Manual Philips BHC015 Hair Dryer

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1 Important
Read this user manual carefully before you use the
appliance and keep it for future reference.
WARNING: Do not use this
appliance near water.
When the appliance is used in a
bathroom, unplug it after use
since the proximity of water
presents a risk, even when the
appliance is switched o.
WARNING: Do not use
this appliance near
bathtubs, showers,
basins or other vessels
containing water.
Always unplug the appliance
after use.
If the appliance overheats,
it switches o automatically.
Unplug the appliance and let
it cool down for a few minutes.
Before you switch the appliance
on again, check the grilles to
make sure they are not blocked
by u, hair, etc.
If the mains cord is damaged,
you must have it replaced
by Philips, a service centre
authorised by Philips or similarly
qualied persons in order to
avoid a hazard.
This appliance can be used
by children aged from 8 years
and above and persons with
reduced physical, sensory or
mental capabilities or lack of
experience and knowledge
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Specifications are subject to change without notice
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EN User manual
PT Manual do utilizador
MS-MY Manual pengguna
ZH-CN ⩕ᝤ᝸ڹ
ZH-HK ϕᆾ՝
if they have been given
supervision or instruction
concerning use of the appliance
in a safe way and understand
the hazards involved. Children
shall not play with the
appliance. Cleaning and user
maintenance shall not be made
by children without supervision.
For additional protection, we
advise you to install a residual
current device (RCD) in the
electrical circuit that supplies
the bathroom. This RCD must
have a rated residual operating
current not higher than 30mA.
Ask your installer for advice.
Do not insert metal objects into
the air grilles to avoid electric
Never block the air grilles.
Before you connect the
appliance, ensure that the
voltage indicated on the
appliance corresponds to the
local power voltage.
Do not use the appliance
for any other purpose than
described in this manual.
Do not use the appliance on
articial hair.
When the appliance is
connected to the power, never
leave it unattended.
Never use any accessories or
parts from other manufacturers
or that Philips does not
specically recommend. If
you use such accessories or
parts, your guarantee becomes
Do not wind the mains cord
round the appliance.
Wait until the appliance has
cooled down before you store it.
Do not pull on the power cord
after using. Always unplug the
appliance by holding the plug.
Electromagnetic elds (EMF)
This Philips appliance complies with all applicable
standards and regulations regarding exposure to
electromagnetic elds.
-Do not throw away the product with the normal
household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at
an ocial collection point for recycling. By doing this,
you help to preserve the environment.
- Follow your country’s rules for the separate collection of
electrical and electronic products. Correct disposal helps
prevent negative consequences for the environment and
human health.
2 Dry your hair
1 Connect the plug to a power supply socket.
2 For precise drying, attach the concentrator (
d ) onto the
hairdryer (
b ). To disconnect the concentrator, pull it o
the hairdryer.
3 BHC016 and BHC017 come with a brush diuser (
e ). It
helps you comb and dry your hair at the same time. Insert
the pins into your hair, comb in a downward motion that
the air ows from root to end.
4 Adjust the switch (
c ) to your preference.
Setting Temperature and speed Good for
Hot and strong airow Fast drying
Gently dry the hair
at a constant caring
Careful drying
