Manual Samsung ME6124W/EGY Microwave

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ME6144ST_AR 1/5/07 3:20 AM Page 2
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We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Samsung ME6124W/EGY Microwave. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Samsung. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Samsung ME6124W/EGY Microwave in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Samsung
Model ME6124W/EGY
Category Microwaves
File type PDF
File size 2.19 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Samsung ME6124W/EGY Microwave

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

My microwave won't start when I press the start-button, what can I do? Verified

In many cases the door of the microwave hasn't closed properly. Open and close the door and try again.

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Can I use my microwave when the turntable doesn't work? Verified

The turntable makes sure the heat is distributed evenly. When it's not working, the microwave cannnot be properly used. Have it repaired.

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The microwave is on but is not working. Why is that? Verified

It's possible that the door does not close properly. To ensure safety a microwave will not workj until the door is completely closed. Sometimes this can be fixed by adjusting the door hinge.

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The mica/cardboard plate inside the microwave came off. Can I still use the microwave? Verified

No, absolutely not. The mica/cardboard plate is the waveguide that distributes the microwaves. Put it back or get a replacement.

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My microwave keeps making noise, even after it has finished. Is this normal? Verified

Yes, this is a normal sound. The fan cools the microwave after use. The duration depends on how long the microwave has operated.

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Can I boil water in the microwave? Verified

No, absolutely not. Water can get superheated. This means that the water can reach a temperature of above 100℃ without boiling. When this water then touchs any object it can instantly boil and splash up, causing burns.

This was helpful (721) Read more

Why can't I put metal in my microwave? Verified

Metal doesn't let the microwaves through but bounces them back. When these microwaves are bounced back at the same spot, this can cause sparks.

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Manual Samsung ME6124W/EGY Microwave

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