perhaps due in part to his high regard for honor and all
that it entails. Mackenzie is highly aware of his mission
and can be very aggressive if a win is in sight. He is a
relatively stable opponent,with a below-average likelihood
of erratic and unpredictable behavior.
Wellington Wellington is a general of huge repute and is not an
opponent to underestimate. He is highly “mission aware”
and will not let his ego get the better of him. He makes no
snap decisions and considers his war plan from every
conceivable angle. His need to deliberate has become the
“Wellington signature.” Wellington does, however, have an
unpredictable side and can sometimes start an action that
appears to be “outside of his game plan” — or so one might
think. This man is truly one of RISK II’s “top drawer”
generals and is a fearsome opponent.
Bonaparte Bonaparte has a reputation for revenge and is regarded by all
those who have faced him as being highly aggressive and
competitive. He strikes quickly and without warning, often
to the detriment of his own armies. Though his casualties
are often high, his reputation is one of a winner and a
successful, if a little cavalier, strategist. Bonaparte has an
extreme tendency to be driven by his heart rather than his
logical mind, which means he should be treated with
caution. Unpredictable and erratic behavior is a Bonaparte
trademark, one that has earned him a place at the top.
Marmont Marmont is the biggest risk taker, a truly dangerous general
who has an unsurpassed reputation for speedy, ill-considered
but nevertheless devastating attacks. He considers little for
his opponent’s moves and for the loss of his own troops.
Marmont is not highly focused on his mission and can, on
occasion, be very unpredictable.
Barbacena Barbacena is another risk taker, but unlike Marmont, is not
quite as keen to leave his soldiers’ destinies in the lap of the
gods. Barbacena is one of those generals who, though aware
of his individual mission, is much more focused on the
bigger picture of world domination. Barbacena is
Playing Against Computer Opponents
Solo and Hot-Seat can be
played with the addition of
computer opponents. The
computer players in RISK II,
though Napoleonic in theme,
are state-of-the-art AI oppo-
nents. RISK II is equipped
with a modular AI system,
which plays a game of RISK II
convincingly and elegantly.
The many different computer
players generate controlled unpredictability, and their long-term memories
extend over many games. You can pit your wits against 16 different AI
players, each of whom has a specific character profile and a unique RISK
playing style.
The Computer Opponents
The descriptions that follow give you a basic understanding of each
general’s character and overall demeanor. These descriptions do not,
however, give you enough information to know each computer opponent
intimately — and thereby allow easy wins.
Some of these characters when pushed into a corner, like humans, will
react unpredictably. Therefore, consider the following descriptions not as
rules to live by, but rather as “gathered intelligence.”
Campbell Of the 16 generals in RISK II, Campbell has a reputation
for being cautious but highly focused, especially in
achieving his mission objectives. Some might say he
allows his judgement to be clouded by his desire to
complete the mission. Campbell is not a general to
bear a grudge. Of all your adversaries, he is the most
stable of opponents, with a low tendency to erratic and
unpredictable behavior.
Mackenzie Mackenzie, in contrast to Campbell, has a strong memory
and never forgets the player who crosses him. Strangely,
though, he does like to entrust his troops’ safety to alliances,
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