Manual Panasonic SD-ZB2512 Bread Maker

Need a manual for your Panasonic SD-ZB2512 Bread Maker? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 2 frequently asked questions, 16 comments and has 52 votes with an average product rating of 83/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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Automatic Bread Maker
Automatische Broodbakoven
GEBRUIKSAANWIJZING EN RECEPTEN (voor huishoudelijk gebruik)
Machine à pain automatique
Macchina per pane automatica
ISTRUZIONI D’USO E RICETTE (utilizzo domestico)
Máquina panificadora automática
Model No./Modell Nr./Modelnr.
Modèle n°/Modello n°/N.° de modelo
Deutsch NederlandsEnglish Français Italiano Español
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Download manual in English (PDF, 9.92 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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Here you can share what you think about the Panasonic SD-ZB2512 Bread Maker. If you have a question, first carefully read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

Johanna Klengel 13-12-2019
Good day! I bought this wonderful bread bakery a few days ago. I've already baked a few loaves of bread and I'm very happy with them. However, I have a very small problem: To make bread or dough, I always have to put the whole thick book on the table so that I can work according to the recipe. An attempt to copy pages DE29 to DE38 failed. Is it possible to get these pages from you? Thanks in advance. MfG J. Klengel,

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Suse 27-10-2020
I mainly bake on program 2 and bread mixes. The last two didn’t work because the bread machine didn’t develop enough heat any more.

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Angelo Mengoli -Bologna- 16-11-2019
In your opinion, is it normal that when you press start the machine starts working after about 30 minutes?

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Müller Frei 07-12-2023
Si Sì, it's normal. The ingredients in Devon are very warm and ready to be used. So the machine works without any noise.

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Diana Müller 22-02-2022
I highly recommend the bread maker! You really should read the manual carefully. The "resting" of the ingredients is part of the process in most programs to guarantee good bread. If you don't have the time, choose the "fast" program. I love the bread maker and with a little tact I was able to eat magical bread by substituting ingredients.

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Chiara Federici 26-05-2022
Salutations. I've been using this bread maker and it still doesn't always turn out well. I have a question: how do I take the blade off before baking bread? Because otherwise the hole in the middle remains. Thanks to those who will answer.

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Marie 30-06-2020
For all programs, my machine does not start right away, it starts up after 15-20 minutes and what is normal?

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Fabio 31-01-2021
I don't see the answer: In your opinion, is it normal that when you press start the machine starts working after about 30 minutes?

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Diana Müller 22-02-2022
That is normal. The ingredients rest first, then the machine starts. Otherwise you have to select the Quick Bread program.

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Susann Allemann 08-10-2021
What happens if you leave the bread in the bread maker for too long?

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Paola b. 04-01-2022
Why does my machine in the dough-only programs not start once started ??? While the bread with conttutmra or pizza dough program starts immediately ??? Do I have some non-working programs?

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J.Salou 07-12-2022
how can I have the user manual in French? I only download it in English

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Maes ingrid 06-01-2023
Good day! I bought this wonderful bread bakery a few days ago. I have already baked a few loaves of bread and am very happy with them. However, I have a very small problem: to make bread or dough, I always have to put the very thick book on the table so that I can work according to the recipe. An attempt to copy pages DE29 to DE38 failed. Is it possible to get these pages from you? Thanks in advance. MfG J. Klengel,

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Anselmo Fazzone 29-12-2023
I would like to know the times for inserting the sourdough starter for each bread program. Thank you.

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Stephanie Constantine 05-01-2024
is it possible to purchase the manual fo SD-ZB2512 as i have mislaid mine?

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Panasonic SD-ZB2512 Bread Maker. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Panasonic. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Panasonic SD-ZB2512 Bread Maker in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Panasonic
Model SD-ZB2512
Category Bread Makers
File type PDF
File size 9.92 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Panasonic SD-ZB2512 Bread Maker

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

Can I clean the baking tin of my bread maker with a scourer? Verified

No. Most bread makers have a baking tin with a non-stick layer that can be damaged by using a scourer or abrasive cleaner. Only use the soft side of a scourer or a wet wipe.

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Why do I need to remove the tray before adding ingredients? Verified

This is to prevent ingredients from falling on a heating element. They might burn and cause smoke.

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Manual Panasonic SD-ZB2512 Bread Maker

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