Cool airow Gentle drying
5 Switch to
to switch o the appliance.
After use:
1 Switch o the appliance and unplug it.
2 Place it on a heat-resistant surface until it cools down.
3 Clean the appliance by damp cloth.
4 Fold the appliance (
f ).
5 Keep it in a safe and dry place, free of dust. You can also
hang it with the hanging loop (
a ).
3 Guarantee and service
If you need information e.g. about replacement of an
attachment or if you have a problem, please visit the Philips
website at or contact the Philips Customer
Care Centre in your country (you nd its phone number in
the worldwide guarantee leaet). If there is no Consumer
Care Centre in your country, go to your local Philips dealer.
Parabéns pela compra do seu produto e bem-vindo à
Philips! Para usufruir de todas as vantagens da assistência
oferecida pela Philips, registe o seu produto em
1 Importante
Leia cuidadosamente este manual do utilizador antes de
utilizar o aparelho e guarde-o para consultas futuras.
AVISO: não utilize este aparelho
perto de água.
Quando o aparelho for utilizado
numa casa-de-banho,
desligue-o da corrente após a
utilização, uma vez que a
presença de água apresenta
riscos, mesmo com o aparelho
AVISO: não utilize este
aparelho perto de
banheiras, chuveiros,
lavatórios ou outros
recipientes que contenham
Desligue sempre da corrente
após cada utilização.
Se o aparelho aquecer
excessivamente, desliga-se
automaticamente. Desligue o
aparelho e deixe-o arrefecer
durante alguns minutos.
Antes de voltar a ligar o
aparelho, verique as grelhas e
certique-se de que não estão
bloqueadas com pêlos, cabelos,
Se o o estiver danicado,
deve ser sempre substituído
pela Philips, por um centro
de assistência autorizado
da Philips ou por pessoal
devidamente qualicado para
se evitarem situações de perigo.
Este aparelho pode ser utilizado
por crianças com idade igual ou
superior a 8 anos e por pessoas
com capacidades físicas,
sensoriais ou mentais reduzidas,
ou com falta de experiência e
conhecimento, caso tenham
sido supervisionadas ou lhes
tenham sido dadas instruções
relativas à utilização segura
do aparelho e se tiverem sido
alertadas para os perigos
envolvidos. As crianças não
podem brincar com o aparelho.
A limpeza e a manutenção
do utilizador não podem ser
efectuadas por crianças sem
Para maior segurança,
aconselhamos a instalação
de um dispositivo de corrente
residual (disjuntor) no circuito
eléctrico que abastece a casa
de banho. Este disjuntor deve
ter uma corrente residual
nominal não superior a 30
mA. Aconselhe-se com o seu
Não introduza objectos
metálicos nas grelhas de ar para
evitar choques eléctricos.
Nunca obstrua as grelhas de
Antes de ligar o aparelho,
certique-se de que a
tensão indicada no mesmo
corresponde à tensão do local
onde está a utilizá-lo.
Não utilize o aparelho para
outro m que não o descrito
neste manual.
Não utilize o aparelho sobre
cabelo articial.
Nunca deixe o aparelho sem
vigilância quando estiver ligado
à corrente.
Nunca utilize quaisquer
acessórios ou peças de outros
fabricantes ou que a Philips
não tenha especicamente
recomendado. Se utilizar tais
acessórios ou peças, a garantia
perderá a validade.
Não enrole o cabo de
alimentação à volta do
Aguarde que o aparelho
arrefeça antes de o guardar.
Não puxe o cabo de
alimentação após a utilização.
Desligue o aparelho segurando
sempre na cha.
Campos electromagnéticos (CEM)
Este aparelho Philips cumpre todas as normas e
regulamentos aplicáveis relativos à exposição a campos
-No nal da vida útil do produto, não o elimine com
os resíduos domésticos; entregue-o num ponto
recolha ocial para reciclagem. Ao fazê-lo, ajuda a
preservar o ambiente.
-Siga as normas do seu país para a recolha selectiva
de produtos eléctricos e electrónicos. A eliminação correcta
