Size and height of creatures
Speed of creature
Wizard movement
From the Main Menu, you can choose from the
following options:
Quest is a six-chapter adventure that will teach you
basic and advanced dueling techniques and tactics.
Complete the entire adventure to unlock duelists that
are hidden in the game. See “Quest” on page 8 for
more information.
VS Duel
Put your customized duelists and spellbooks to the test against human opponents.
Choose the duelists and spellbook, determine the length of time for each round and the
number of rounds, and duel! See “VS Duel” on page 9 for more information.
Arcade Duel
In the mood for a quick series of duels? Arcade Duel lets you duel against computer-
controlled opponents using predetermined characters. See “Arcade Duel” on page 9 for
more information.
Duel Online
Got your spells sorted and your strategies dialed? Then you’re ready to take it to the
next level — online play against human opponents from around the world. See “Duel
Online” on page 9 for more information.
If you leave the game idle for a period of time, it will switch to Demo, where you can
watch two random computer-controlled opponents duel for a single round.
Note: Press any key during a Demo duel to return to the Start Screen.
Adjust game and duel settings. See Options below for more information.
Controls Configuration – Customize commands for
keyboard, mouse and gamepad controls. Click on the
Switch Player button to customize controls for a partic-
ular player.When you are satisfied with your configura-
tion, click on the Save button to save your setup and
the Back button to return to the Options Menu. Note:
Gamepads are the recommended controller. Although it
is not recommended, it is possible for two players to
share one keyboard.
Take control of powerful duelists and engage in epic duels for magical supremacy online.
Whether cracking the earth with powerful spells or summoning ferocious minions, you will
have to use both brains and brawn to defeat your enemies. Overwhelming challenges sur-
round you — the time has come to focus your energies and unleash the power within!
A Note to Players of the Magic: The Gathering
Card Game
If you have played the Magic: The Gathering
card game, then you already understand the
fundamentals of mana, life points, creatures, enchantments, sorceries, and other important
game rules. Although Magic: The Gathering — Battlegrounds uses many of the same
game mechanics, it played in real-time, which fundamentally alters certain aspects of
the game. The following concepts do not translate to Battlegrounds:
You do not draw and discard cards — all of your spells are available at all times.
There is no graveyard.
Spell stacking is not applicable.
There is no four-card limit for spells — you can cast a spell as many times as
you are able.
You are limited to two colors per deck.
You are limited to 10 spells per deck.
Mana costs are different than the cards.
Sorceries and instants are combined under sorceries.
There are no creature enchantments.
There are no artifacts.
You can only have two enchantments in play at once.
You can only have five creatures in play at once.
You have a shield.
You have a duelist attack.
Creatures fight until they are dead.
Damage is permanent.
Some creatures block.
The video game takes place in an arena.
Spells are cast by picking up mana crystals not by playing Lands.
Mana regeneration occurs over time.
Most creatures attack, but some block. Others run to the back and perform
an ability.
Unsummon forces creatures to respawn, not to re-summon.
Flying creatures do not interact with ground creatures. They attack only other
flying creatures or directly to the enemy duelist.
Since the game takes place in a 3D environment, strategies that are not possible in the
card game quickly emerge and become key elements in determining victory. These include:
Creature placement
Speed and timing of spells
Timely mana collection
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