Manuals for Crivit Rowing Machines

Below you can find all models Crivit Rowing Machines for which we have manuals available. Also view the frequenty asked questions at the bottom of the page for useful tips about your product. Is your model not on the list? Please contact us.

Is your product defective and the manual offers no solution? Go to a Repair Café for free repair services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

What is the model number of my Crivit product? Verified

Although some Crivit products have an alternative model number, all of them have an IAN number with which the product can be identified.

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What muscles are trained when using a rowing machine? Verified

When correctly using a rowing machine you train almost all muscles. When pushing off you use leg, gluteal, hip and core muscles. When pulling the handle you use back, shoulder, arm and core muscles.

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What is the maximum heart rate during exercise? Verified

In general you can take a heart rate of 220 and deduct your age. So for a person aged 48 the maximum heart rate would be 220 minus 48 equaling 172. If you are unsure of your personal condition, be sure to consult your doctor.

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How much exercise does an average adult need? Verified

As an adult it is a good idea to perform moderately intensive exercise for a total ot at least 2.5 hours a week. Ideally this is spread out over several days.

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Latest comments

Manual Crivit IAN 292988 Rowing Machine
Klaus Rode 09-03-2023
I am worried about the fine carbon powder I find on the floor after a workout.. I now clean up with a couple of wet wipes I didn't notice it until the stair carpet started to go dark. Pity because the machine is OK. I think the seat rollers/bearings must be disintegrating

Crivit IAN 292988 Rowing Machine
Manual Crivit IAN 292988 Rowing Machine
jmCainzos 05-12-2022
I am thinking seriously in a hack of the module: something around and Arduino and a RaspberryPi. Any ideas out there?

Crivit IAN 292988 Rowing Machine
Manual Crivit IAN 292988 Rowing Machine
JmCainzos 05-12-2022
Hi. You will notice the difference if you think you are on a boat: you end your stroke only with your arms in a fast and power movement. Then, you let go "the boat" under you, sliding smooth, and when you reach the atack position again, the boat is still moving, the fastest the lowest resistance. Imagine a bigger and heavier boat: when you reach the atack, the boat is "almost" stopped. Repeat that 500 times: for sure you will notice the difference. And also, is what makes this exercise healthier

Crivit IAN 292988 Rowing Machine
Manual Crivit IAN 292988 Rowing Machine
Shin 09-10-2022
Did you end up solving this? Just bought one and have the same issue

Crivit IAN 292988 Rowing Machine
Manual Crivit IAN 292988 Rowing Machine
Raymond O'Regan 12-09-2022
I bought the rowing machine in February 2022 and really like it. However, the monitor screen has gotten progressively darker until I know can't see it when rowing.

Crivit IAN 292988 Rowing Machine