ajuda a evitar consequências prejudiciais para o meio
ambiente e para a saúde pública.
2 Secar o seu cabelo
1 Ligue a cha a uma tomada de corrente eléctrica.
2 Para uma secagem precisa, coloque o concentrador
d ) no secador ( b ). Para desencaixar o concentrador,
retire-o do secador.
3 O BHC016 e o BHC017 incluem um difusor com escova
e ). Este ajuda a pentear e secar o seu cabelo em
simultâneo. Insira os pinos da escova no seu cabelo e
penteie com um movimento descendente para que o ar
ua da raiz para as pontas.
4 Ajuste o botão (
c ) de acordo com as suas preferências.
Regulação Temperatura e intensidade Adequado para
Fluxo de ar quente e forte Secagem rápida
Secagem suave do cabelo
a uma temperatura de
cuidado constante
Fluxo de ar frio Secagem
5 Desloque-o para
para desligar o aparelho.
Após a utilização:
1 Desligue o aparelho e retire a cha da corrente.
2 Coloque-o numa superfície resistente ao calor até que
3 Limpe o aparelho com um pano húmido.
4 Dobre o aparelho (
f ).
5 Guarde-o num local seguro e seco, sem pó. Também
pode pendurá-lo pela argola de suspensão (
a ).
3 Garantia e assistência
Caso necessite de informações, p. ex. sobre a substituição
de um acessório, ou tenha algum problema, visite o Web
site da Philips em ou contacte o Centro
de Atendimento ao Cliente Philips do seu país (o número
de telefone encontra-se o folheto de garantia mundial). Se
não existir um Centro de Assistência ao Cliente no seu país,
dirija-se ao representante local da Philips.
Bahasa Melayu
Tahniah atas pembelian anda dan selamat menggunakan
Philips! Untuk mendapatkan manfaat sepenuhnya daripada
sokongan yang ditawarkan oleh Philips, daftar produk anda
1 Penting
Baca manual pengguna ini dengan teliti sebelum anda
menggunakan perkakas dan simpan untuk rujukan masa
AMARAN: Jangan gunakan
perkakas ini dekat dengan air.
Apabila anda menggunakan
perkakas ini dalam bilik mandi,
cabut plagnya setelah
digunakan kerana
kehampirannya dengan air juga
adalah risiko, walaupun setelah
perkakas dimatikan.
AMARAN: Jangan
gunakan perkakas ini
berhampiran dengan
tab mandi, pancur air,
sinki atau bekas lain yang
mengandungi air.
Cabut plag perkakas setiap kali
selepas digunakan.
Jika perkakas menjadi
terlampau panas, ia dimatikan
secara automatik. Cabut
plag perkakas dan biarkan
sejuk selama beberapa minit.
Sebelum anda menghidupkan
perkakas itu semula, periksa
gril untuk memastikan ia tidak
tersekat oleh gumpalan bulu,
rambut dll.
Jika kord sesalur kuasa rosak,
ia mesti diganti oleh Philips,
pusat servis yang dibenarkan
oleh Philips ataupun pihak lain
seumpamanya yang layak bagi
mengelakkan bahaya.
Perkakas ini boleh digunakan
oleh kanak-kanak berumur 8
tahun dan ke atas dan orang
yang kurang keupayaan
zikal, deria atau mental, atau
kekurangan pengalaman dan
pengetahuan jika mereka
diberi pengawasan dan arahan
berkaitan penggunaan perkakas
secara selamat dan memahami
bahaya yang mungkin
berlaku. Kanak-kanak tidak
sepatutnya bermain dengan
perkakas ini. Pembersihan
dan penyenggaraan tidak
sepatutnya dilakukan
oleh kanak-kanak tanpa
Untuk perlindungan tambahan,
kami mengesyorkan agar anda
memasang peranti arus baki
(RCD) dalam litar elektrik yang
membekali bilik air tersebut.
RCD ini mesti mempunyai
arus operasi baki berkadar
yang tidak melebihi 30mA.
Tanya pemasang anda untuk
mendapat nasihat.
Jangan masukkan objek logam
ke dalam gril udara untuk
mengelakkan kejutan elektrik.
Jangan menghalangi gril udara.
Sebelum anda
menyambungkan perkakas ini,
pastikan voltan yang dinyatakan
pada perkakas selaras dengan
voltan kuasa tempatan anda.
Jangan gunakan perkakas untuk
sebarang tujuan lain selain
daripada yang diterangkan
dalam buku panduan ini.
Jangan gunakan perkakas pada
