unité extérieure/Außeneinheit
Unità interna/Unidad interior Unità esterna/Unidad exterior
Unidade Interna/ÅóùôåñéêÞ ÌïíÜäá Unidade Externa/ÅîùôåñéêÞ ÌïíÜäá
Cooling Only Model
Modèle à froid seul/Geräte nur zur Kühlung
Modello solo per raffreddamento/Modelo de refrigeración únicamente
Modelo Apenas para Refrigeração/ÌïíôÝëï Øýîçò áðïêëåéóôéêÜ
Heat Pump Model
Modèle à thermopompe/Geräte mit Heizung
Modello con pompa di riscaldamento/Modelo con bomba de calor
Modelo da Bomba de Calor/ÌïíôÝëï ìå Áíôëßá Èåñìüôçôáò
Ïäçãßåò ×ñÞóçá
For general public use
A l’usage du public
Zum allgemeinen Gebrauch
Per uso pubblico generico
Para el uso del público en general
Para uso público em geral
Ãéá ÷ñÞóç áðü ôï êïéíü
Thank you very much for purchasing TOSHIBA Air Conditioner.
Please read this owner's manual carefully before using your Air Conditioner.
Be sure to keep the “Owner’s manual” and “Installation manual” from constructor (or dealer).
Request to constructor or dealer
Please clearly explain the contents of the Owner’s manual and hand over it.
Nous vous remercions pour avoir choisi un climatiseur TOSHIBA.
Veuillez lire attentivement ce Manuel du propriétaire avant d’utiliser votre climatiseur.
Assurez-vous que le constructeur (ou le revendeur) vous remette le ”Manuel du propriétaire” et le
”Manuel d’installation”.
Demande au constructeur ou au revendeur
Veuillez expliquer clairement le contenu du Manuel du propriétaire et le remettre.
Wir danken Ihnen, dass Sie sich für ein TOSHIBA Klimagerät entschieden haben.
Bitte lesen Sie, bevor Sie Ihr Klimagerät benutzen, diese Betriebsanleitung sorgfältig.
Lasse Sie sich die “Betriebsanleitung” und das “Installations-Handbuch” unbedingt vom Installateur oder vom Lieferanten aushändigen.
Eine Bitte an den Installateur oder Lieferanten:
Bitte erklären Sie dem Käufer den Inhalt der Betriebsanleitung und händigen sie ihm aus.
Grazie di aver acquistato un condizionatore d'aria TOSHIBA.
Prima di usare il condizionatore d'aria, leggere con attenzione questo manuale del proprietario.
Si raccomanda di tenere a portata di mano il "Manuale del proprietario" e il "Manuale di installazione" ricevuti dal produttore (o dal rivenditore).
Richiesta al produttore o al rivenditore
Spiegare chiaramente il contenuto del Manuale del proprietario e consegnarne una copia all'utente.
\Muchas gracias por haber adquirido el aparato de aire acondicionado TOSHIBA.
Lea atentamente este Manual del propietario antes de utilizar el aparato de aire acondicionado.
Asegúrese de guardar el “Manual del propietario” y el “Manual de instalación” que le proporcione el fabricante (o distribuidor).
Solicitud al fabricante o distribuidor
Explique con claridad el contenido del Manual del propietario y entréguelo al cliente.
Muito obrigado por adquirir um Condicionador de Ar TOSHIBA.
Por favor, leia este Manual de Instalação atentamente, antes da instalação do Condicionador de Ar.
Certifique-se de manter o “Manual do Usuário” e o “Manual de instalação” do fabricante (ou representante).
Peça ao fabricante ou representante
Por favor, não deixe de esclarecer o conteúdo manualdo Usuário e passe-o adiante.
Óáò åõ÷áñéóôïýìå ðïëý ðïõ ðñïôéìÞóáôå ãéá ôçí áãïñÜ óáò Ýíá Êëéìáôéóôéêü TOSHIBA.
Ðáñáêáëïýìå äéáâÜóôå ðñïóå÷ôéêÜ ôéò ïäçãßåò ÷ñÞóçò ðñéí áðü ôç ÷ñÞóç ôïõ Êëéìáôéóôéêïý.
Âåâáéùèåßôå üôé ï êáôáóêåõáóôÞò (Þ ï ðùëçôÞò) óáò ðáñÝäùóå êáé ôéò «Ïäçãßåò ×ñÞóçò» êáé ôï «Åã÷åéñßäéï ÅãêáôÜóôáóçò».
ÐáñÜêëçóç ãéá ôïí êáôáóêåõáóôÞ Þ ôïí ðùëçôÞ
Ðáñáêáëþ åîçãÞóôå ìå óáöÞíåéá ôá ðåñéå÷üìåíá ôùí Ïäçãéþí ×ñÞóçò êáé ðáñáäþóôå ôï.
Download manual in English (PDF, 2.93 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Toshiba RAS-3M23YACV-E Air Conditioner. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Toshiba. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Toshiba RAS-3M23YACV-E Air Conditioner in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Toshiba
Model RAS-3M23YACV-E
Category Air Conditioners
File type PDF
File size 2.93 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Toshiba RAS-3M23YACV-E Air Conditioner

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

How often should I clean or replace the filters in my air conditioner? Verified

It's advisable to check the filters of your air conditioner 4 times a year. Dirty filters can be cleaned with the use of a vacuum cleaner or can be washed, depending on which type they are. During maintenance a professional should judge whether it is time to replace the filters.

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What does BTU stand for? Verified

BTU stands for British Thermal Unit. This is unit to indicate the capacity to cool.

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Does every air conditioner also function as a dehumidifier? Verified

The cold air produced by an air conditioner often has a relatively low humidity. However, the effect is less than when using an actual dehumidifier. Some air conditioners do have a special feature to dehumidify the air.

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What is R-410A? Verified

R-410A is a cooling agent that is used in appliances that cool up to 0°C, like refrigerators and air conditioners. It is the replacement of older cooling agents and does not damage the ozon layer.

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Can I place my mobile air conditioner in a cabinet to get it out of sight? Verified

No, absolutely not. A mobile air conditioner needs space to allow airflow and air intake. In a small space the device can overheat.

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What is the best place to mount the indoor unit of a split-type air conditioner? Verified

This depends on the space, but in general the following rules can be followed. Make sure that there is nothing obstructing the airflow. Make sure the location is accessible for maintenance. Mount the unit at least 2 meters from the ground.

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Does an air conditioner have a negative influence on air quality? Verified

If the air conditioner has been properly maintained then it will have no influence on air quality. If for example a filter hasn't been replaced for a long time, or other maintenance has not been performed, than an air conditioner can produce dirty air.

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How long can I expect my Toshiba air conditioner to last? Verified

This greatly depends on the model, usage and maintenance, but under normal conditions Toshiba states their systems should last 12-15 years.

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Manual Toshiba RAS-3M23YACV-E Air Conditioner

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