Manual Rösle Kugelgrill Barbecue

Need a manual for your Rösle Kugelgrill Barbecue? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 1 frequently asked question, 0 comments and has 0 votes. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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Kugelgrill 50 / 60 cm
Kettle Grill 50 / 60 cm | 20 / 24 in.
Barbecue boule 50 / 60 cm
50 cm | 20 in. Art.-No.: 25000 / 60 cm | 24 in. Art.-No.: 25004
Montageanleitung für den Zusammenbau
nden Sie auf dem separaten Beiblatt. Lesen
Sie bitte aufmerksam und vollständig die
folgenden Hinweise durch, bevor Sie den
Holzkohlegrill zusammenbauen und benutzen.
Bitte bewahren Sie die Bedienungsanleitung
an einem geschützten Ort auf, damit Sie die
Details zur Bedienungsanleitung jederzeit
nachlesen können. Nur im Freien verwenden.
The installation manual for assembly can be
found in the separate supplement. Please read
the following instructions carefully and fully,
before assembling and using the charcoal grill.
Please keep the instructions in a safe place
so that you can refer to them in detail at any
time. Only use in the open air.
Vous trouverez les instructions de montage dans
une notice séparée. Veuillez lire attentivement
et entièrement les consignes suivantes avant
de monter et d’utiliser le barbecue à charbon
de bois. Conservez le manuel d’utilisation à
l’abri afi n de pouvoir consulter les différents
points à tout moment. Pour utilisation exté-
rieure uniquement.
Bedien_Kugelgrill_A4_NEUER.indd 1Bedien_Kugelgrill_A4_NEUER.indd 1 21.12.12 10:2821.12.12 10:28
Download manual in English (PDF, 9.01 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Rösle Kugelgrill Barbecue. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Rosle. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Rösle Kugelgrill Barbecue in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Rosle
Model Kugelgrill
Category Barbecues
File type PDF
File size 9.01 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Rösle Kugelgrill Barbecue

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

What is the difference between charcoal and briquettes? Verified

Briquettes are made of leftover bits from charcoal production, giving it different properties. Charcoal burns faster and can reach higher temperatures. Briquettes burn longer and maintain a more consistent temperature.

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Manual Rösle Kugelgrill Barbecue

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