Manual Sinbo SBM 4705 Bread Maker

Need a manual for your Sinbo SBM 4705 Bread Maker? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 2 frequently asked questions, 11 comments and has 50 votes with an average product rating of 82/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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SBM 4705
Ekmek Yapma Makinası
Kullanım Kılavuzu
SBM 4705
Ekmek Yapma Makinası
Kullanım Kılavuzu
Instruction Manual
Mode d’emploi
Upute za Uporabu
Download manual in English (PDF, 15.73 MB)
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Mustafa Öztürk 30-11-2020
How much flour, how much water and how much salt will we use to make a bread, unfortunately there is no answer to this question in the guide.

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Feruzan beyaz 06-04-2020
5 years ago I bought a bread machine, but I didn't use a jig. I opened it to use it for the first time, I put the ingredients in it, it made the first mixture, but then it stopped and did not mix again, I wonder if the unused product broke down where it stood.

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Yıldız 14-01-2022
It was a gift from my mother-in-law, I used it for a long time and I made and ate its bread in many different styles, then I didn't use it for a while, I said I'll make it again, the bread was interrupted, it didn't mix it again. There is a sound but it doesn't mix the material. It's the 4705 model.

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Dilek 06-03-2022
I should choose hhsngi program for whole wheat bread in Sinbo 4705 model.

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serda 03-07-2022
I bought two simbo bread machines. After using Ūc five times, I didn't use it for a long time. The product does not go from fermenting to cooking. It doesn't get hot, but all keys, program button etc. are solid. What could be the problem? How do we cook?

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Vedat Ünal 18-06-2022

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Mihriye çelik 13-04-2020
Dura dura is a dried apricot. The strap is sold separately, you need to replace it online.

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Reyhan olgun 19-04-2021
I bought the 4705 model bread machine the year it was first released, I used it for a long time, I was very satisfied, my friends who ate the bread I baked bought the same model, I bought the cheapest bread machine for 100 TL at the price, but I was very satisfied. I called the factory, they sent me the boiler, since it is very old model, I never thought they would send it, but they sent it in a short time, thank you very much to the company, I continue to buy the simbo product again..

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Levent 16-03-2023
When the cooking process is finished and gives a warning signal; What happens if we are not at home and cannot intervene?

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Ирина горбанева 15-09-2023
Why can’t I uncheck the box in the thicket?

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Morgül Özbek 27-11-2021
My daughter gave me a bread machine, but we couldn't find the mixing knife and measuring cup. We live in Cyprus, can you help us? Our machine 4705 thank you

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Sinbo SBM 4705 Bread Maker. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Sinbo. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Sinbo SBM 4705 Bread Maker in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Sinbo
Model SBM 4705
Category Bread Makers
File type PDF
File size 15.73 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sinbo SBM 4705 Bread Maker

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

Can I clean the baking tin of my bread maker with a scourer? Verified

No. Most bread makers have a baking tin with a non-stick layer that can be damaged by using a scourer or abrasive cleaner. Only use the soft side of a scourer or a wet wipe.

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Why do I need to remove the tray before adding ingredients? Verified

This is to prevent ingredients from falling on a heating element. They might burn and cause smoke.

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Manual Sinbo SBM 4705 Bread Maker

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