Manual Taurus Syncro Glass Scale

Need a manual for your Taurus Syncro Glass Scale? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 4 frequently asked questions, 21 comments and has 18 votes with an average product rating of 22/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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Manual Syncro.indb 1 15/11/11 10:23
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Ana 23-01-2020
Hello, we have just bought the scale and I verify that when I create the person, I put gender, age, height, then weight, it calculates it, but then an error appears. Could someone tell me why this happens? In the instructions it does not say anything. Thanks.

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Aumenta 06-05-2020
In addition to "weight", ± 70Kgs., It shows two other quantities, each one with an icon, one quantity ± 20%, and the other quantity ± 50%. What does each of these 2 quantities correspond to?

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Marina 18-09-2020
Hello! I have had the scale for about 1 year, before I did not calculate the percentage of fat or water because it always gave an error, but at least the weight did. Now it always says LO, and it turns off. What I can do? I have already turned it off and on, changed the batteries and cleaned in case I had any notes of dust.

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Aurora 19-01-2022
It has a 3-year warranty

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Irene 30-03-2020
How do I know what the screen is showing me? Is it normal to have a fat percentage of 6.1%?

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Sergio 25-05-2020
I have bought the scale, and when it comes to measuring fat, water, etc, it always gives an error ... I follow the instructions to the letter, I set, I choose sex, age, height and when it says 0.0 kg I weigh myself, I I hope uploaded, it tries to calculate it but in 10 or 12 occasions that I have tried it in all it gives an error ...

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Alejandra 20-02-2020
We have just bought the scale and I verify that when I create the person, I enter gender, age, height, then I weigh myself, it calculates it, but then an error appears. Could someone tell me why this happens? In the instructions it does not say anything. Thanks.

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Rgp 03-05-2020
You have to stay on the scale if you take off it can't measure you well

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Elena 25-04-2021
What does "Lo" mean to the display of the Taurus syncrograss scale!

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L 28-11-2021
Lo: means the battery needs to be charged / recharged

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Miry 01-09-2021
When I turn it on, LO appears and does not advance

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Joaquín 29-12-2020
Hello, I have had the scale for a few months and everything was fine until yesterday that I weighed myself and when I lost the weight the led started to blink, like that all the time

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PT 03-05-2022
It appears on the screen at 8:88, it stays fixed and on, I have changed the battery and it continues the same, I have had it for a while without a battery and when I put it on it continues the same. Does anyone know what's wrong?

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Judith 10-02-2021
It goes 0-0 but when I weigh myself it puts O-LD. What does it mean?

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Cristiano 29-08-2021
When will I make my BMI my scale from Error... what to do?

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Juani 30-08-2021
What order does it take how much do you weigh? The first weight and then ,,,,?

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Marina 05-02-2022
I just bought the scale and when I want to save the weight in my profile, Err appears, and it is not that I weigh myself and go down, I stay on it and it continues to give an error

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Elsa Kalpakian 12-12-2022
Hello, we have just bought the scale and I verify that when I create the person, I put gender, age, height, then weight, it calculates it, but then an error appears. Could someone tell me why this happens? In the instructions it does not say anything. Thanks.

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Elsa Kalpakian 12-12-2022
Hello, we have just bought the scale and I verify that when I create the person, I put gender, age, height, then weight, it calculates it, but then an error appears. Could someone tell me why this happens? In the instructions it does not say anything. Thanks.

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شروق عبد الحميد 14-07-2023
I bought the scale without a manual and it has a battery, but it does not work

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شروق عبد الحميد 14-07-2023
I bought the scale without a manual and it has a battery, but it does not work

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Taurus Syncro Glass Scale. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Taurus. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Taurus Syncro Glass Scale in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Taurus
Model Syncro Glass
Category Scales
File type PDF
File size 1.79 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Taurus Syncro Glass Scale

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

My scale shows an unrealistically low weight when I stand on it, why is that? Verified

For the best result, the scale should be standing on a hard level surface. When the scale is standing on for example a rug this can influence the measurement.

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What is BMI? Verified

BMI stands for Body Mass Index and can be calculated by dividing your weight in kilogram by your length in meters squared. For example someone with a weight of 70 kilogram and a lenght of 1,75 meter has a BMI of 22,86. A BMI between 18,5 and 25 is considered healthy.

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A battery in my device is oxidized, can I still safely use it? Verified

Ja, the device can still be safely used. Firstly, remove the oxidizd battery. Never use bare hands to do this. Then clean the battery compartment with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar or lemon juice. Let it dry and insert new batteries.

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Can I use a scale with wet feet? Verified

This depends on the scale. When using a diagnostic scale it is necessary that your feet are dry in order to properly perform the measurements.

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Manual Taurus Syncro Glass Scale

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