Manual Roccat Tyon Mouse

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Windows® XP/Vista® 32/64 bit
Windows® 7 32/64 bit
Windows® 8/Windows® 8 Pro
USB 2.0 port
Internet connection
(for driver installation)
All Action Multi-Button Gaming Mouse
Quick-Installation Guide
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P/N: GM1850- 00A01
Made in China
Designed at ROCCAT Studios
ROCCAT GmbH, Otto von Bahrenpark,
Paul-Dessau-Straße 3G,
22761 Hamburg, Germany
All Action Multi-Button
Gaming Mouse
DE | Sicherheitshinweise
Laser – Die ROCCAT™ Tyon Maus verwendet einen Lasersensor der Klasse
1. Das Licht dieses Sensors erfüllt die Anforderungen der EN/IEC 60825-
1:2007 bezüglich der Augensicherheit. Trotzdem ist es unter bestimmten
Umständen möglich, dass direkter Kontakt des Auges mit dem Laser Seh-
schäden verursachen kann. Schaue niemals direkt in den Laserstrahl und
richte den Strahl niemals auf andere Personen oder refl ektierende Oberfl ä-
chen wie z.B. Spiegel. Schaue niemals durch vergrößernde Geräte wie Lu-
pen, Mikroskope oder ähnliche Geräte in den Laserstrahl.
DK | Sikkerhedsanvisninger
Laser – ROCCAT™ Tyon–musen bruger en lasersensor af klasse 1. Denne
sensors lys er i overensstemmelse med kravene i EN/IEC 60825-1:2007 ved-
rørende øjensikkerhed. Alligevel kan det under bestemte omstændigheder
forekomme, at øjets direkte kontakt med denne laser kan forårsage synsska-
der. Se aldrig direkte ind i laserstrålen, og ret aldrig strålen mod personer eller
refl ekterende overfl ader som f.eks. spejle. Se aldrig ind i laserstrålen gennem
forstørrende apparater som lup, mikroskop eller lignende.
EN | Safety Instructions
Laser – The ROCCAT™ Tyon mouse uses a Class 1 laser sensor. The light
emitted by this sensor meets EN/IEC 60825-1:2007 requirements with regard
to eye safety. Despite this, under certain circumstances pointing the laser di-
rectly at the eyes may cause blindness. Never look directly at the laser beam
and never point it at other people or refl ective objects such as mirrors, for in-
stance. Never look at the laser beam with magnifying devices such as magni-
fying glasses, microscopes or similar devices.
ES | Medidas de seguridad
Láser – El ratón ROCCAT™ Tyon utiliza un sensor láser clase 1. La luz de
este sensor cumple los requisitos de la norma EN/IEC 60825-1:2007 en lo
referente a seguridad ocular. Aun así, dadas ciertas circunstancias, el contac-
to directo de la vista con el láser puede ser causa de daños oculares. No mires
nunca directamente en el rayo láser, ni lo dirijas tampoco nunca hacia otras
personas o superfi cies que lo refl ejen, p. ej. espejos. No mires tampoco el lá-
ser a través de aparatos de aumento como lupas y microscopios o similares.
FI | Turvaohjeet
Laser – ROCCAT™ Tyon hiiressä käytetään luokan 1 laseranturia. Tämän
anturin valo täyttää direktiivin EN/IEC 60825-1:2007 silmien turvallisuudelle
asettamat vaatimukset. Silti tietyissä tilanteissa on mahdollista, että silmän
suora kontakti laseriin aiheuttaa näkövaurioita. Älä koskaan katso suoraan
lasersäteeseen, äläkä koskaan suuntaa sädettä toisia ihmisiä tai heijastavia
pintoja, kuten esim. peilejä kohti. Älä koskaan katso lasersäteeseen luupeilla,
mikroskoopeilla tai vastaavilla suurentavilla laitteilla.
FR | Consignes de sécurité
Laser – La souris ROCCAT™ Tyon utilise un capteur laser de classe 1.
La lumière de ce capteur répond aux exigences de la norme EN/IEC 60825-
1:2007 relatives à la sécurité oculaire. Toutefois, il est possible que le contact
visuel direct avec le laser entraîne dans certaines conditions des lésions
oculaires. Ne regarde jamais directement le rayon laser et ne dirige jamais le
rayon sur d’autres personnes ou sur des objets réfl échissants, tels que des
miroirs. Ne regarde jamais le rayon laser à travers des appareils grossissants
tels que des loupes, des microscopes ou des appareils similaires.
PL |
Wskazówki dotyczące bezpieczeństwa
Laser. W myszy ROCCAT™ Tyon zainstalowany jest sensor laserowy klasy 1.
Światło laserowe tego sensora spełnia wymagania normy EN/IEC 60825-1:2007
w zakresie bezpieczeństwa wzroku. Pomimo tego, w pewnych okolicznościach
istnieje zagrożenie uszkodzeniem wzroku po bezpośrednim oddziaływaniu światła
lasera na gałkę oczną. Nie wolno patrzeć bezpośrednio na promień światła lasera
ani kierować jego na inne osoby lub powierzchnie odbijające światło takie jak np.
lustra. Nie wolno patrzeć na promień lasera poprzez urządzenia powiększające
takie jak lupy, mikroskopy lub podobne urządzenia.
PT | Emniyet hatırlatmaları
Lazer – ROCCAT™ Tyon faresi 1. sınıf lazer sensörü kullanmaktadır. Bu sensörün
ışığı göz güvenliği ile ilgili EN/IEC 60825-1:2007’nin taleplerini yerine getirmektedir.
Yine de bazı koşullar altında, gözün doğrudan lazer ile teması durumunda görme
bozuklukları meydana gelebilir. Hiçbir zaman doğrudan lazer ışığına bakmayın ve
ışığı başka kişilere veya ayna gibi yansıyan yüzeylere doğrultmayın. Büyüteç,
mikroskop veya benzeri cihazlarla lazer ışığına kesinlikle bakmayın.
RU | Указания по безопасности
Лазер – В мышке ROCCAT™ Tyon используется лазерный датчик класса
1. Свет этого датчика отвечает требованиям EN/IEC 60825-1:2007 отно-
сительно безопасности глаз. Несмотря на это при определенных обстоя-
тельствах прямой контакт глаза с лазером может привести к ущербу для
