Manual Shakespeare Tidewater Fishing Reel

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Merci d’avoir choisi ce nouveau produit de Shakespeare. Nous sommes confiants
que ce moulinet vous apportera plusieurs années de performance exceptionnelle.
Référez-vous aux directives ci-dessous pour l’utilisation et le soin
de votre moulinet.
• Remplir le moulinet avec la ligne – Tournez la ligne autour de la bobine. Utilisez un
noeud de bouline ou un nœud courant pour fixer la ligne sur la bobine. Tirez doucement sur la ligne
jusqu’à ce quelle soit bien fixée. Tournez la poignée lentement, en remplissant la bobine avec la ligne.
Dirigez la ligne avec vos doigts d’un côté à l’autre pour remplir la bobine égale. Pour des meilleurs
résultats, remplissez la bobine jusquà 90 %. Assurez-vous de ne pas mettre une quantité de ligne
moins ou plus que celle indiquée car ceci pourrait nuire à la précision du lancer et réduire sa distance.
• Ajustement de la drague – Votre moulinet a été conçu avec une drague de grande portée
qui est idéale pour les différents types de poissons. Il est important de régler la drague correctement
pour que la ligne ne brise pas lorsqu’un gros poisson mord et essaie de se sauver. Le bouton de drague
en étoile est situé entre la poignée et le cadre. Pour régler la drague, tournez le bouton dans le sens
des aiguilles d’une montre pour ajouter de la tension et dans les sens inverse pour en enlever.
Gracias por escoger un nuevo producto de Shakespeare Estamos seguros de que
usted disfrutará años de gran rendimiento con este carrete. Vea las instrucciones
a continuación sobre el uso y cuidado de su nuevo carrete
• Alimentando el carrete con sedal- Bobine el sedal alrededor del carrete. Utilice un
nudo de redoble u otro nudo común para asegurar el sedal al carrete. Gentilmente tire del sedal hasta
que esté asegurado. Gire lentamente la manivela, alimentando el carrete con sedal. Guíe el sedal
con sus dedos de lado a lado para alimentar el carrete uniformemente con el sedal. Para mejores
resultados, alimente totalmente el carrete en un 90 % No sobrealimente o alimente poco el carrete ya
que esto le impedirá la capacidad de lanzar de modo preciso y/o reducirá su distancia de lanzamiento.
• Ajustando la Rastra – Su carrete está diseñado con una rastra de amplio alcance para
manejar muchos tipos de peces. Es importante que se fije apropiadamente la rastra de manera
que no se rompa el sedal después de un golpe o cuando un pez grande esté enganchado y de una
corrida inteligente para protegerse. La perilla de la rastra de estrella está ubicada entre la manivela
y el marco. Para ajustar la rastra, gire la perilla en sentido de las agujas del reloj para una tensión
adicional y en contra de las agujas del reloj para menos tensión.
Thank you for choosing a new Shakespeare product. We are confident that you
will enjoy years of great performance from this reel. See the instructions below for
the use and care of your new reel.
• Filling the reel with line - Wind line around the spool. Use a clinch knot or other common
knot to secure the line to the spool. Gently tug on the line until it is secured. Slowly turn the handle,
filling the spool with line. Guide the line with your fingers from side to side to fill spool evenly with
line. For best results, fill the spool 90 % full. Do not overfill or under fill the spool for this will impede
your ability to cast accurately and/or reduce your distance.
• Adjusting the Drag - Your reel was designed with a wide ranging drag to handle many
types of fish. It is important the drag is set properly so the line does not break after a strike or when
a large fish is hooked and makes a dashing run for cover. The star drag knob is located between the
handle and the frame. To adjust the drag, turn the knob clockwise for added tension and counter-
clockwise for less tension.
• Setting the spool tension adjustment knob for cast control - It is
important to set the cast control knob to maximize your casts without any backlashes. The knob is
located on the handle side of the reel and assists in preventing backlashes when the spool turns
at slower speeds , as when the bait strikes the water at the end of the cast. Proper adjustment is
particularly important for beginning bait casters.
Place reel on rod and attach the lure to the line. Hold rod at a 45 degree angle and flip the
spool release lever to off while applying pressure to the spool with your thumb. Making small
adjustments, methodically tighten the tension knob until the lure slowly descends to the ground
without any pressure from your thumb. Make sure the spool stops rotating immediately when the
lure touches the ground. As you become better at casting, you can ease up on the tension, which will
lengthen your casts.
• Réglage du bouton d’ajustement de la tension de la bobine pour
controller le lancer - Il est important de régler le bouton de contrôle du lancer correctement
pour maximiser vos lancers sans rebondissements. Le bouton est situé sur le côté de la poignée
du moulinet et aide à prévenir les rebondissements lorsque la bobine tourne à des vitesses lentes,
par exemple quand l’appât frappe l’eau à la fin d’un lancer. Le réglage correct est particulièrement
important pour les débutants.
Placez le moulinet sur la canne et attachez le leurre sur la ligne. Tenez la canne à un angle de 45
degrés et relâcher le levier de la bobine en appliquant une pression sur la bobine avec votre pouce. En
effectuant des petits ajustements, desserrez le bouton de la tension jusquà ce que le leurre descende
vers le sol sans pression de votre pouce. Assurez-vous que la bobine arrête de tourner immédiatement
lorsque le leurre touche le sol. Quand vous vous serez amélioré dans le lancer, vous pourrez enlever de
la tension ce qui vous permettra des lancers plus longs.
• Fijando la perilla de ajuste de la tensión del carrete para el control
del lanzado - Es importante fijar apropiadamente la perilla de tensión de lanzamiento para
maximizar sus lanzamientos sin ningún “backlash” (enredos). La perilla está localizada a un lado de la
manivela de la bobina y ayuda a prevenir enredos cuando el carrete gira a velocidades menores, como
cuando la carnada golpea el agua al final de un lanzamiento. El ajuste apropiado es particularmente
importante para los principiantes en usar carretes de bobina rotatorias.
Coloque el carrete sobre la caña y adjunte la carnada al sedal. Sujete la caña en un ángulo de 45
grados y eche hacia atrás el nivelador de liberación del carrete mientras que aplica presión al carrete
con su pulgar. Haciendo pequeños ajustes, ajuste metódicamente la perilla de tensión hasta que la
carnada descienda lentamente a la superficie sin ninguna presión de su pulgar. Asegúrese de que el
carrete deje de girar inmediatamente cuando la carnada toque la superficie. A medida que mejore en
el lanzamiento, puede liberar la tensión, lo que alargará sus lanzamientos.
Download manual in English (PDF, 0.11 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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I have a model sigmabc and want to disassemble and clean I cannot find any info on it.

