Manual Svedbergs 9085 Toilet

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(1 / 13)
WC Manual
Används endast i skruvhålen då man väljer
att limma fast WC-stolen.
Brukes kun i skruhullene når man velger å
lime fast klosettet.
Anvendes kun i skruehullerne når man
vælger at lime WC-stolen fast.
Käytetään ruuvirei’issä kun WC-istuin
liimataan lattiaan.
If WC is glued to floor, use items
identified with "arrow".
Используют в отверстиях для шурупов,
когда унитаз приклеивают к полу.
Tips & Råd / Vihjeet & Neuvot / Ideas and advice /
Советы & рекомендации
- Före anslutning av vatten skall ledningen renspolas, smuts kan orsaka läckage i cisternen.
- Efter installation, före WC:n är använd, kan membranet släppa igenom lite vatten, detta upphör efter några spolningar.
- Før tilkobling av vann skal ledningen renspyles, smuss kan føre til lekkasje i sisternen.
- Etter instalasjon, før WCén er tatt i bruk, kan membranen slippe igjennom litt vann, dette opphører etter noen spylinger.
- Før tilslutning af vand skal vandrøret skylles igennem, snavs der ligger i røret kan give utætheder i cisternen.
- Efter Instalationen, før WC'et er taget i brug kan membranen slippe lidt vand Igennem, dette ophører efter nogle få udskylninger.
- Ennen vesiliitäntää on putket huuhdeltava sillä niistä irtoava lika voi aiheuttaa vuotoa vesisäiliöön.
- Asennuksen jälkeen, ennenkuin WC:tä on käytetty, voi sulkukalvo päästää vähän vettä läpi, joka poistuu muutaman
huuhtelukerran jälkeen.
- Before connecting pipe-work ensure that it is clean, as grit or dirt in the pipes can cause leakage in the cistern.
- After installation and before the WC is used, it may be noticed that the membrane lets in a little water. This will cease
after a number of flushes.
- Перед подключением к воде трубы следует промыть. Грязь с внутренних стенок труб приведет к засорению наполняющего
механизма и, следовательно, к течи из сливного бачка.
- После установки до начала эксплуатации возможно небольшое подтекание через нижнюю силиконовую прокладку, которое
прекратится после несколько сливов.
OBS ! Slangen är endast avsedd för kallvatten (Max 25º C).
OBS ! Slangen er kun beregnet på kaldt vann (Max 25º C).
OBS! Slangen er kun til koldt vanf.(Max.25º C).
HUOM! Liitäntäletku on tarkoitettu vain kylmälle vedelle. (Max. 25º C).
N.B: The hose is only to be used for cold water (max 25º C).
Внимание! Гибкий шланг предназначен для подключения
только к холодной воде. (Макс. 25oC ).
x2 / x4
x2 / x4
x2 / x4
L: 430 mm
G½ (R15)
Download manual in English (PDF, 2.4 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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Here you can share what you think about the Svedbergs 9085 Toilet. If you have a question, first carefully read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

Ylva Holmberg 20-03-2022
Hey! I was going to put a blue color stick in the water tank but how do I open the flush button ??

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Sami Mikkonen 05-06-2023
Hey! The question is: why does the toilet seat have a big and a small scream?

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Svedbergs 9085 Toilet. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Svedbergs. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Svedbergs 9085 Toilet in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Svedbergs
Model 9085
Category Toilets
File type PDF
File size 2.4 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Svedbergs 9085 Toilet

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

What is the ideal height of a toilet? Verified

The standard height of a toilet is about 40cm. A standing toilet is often set at this height and a wall-hung toilet can be mounted at a different height if wanted.

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There is crack in my ceramic toilet, can I still use it? Verified

A crack in a ceramic toilet does not always mean it has to be replaced, but it does need to be repaired. Depending on the crack it can let through water over time, possibly further damaging the toilet or damaging the floor.

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Manual Svedbergs 9085 Toilet

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