rambut palsu.
Apabila perkakas telah
disambungkan kepada kuasa,
jangan sekali-kali dibiarkan
tanpa diawasi.
Jangan sekali-kali gunakan
sebarang perkakas atau
bahagian dari mana-mana
pengilang atau yang tidak
disyorkan secara khusus oleh
Philips. Jika anda menggunakan
aksesori atau bahagian yang
sedemikian, jaminan anda
menjadi tidak sah.
Jangan lilit kord sesalur
mengelilingi perkakas.
Tunggu sehingga perkakas sejuk
sebelum menyimpannya.
Jangan tarik kord kuasa selepas
menggunakannya. Pegang plag
setiap kali anda mencabut plag
Medan elektromagnet (EMF)
Perkakas Philips mematuhi semua piawaian dan
peraturan berkaitan dengan pendedahan kepada medan
Kitar semula
-Jangan buang produk dengan sisa rumah biasa
di akhir hayatnya, sebaliknya bawanya ke pusat
pungutan rasmi atau kitar semula. Dengan melakukan
ini, anda membantu memelihara alam sekitar.
-Ikut peraturan negara anda untuk pengumpulan
berasingan produk elektrik dan elektronik. Cara membuang
yang betul akan membantu mencegah akibat negatif
terhadap alam sekitar dan kesihatan manusia.
2 Keringkan rambut anda
1 Sambungkan plag kepada soket bekalan kuasa.
2 Untuk pengeringan yang tepat, sambungkan penumpu
d ) pada pengering rambut ( b ). Untuk menanggalkan
penumpu, tarik penumpu keluar dari pengering rambut.
3 BHC016 dan BHC017 dibekalkan dengan penyebar berus
e ). Ia membantu anda menyikat dan mengeringkan
rambut anda pada wkatu yang sama. Masukkan pin ke
dalam rambut anda, sikat ke bawah supaya aliran udara
bermula dari akar hingga hujung rambut.
4 Laraskan suis (
c ) seperti yang anda kehendaki.
Tetapan Suhu dan kelajuan Baik untuk
Aliran udara yang panas
dan kuat
Keringkan rambut dengan
lembut pada suhu
Pengeringan yang
Alir udara sejuk Pengeringan
5 Tukar kepada
untuk mematikan perkakas.
Selepas digunakan:
1 Matikan perkakas dan cabut plagnya.
2 Letakkannya di atas permukaan yang tahan panas
sehingga ia menyejuk.
3 Bersihkan perkakas dengan kain lembap.
4 Lipat perkakas (
f ).
5 Simpan di tempat yang selamat dan kering, bebas
daripada habuk. Anda juga boleh menggantungnya
dengan gelung penggantung (
a ).
3 Jaminan dan servis
Sekiranya anda memerlukan maklumat mengenai
penggantian alat tambahan atau jika anda mempunyai
masalah, sila layari laman web Philips di
atau hubungi Pusat Layanan Pelanggan Philips di negara
anda (anda boleh mendapatkan nombor telefonnya di
dalam risalah jaminan serata dunia). Jika tiada Pusat
Layanan Pelanggan di negara anda, pergi ke penjual Philips
tempatan anda.
Download manual in English (PDF, 0.71 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Philips BHC015 Hair Dryer. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Philips. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Philips BHC015 Hair Dryer in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Philips
Model BHC015
Category Hair Dryers
File type PDF
File size 0.71 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Philips BHC015 Hair Dryer

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

What does an ionic hair dryer do? Verified

Many modern hair dryers have an ionic function. This function uses negative ions to protect the hair and prevent it from becoming static.

This was helpful (138) Read more

What is the optimal distance between my hair and the hair dryer? Verified

It's best to use the hair dryer at a distance of approximately 20 centimer.

This was helpful (73) Read more

Can I wrap the cord around the device after use? Verified

It's better not to do this, because it can damage the cord. The best thing to do is wrap the cord the way it was when the product was packaged.

This was helpful (69) Read more
Manual Philips BHC015 Hair Dryer

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