Manual Sennheiser Momentum Headphone

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Adjusting the volume | Lautstärke einstellen |
Régler le volume | Ajustar el volumen | Impostazione
del volume | Volume instellen | Ajustar o volume |
Quick guide
Safety guide
Delivery includes | Lieferumfang | Contenu |
Volumen de suministro | Dotazione | Leverings-
omvang | Itens fornecidos | 梱されているもの
Connecting the Smart Remote | Fernbedienung
anschließen | Raccorder la télécommande |
Conectar el mando a distancia | Collegamento
del telecomando | Afstandsbediening aansluiten |
Ligar o telecomando | モーロールを接
Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG
Am Labor 1, 30900 Wedemark, Germany
Printed in China, Publ. 07/12, 550010/A01
Wearing the headset | Headset aufsetzen |
Mettre le casque | Ponerse los audífonos |
Indossare l'headset | Headset opzetten | Colocar
o micro-auscultador | ヘッセットをする
Replacing the ear pads | Ohrpolster austauschen | Remplacer les coussinets d‘oreille | Cambiar las
almohadillas para las orejas | Sostituzione dei cuscinetti auricolari | Oorkussens vervangen | Substituir
as almofadas | イヤーパッドを
Specifications| Technische Daten | Caractéristiques
techniques | Especificaciones técnicas | Dati tecnici |
Technische specificaties | Dados técnicos |
Detaching the cable | Kabel wechseln | Remplacer
le câble | Cambiar cable | Sostituzione del cavo |
De kabel vervangen | Substituir os cabos | ーブ
Headband and earpads are made from
leather | Kopfbügel und Ohrpolster sind
mit Leder bezogen | Arceau et coussinets
d'oreille en cuir | Diadema y almohadillas
forradas en cuero | L'archetto e i cuscinetti
auricolari sono realizzati in pelle |
Hoofdbeugel en oorkussens zijn met leder
overtrokken | O aro e as almofadas dos
auscultadores possuem um revestimento
em couro | ッド ッド
Playing music
once: Play/pause the song
twice: Play next song
3 times: Play previous song
Musik abspielen
1-mal: Titel abspielen/anhalten
2-mal: nächsten Titel abspielen
3-mal: vorherigen Titel abspielen
Jouer de la musique
Appuyer 1 fois : Lecture/pause du morceau
Appuyer 2 fois : Morceau suivant
Appuyer 3 fois : Morceau précédant
Reproducir música
1 vez: Reproducir/parar título
2 veces: Reproducir título siguiente
3 veces: Reproducir título anterior
Riproduzione della musica
1 volta: riprodurre/interrompere una traccia
2 volte: riprodurre la traccia successiva
3 volte: riprodurre la traccia precedente
Muziek afspelen
1-maal: nummer afspelen/stoppen
2-maal: volgende nummer afspelen
3-maal: vorige nummer afspelen
Reproduzir música
1 vezes: reproduzir/parar faixa
2 vezes: reproduzir a faixa seguinte
3 vezes: reproduzir a faixa anterior
1 回押す: ルを再/一時停止ます
2 回押す: ルを再生ます
3 回押す: ルを再生ます
“Made for iPod”, “Made for iPhone” and “Made for iPad”
mean that an electronic accessory has been designed to
connect specifically to iPod, iPhone, or iPad, respectively,
and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple
performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the
operation of this device or its compliance with safety and
regulatory standards.
iPhone and iPod are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in
the U.S. and other countries. iPad is a trademark of Apple
„Made for iPod“, „Made for iPhone“ und „Made for iPad“
bedeuten, dass ein elektronisches Zusatzgerät speziell für
den Anschluss an den iPod, das iPhone bzw. das iPad
konstruiert ist und vom Entwickler dahingehend zertifiziert
wurde, dass es den Apple-Leistungsnormen entspricht.
Apple übernimmt keine Gewähr im Hinblick auf die
Verwendbarkeit dieses Gerätes oder dessen Konformität
mit den Standards für Sicherheit und Funkentstörung.
iPod und iPhone sind in den USA und anderen Ländern
eingetragene Marken von Apple Inc. iPad ist eine Marke von
Apple Inc.
« Made for iPod », « Made for iPhone » et « Made for iPad »
signifient qu’un accessoire électronique a été développé
spécifiquement pour l’iPod, l’iPhone, ou l’iPad et que
son développeur certifie qu’il répond aux normes de
performance Apple. Apple n’est pas responsable du
fonctionnement de cet accessoire ni de sa conformité aux
normes réglementaires et de sécurité.
iPod et iPhone sont des marques déposées d’Apple Inc.,
enregistrées aux Etats-Unis et dans d’autres pays. iPad est
une marque d’Apple Inc.
To accept/end a call | Anruf annehmen/beenden |
Prendre/terminer un appel | Contestar/ finalizar
llamada | Accettare/Terminare una chiamata |
Gesprek aannemen/beëindigen | Atender/
terminar chamada | 通話を受/する
To reject a call | Anruf abweisen | Rejeter un
appel | Rechazar llamada | Rifiutare una chiamata |
Gesprek niet aannemen | Rejeitar chamada |
Using Voice Control
Using Voice Control
Activate the Voice Control feature on your iPod,
iPhone and iPad.
Press and hold the button for 2 seconds and say
your voice command.
Voice Control verwenden
Aktivieren Sie Voice Control am iPod, iPhone
oder iPad.
Playing music
Halten Sie die Taste 2 Sekunden gedrückt und
sagen Sie ihren Sprachbefehl.
Utiliser la fonction Contrôle vocal
Activez la fonction Contrôle vocal sur votre iPod,
iPhone et iPad.
Appuyez sur la touche pendant 2 secondes et
énoncez votre commande vocale.
Utilizar el control de voz
Active el control de voz en el iPod, iPhone o iPad.
Mantenga pulsada la tecla durante 2 segundos
y pronuncie su comando de voz.
Utilizzo di Voice Control (controllo vocale)
Tenere premuto il tasto per 2 secondi e pronun-
ciare il comando vocale
Attivare Voice Control su iPod, iPhone o iPad.
Voice Control gebruiken
Houd de toets 2 seconden lang ingedrukt en
spreek uw spraakcommando in.
Activeer Voice Control op de iPod, iPhone of iPad.
Utilizar o Voice Control
Mantenha o botão premido durante 2 segundos
e dê o comando por voz desejado.
Active a função de Voice Control no iPod, iPhone
ou iPad.
タン 2 秒間押続け音声コマを言
iPodiPhone、ま iPad の音声ロー
Controlling phone functions
Not all features listed below are supported by all models (see Apple product’s user guide). | Nicht alle der im Folgenden genannten Funktionen werden von allen Apple-Modellen unterstützt (siehe Bedienungsanleitung Ihres Apple
Produkts). | Les fonctions mentionnées ci-dessous ne sont pas toutes supportées par tous les modèles Apple (voir la notice d‘emploi de votre produit Apple). | No todas las funciones que se indican a continuación son soportadas por
todos los modelos de Apple (consulte las instrucciones de manejo de su producto Apple). | Non tutte le funzioni indicate di seguito sono supportate da tutti i modelli Apple (consultare le istruzioni del dispositivo Apple in uso). | Niet
alle hieronder genoemde functies worden door alle Apple-modellen ondersteund (zie de gebruiksaanwijzing van uw Apple-product). | Nem todas as funções seguintes são suportadas por todos os modelos da Apple (ver manual de
instruções do seu aparelho Apple). | Apple のモデルには次の機能に対応ないのがますApple 製品の取扱説明書を参照ださい)
Download manual in English (PDF, 3.73 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Sennheiser Momentum Headphone. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Sennheiser. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Sennheiser Momentum Headphone in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Sennheiser
Model Momentum
Category Headphones
File type PDF
File size 3.73 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sennheiser Momentum Headphone

