Manual PC Rollercoaster Tycoon

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Thrill Rides
In the excitement
department, this
is next step up
from mild rides.
Despite their
name, “thrill”
rides are generally far less intense
than even the tamest roller coasters.
Still, these attractions offer a good
medium point — exhilarating enough for most guests without being
extreme enough to scare them.
Thrill rides generally do not involve custom design, and most of them take
up relatively little space in your park. On the down side, many thrill rides
seem to lose their novelty more quickly than other types.
Water Rides
The thrill of rid-
ing on fast mov-
ing water pre-
dates even the
earliest amuse-
ment parks.
Confined and controlled, rushing
water can provide your guests with
a spine tingling, yet totally safe
experience. In hot weather, they also
get a welcome chance to cool off.
Water rides come in all types, from
the mildest paddle-boats to flume
rides that rival roller coasters in
intensity and excitement. Almost all
of them allow — and some require — custom design. In addition, you can
often specify the design of the water craft used in the ride. Make sure to
read the ride information in the Ride Selection window before you begin
Design Tips
Most water rides have a theme.
You can increase your guests’ satis-
faction by providing scenery near the
ride that matches or compliments
that theme.
Like transport rides, well-
designed mild water rides give guests
a good view of the park, which can
increase their interest in visiting
other rides.
Be aware of a ride’s nausea factor,
specially for those with spinning
rafts and whirlpools. That way, you
know when to provide benches and
bathrooms near the Exit.
Building a Custom Ride section for the details on constructing one of these.)
Whichever you choose, be prepared to use quite a lot of space and spend a
significant amount of your funds constructing the track. Each roller coaster
is a big draw and will likely bring you profit in time, but you pay up front
for the opportunity to add it to your park. When using a standard design,
you can watch the information in the Construction window as you position
the ride; the price of construction is constantly updated to reflect the cost of
building the coaster exactly where the footprint marker stands. (If there is
no price listed, you cannot build the ride at the present location.)
Because roller coasters are such popular rides, you should be prepared for
crowds — especially when you first open a new track. Build a longer
queuing line than you would for a less thrilling ride; it will fill up faster
than you think.
Roller coasters are also complex pieces of machinery, and the more com-
plex a ride is, the more often it will break down. Make sure that you have
Mechanics in your employ to inspect and repair your coasters. If a ride
begins to break down more often than you like, you can schedule inspec-
tions more frequently. That usually prevents problems, but as a roller
coaster ages, it will deteriorate gradually until it is no longer safe to operate.
The RidesThe Rides
Design Tips
Guests sometimes need to sit down
somewhere after an exciting ride.
Consider providing benches on the
path near the Exit from a thrill ride.
Some of these rides have a
significant nausea factor. Take that
into consideration when placing
food stalls and bathrooms.
Design Tips
Roller coasters are very expensive, but provide good profit over a long period.
Price them high when new, then gradually decrease the admission over time to
keep the ride reasonably popular and profitable.
Coasters are high-intensity, sometimes nausea-inducing rides. It’s not wise to
build them too near the food stalls, and providing benches and bathrooms
near the Exit is always a good idea.
Riding less intense rides near a coaster can often help guests get up the nerve
to ride the more extreme attraction. Consider surrounding a roller coaster
with less exciting rides.
Scenery and theme items placed near the track can add to the excitement of
a ride, especially when you create the illusion of an impending collision.
Tracks that cross over or under other parts of your park — footpaths,
terrain, other rides, and such, are also more exciting.
Dropped food is not the only threat to the tidiness of your park. Handymen
also deal with the after-effects of ride-induced nausea. Keep enough on staff,
or your park paths could become quite disgusting.
Most roller coasters are not popular when it’s raining.
RCT JC_Revised ManInt 8/13/03 4:00 PM Page 18
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Brand PC
Model Rollercoaster Tycoon
Category Games
File type PDF
File size 0.83 MB

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