Manual Singer 7463 Confidence Sewing Machine

Need a manual for your Singer 7463 Confidence Sewing Machine? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 5 frequently asked questions, 15 comments and has 37 votes with an average product rating of 76/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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1. Un appareil ne devrait jamais être laissé sans surveillance lorsqu’il est branché.
Débranchez toujours l’appareil de la prise externe de courant immédiatement après usage et avant le nettoyage.
Lorsqu’un appareil électrique est en usage, il faut toujours observer certaines mesures élémentaires de sécurité y compris les
Lire les instructions en entier avant d’utiliser cette machine à coudre.
1. Cet appareil ne doit pas être utilisé comme un jouet. Une stricte surveillance doit être exercée lorsque l’appareil est en usage
par ou près des entants.
2. N’utilisez cet appareil qu’aux fins mentionnées dans ce manuel. N’utilisez que les accessoires recommandés par le
manufacturier tel qu’indiqué dans ce manuel.
3. N’utilisez jamais cet appareil si le cordon ou la fiche sont endommagés, si l’appareil fait défaut, s’il a été échappé ou
endommagé ou immergé. Retournez cet appareil au concessionnaire autorisé ou centre de réparations pour examen.
Réparation, réglage électrique ou mécanique.
4. N’utilisez jamais l’appareil lorsque les ventilateurs sont obstrués. Gardez les ventilateurs de la machine à coudre et du
rhéostat libres de mousse, poussière ou de tissu.
5. Gardez les doigts loin des pièces en mouvement spécialement autour de l’aiguille de la machine à coudre.
6. Utilisez toujours la plaque à aiguille recommandée. Une plaque inappropriée peut causer le bris de l’aiguille.
7. N’utilisez jamais d’aiguilles gauchies.
8. Ne tirez ni ne poussez le tissu pendant que vous cousez. Ceci peut faire dévier l’aiguille et la briser.
10. Débranchez toujours la machine de la prise externe de courant lorsque vous retirez les couvercles,
11. N’insérez ni ne laissez tomber aucun objet dans aucune ouverture.
12. N’utilisez pas en plein air.
13. N’utilisez pas ou des produits en aérosol sont en usage ni ou est administré de l’oxygene.
14. Pour débrancher, tournez tous les réglages en position d’arrêt («0»), puis débranchez la prise externe de courant.
Cette machine à coudre est couçue pour usage domestique seulement.
Pour réduire le risque de brûlures, de feu, de décharge électrique ou de
blessures personnelles:
Pour réduire le risque de décharge électrique:
Tous droits réservés.
RHÉOSTAT (Etats-Unis et canada seulement)
Avec cette machine à coudre, utilisez le modèle YC-485 EC de Yamamoto Electric.
Cet appareil est conforme à la directive CEE 89/336 EEC concernant les normes
Cet appareil est équipé d'une fiche polarisée (une lame est plus large que I’autre). Pour réduire les risques de décharge
doit pas être mélangé à vos ordures ménagères, mais doit être déposé dans un point de collecte prévu pour les
déchets des équipements électriques et électroniques. Votre geste préservera l’environnement.
(union européenne seulement)
Download manual in English (PDF, 11.82 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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Here you can share what you think about the Singer 7463 Confidence Sewing Machine. If you have a question, first carefully read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

Dominique knabe 23-01-2020
Hello I can not get the bobbin thread to catch the needle can you tell me what to do

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RAFFIN Laurence 06-05-2020
hello, my singer confidence 7463, begins to force, and all the lights flash at the same time .... Need help. thank you

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Mrs parmar 02-08-2022
I had this machine for a long time I enjoyed doing my on sawing etc but last week thread was stuck in side I opened the machine and I did sort it out but unfortunately I forgot to disconnect power and now machine is stop please help how can I start my machine help please. Is there is any switch to start? Many thanks

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Esteban 15-01-2021
I have started to practice with the Singer 7463 Confidence and I find that depending on what type of stitch I want to make, the fabric jams and does not run, which causes a thread and fabric jam. Could you give me an orientation that I do wrong, thank you.

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Susana 18-01-2021
I cannot adjust the spool the thread is too loose

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Catherine Choffat 04-11-2022
THE machine is new but I can't adjust the thread tension correctly? I only tried the straight stitch but the seam does not hold: if you pull the thread from below, everything comes apart... Thanks

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Sandra 08-10-2020
I wish there was a video in Spanish on how to use this 7463 machine

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Christelle Isler 23-12-2020
Hello, When the fabric is thick, the thread keeps coming out of the needle or breaks. Can you help me please?

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Meg 10-04-2020
What settings should I use for shirring?

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May Derluyn 30-07-2021
How can I darning (repairing cracks) . I use the no. 10 conveyor cover plate but the fabric moves with difficulty. I have to pull hard on the fabric.

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cecilia hernandez 28-11-2021
I need manual of singer confidence 7463 sewing machine in spanish

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Jammes Thérèse 05-12-2019
how does reverse on the machine work 74 63

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Véronique Joye 29-03-2020
Hello, Is it possible to operate reverse gear without having to continuously press the button? How do you proceed for a darning? Thank you in advance for your answer

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Maria Dejane 10-05-2021
Please, I need to know why it makes a noise after filling the tap of the machine. Thanks and best regards

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Giovannabonacina 24-02-2023
I turned on the car that I've had for some time and I haven't used it for a while, but it won't start the instructions refer to a different model what can I do?

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Singer 7463 Confidence Sewing Machine. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Singer. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Singer 7463 Confidence Sewing Machine in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Singer
Model 7463 Confidence
Category Sewing Machines
File type PDF
File size 11.82 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Singer 7463 Confidence Sewing Machine

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

What size needle should I use? Verified

The size of the needle depends on the fabric. For a thicker fabric, you will need a thinker needle. The application of the needle of often mentioned on the packaging.

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I have checked everything, but my sewing machine thread keeps breaking, what can I do? Verified

If the upper thread of the machine keeps breaking where the needle enters the fabric, it could be that the needleplate or bobbin case have minor damages in the form of scratches and/or sharp edges. These minor damages can cause the thread to break after a few stitches.

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How long does a sewing machine neelde last? Verified

This varies between manufacturers, but in general a needle will last about 8 hours. It might take longer for the needle to break, but before that it will have become blunt and might damage the fabric.

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My needle keeps breaking, what is causing this? Verified

There can be various reasons for this. The needle may not be the correct one for the selected fabric, the needle may have been set too low, the fabric may not be properly guided or the bobbin case may be placed incorrectly.

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Do I need to turn my sewing machine completely off to replace the needle? Verified

You can change the needle after turning off the product with the on/off switch. When cleaning the product you should disconnect it from the power supply.

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Manual Singer 7463 Confidence Sewing Machine