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Sean Ollom 30-04-2022
What recommended line do you use for the 30l Shakespeare tidewater

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Darrell Johnson 01-04-2024
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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Shakespeare Tidewater Fishing Reel. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Shakespeare. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Shakespeare Tidewater Fishing Reel in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Shakespeare
Model Tidewater
Category Fishing Reels
File type PDF
File size 0.11 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Shakespeare Tidewater Fishing Reel

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

The drag of my fishing reel is not smooth, what can I do? Verified

This can be caused by a washer that is not greased properly or by the washer being soaked with oil. Grease the washer if this has not been done properly. In case the washer is soaked in oil it needs to be replaced.

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How do I properly clean and maintain my fishing reel? Verified

To properly clean and maintain your fishing reel, first make sure to remove the line and any debris from the spool. Use a soft brush and mild soap to clean the body and handle of the reel. For the interior, use a small brush and lubricant to clean and protect moving parts. Be sure to also check for any loose or worn parts that may need to be replaced.

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How do I properly spool my fishing reel? Verified

To properly spool your fishing reel, first make sure the spool is filled with the appropriate amount and type of line for the fishing you plan to do. Next, thread the line through the guides on your rod and tie it to the reel's spool. Hold the rod and reel at a slight angle and turn the handle to take up the slack line as you simultaneously feed the line onto the spool. Be sure to leave a small amount of line on the spool to prevent the line from tangling or snapping.

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Can I use my spinning reel for saltwater fishing? Verified

Yes, spinning reels can be used for saltwater fishing but it is important to properly clean and maintain the reel after each use in saltwater to prevent corrosion. It is also important to use a saltwater-specific line, as it is more durable and resistant to damage from salt and other elements in the water.

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What are the different types of fishing reels? Verified

There are several types of fishing reels, including spinning reels, baitcasting reels, spincast reels, and fly reels. Spinning reels are the most popular and versatile type of reel, suitable for most types of fishing. Baitcasting reels are designed for more experienced anglers and are typically used for freshwater fishing. Spincast reels are a hybrid of spinning and baitcasting reels and are easy to use for beginners. Fly reels are used for fly fishing and have a unique design that allows for a smooth and controlled release of line.

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Manual Shakespeare Tidewater Fishing Reel

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