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

When I connect a headphone to my device it doesn't work properly, what can I do? Verified

It is possible that dirt has amassed in the opening where the headphone is connected, preventing it from making proper contact. The best way to clean this is with compressed air. When in doubt, have this done by a professional.

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When is my music too loud? Verified

Sounds over 80 decibel (dB) can start to damage hearing. Sounds over 120 dB immediately damage hearing. The severity of the damage depens on how often and how long the sound is present.

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What is Noise Cancelling? Verified

Noise Canceling is a technique that is mainly used in headphones. Active noise control is used to lower or eliminate the influence of ambient noise.

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Does bluetooth work through walls and ceilings? Verified

A bluetooth signal will work through walls and ceiling, unless these are made from metal. Depending on the thickness and the material of the wall the signal can lose in strength.

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Up to what noise level is it safe for children? Verified

Children get their hearing damaged quicker than adults. Therefore it is important to never expose children to noise louder than 85dB. In the case of headphones there are special models for children. In case of speakers or other situations you have to be watchful the noise does not exceed that level.

This was helpful (161) Read more

Can I wrap the cord around the device after use? Verified

It's better not to do this, because it can damage the cord. The best thing to do is wrap the cord the way it was when the product was packaged.

This was helpful (156) Read more
Manual Sennheiser Momentum Headphone

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