зрения. Никогда не смотрите прямо на луч лазера и никогда не направ-
ляйте луч на других людей или отражающие поверхности, например,
зеркала. Никогда не смотрите на луч лазера через увеличивающие при-
способления, такие как лупы, микроскопы и похожие приборы.
SE | Säkerhetshänvisningar
Laser – ROCCAT™ Tyon musen använder en lasersensor klass 1. Ljuset i denna
sensor uppfyller kraven i EN/IEC 60825-1:2007 angående ögonsäkerhet. Trots
detta kan det vara möjligt att direkt kontakt med lasern kan förorsaka synskador.
Därför ska du aldrig titta in direkt i en laserstråle och aldrig rikta strålen på andra
personer eller refl ekterande ytor såsom speglar. Titta heller aldrig in i laserstrålen
med förstoringsapparater som t.ex en lupp eller ett mikroskop.
© 2014 ROCCAT GmbH. All rights reserved. Any product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks
or registered trademarks and are the property of their respective owners. Information contained herein is
subject to change without notice. ROCCAT GmbH shall not be made liable for any errors that may appear in this
manual. This publication or parts of it may not be reproduced without the express consent of the publisher.
Otto von Bahrenpark, Paul-Dessau-Str. 3G, 22761 Hamburg, Germany
You’re now the proud owner of a ROCCAT™ Tyon – All Action Multi-button Gaming Mouse! Pioneered for modern battle elds, the Tyon
features a button placement system totally new to gaming mice. An X-Celerator analog thumb paddle and a Fin Switch mean the Tyon allows
button confi gurations and combos you could previously only dream of. New industry-standard RGBA lighting lets you customize the look for
your Tyon, with a comprehensive two-level illumination system allowing enhanced visual effects. Easy-Shift[+]™ is upgraded with a dedicated
button, freeing up the side buttons for an expanded arsenal. All powered by renowned ROCCAT™ laser sensor technology, the Tyon is the
new standard in gaming mouse control.
Pro-Aim Laser Sensor R3
with up to 8200dpi
1000Hz polling rate
1ms response time
12000fps, 10.8 megapixel
30G acceleration
3.8m/s (150 i p s )
16-bit data channel
1-5mm Lift off distance
Tracking & Distance
Control Unit
72MHz Turbo Core V2
32-bit Arm based MCU
576kB onboard memory
Zero angle snapping/
1.8m braided USB cable
Pro-Aim R3 Laser Sensor with TDCU
The 8200 dpi Pro-Aim laser sensor offers
superb tracking, transmitting even the fastest
of mouse movements with no lag – for
incredible precision delivering amazing gaming
control. And thanks to the integrated Tracking
and Distance Control Unit (TDCU), you can
adjust the sensor precisely to your mousepad,
further improving tracking and minimizing
pick-up-fl ight – and further advancing your
command capabilities.
X-Celerator Thumb Paddle + Fin Switch
The Tyon features the X-Celerator analog
thumb paddle, which works as a single-axis
analog stick. Providing extended command
options, you can use it to seamlessly tilt left
and right, pitch up and down, increase and
decrease throttle and much more, all the while
maintaining perfect pointer precision. The Tyon
sacrifi ces nothing in providing this additional
functionality, making it ideal for all-action
games requiring enhanced mouse control.
Multi-Color Lighting with Enhanced Effects
With the new industry-standard RGBA
lighting, the Tyon’s illumination system
features an extended color spectrum of
16.8m colors. The con gurable two-level
system lets you adjust the color of your
scroll wheel surround and base layer
independently of each other. Using a variety
of enhanced effects including “breathing”,
or a color rotation in your choice of shades,
the Tyon can fi t whatever your style is.
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Brand Roccat
Model Tyon
Category Mice
File type PDF
File size 2.77 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Roccat Tyon Mouse

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

What is the best surface to use a mouse on? Verified

A traditional trackball mouse will work best on a padded surface such as a mouse pad. An optical mouse will work on almost any flat surface, with the exception of transparent or reflective surfaces. Surfaces with a printed repetitive pattern might interfere with the functioning of the mouse.

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What is an ergonomic mouse? Verified

Daily use of a regular mouse over long periods of time can result in pain in the arm and wrist. This is also called RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury). An ergonomic mouse is shaped to reduce these issues or prevent them.

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What is the difference between a normal mouse and a gaming mouse? Verified

Every gaming mouse can be used asa regular mouse. However, a gaming mouse often has additional buttons in specific places to make gaming easier. There even are gaming mice that have buttons that are meant to better play a specific game.

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What size mouse is best for my hand? Verified

This partially depends on personal preference and necessity, but in general a mouse should be around 60% of the size of your hand. This is the most comfortable and most ergononical.

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Manual Roccat Tyon Mouse