Manual One For All URC 8060 Kameleon 6 Remote Control

Need a manual for your One For All URC 8060 Kameleon 6 Remote Control? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 6 frequently asked questions, 1 comment and has 20 votes with an average product rating of 75/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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Universal remote
Instructions manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P. 1
Universal Fernbedienung
Bedienungsanleitung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S. 17
Télécommande universelle
Mode d’emploi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P. 33
Mando a Distancia Universal
Guía del usario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P. 49
Telecomando Universal
Manual de instruções . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P. 65
Telecomando Universale
Istruzioni per l’uso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P. 81
Universele Afstandsbediening
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P. 97
kameleon 6
kameleon 6
Guarantee UK UNIVERSAL ELECTRONICS INC./ONE FOR ALL warrants to the original purchaser that this product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship
under normal and correct use for a period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase. This product will be replaced free of charge if it has been proven to be defective within
the one (1) year warranty period. This warranty does not cover cartons, carrying cases, batteries, broken or marred cabinets or any other item used in connection with the product.
Any further obligation than listed above is excluded. To obtain warranty service during the warranty period, please call us at the number mentioned on the Customer Service page.
Please notice that we need your purchase receipt so that we may establish your eligibility for service.
GARANTIE D UNIVERSAL ELECTRONICS INC./ONE FOR ALL garantiert dem Kunden, dass dieses Produkt bei sachgemässem und ordentlichem Gebrauch für die dauer
eines Jahres volkommen frei von Defekten materieller oder technischer Art bleiben wird, gerechnet ab Kaufdatum. Falls erwiesen werden kann, dass innerhalb der Garantiezeit eines
Jahres ein Defekt entstanden ist, wird dieses Produkt gebührenfrei ersetzt, falls besagtes Produkt innerhalb der Garantiezeit auf Kosten des Kunden zurückgeschickt wird. Diese
Garantie erstreckt sich nicht auf Verpackungen, Transportbehältnisse, Batterien, zerbrochene oder beschädigte Gehäuse oder ander Objekte, die in Verbindung mit dem Produkt
verwendet werden. Jegliche weitere Verpflichtung als die oben aufgeführte wird ausgeschlossen. Um unseren Garantiesevice innerhalb der Garantiezeit in Anspruch nehmen zu
können, wählen Sie bitte die Nummer die Sie auf der Kundendienstseite finden um weitere Instruktionen zu erhalten. Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir Ihren Kaufbeleg brauchen um fest
zu stellen ob Sie Anspruch auf unseren Garantieservice erheben können.
GARANTIE F UNIVERSAL ELECTRONICS INC./ONE FOR ALL garantit à l’acheteur d’origine que ce produit est certifié franc de défauts matériels et de main d’œuvre durant
une période d’un (1) an à partir de la date d’achat original à la condition exclusive que ce produit ait été utilisé de manière normale et correcte. Ce produit sera remplacé gratuitement
s’il s’est révélé défectueux pendant ladite période d’un (1) an, produit devant être retourné à la charge du client durant la période de garantie. Cette garantie ne saurait couvrir d’aucune
manière que ce soit emballages en carton, coffrets portables quelconques, piles, corps d`appareil cassé ou endommagé ou tout autre article utilisé en combinaison avec ce produit.
Nous nous réservons le droit de rejeter tout autre engagement que ceux cités plus haut. Pour pouvoir obtenir le service de garantie durant la période de garantie, veuillez nous
contacter au numéro mentionné sur la page ”Service Consommateurs” pour les instructions nécessaires. Veuillez noter que la preuve d’achat est obligatoire afin de pouvoir
déterminer votre droit à ce service.
GARANTIA E UNIVERSAL ELECTRONICS/ONE FOR ALL garantiza al comprador que este producto estará libre de defectos materiales o de fabricación, al menos durante 1
año desde la fecha actual de su adquisición ,y en caso de que se utilice de un modo normal y correcto. Este producto será sustituido de forma gratuita siempre y cuando se pueda
demostrar que es defectuoso y que esto haya sucedido dentro del año de garantía, corriendo a cuenta del comprador los gastos de su devolución. Esta garantia no cubre embalajes,
maletines, envoltorios, pilas, armarios u otros objetos utilizados en conexión con este producto. Se excluyen otras obligaciones, cualesquiera que sean, además de las mencionadas
más arriba. Para obtener servicio de garantía dentro del período correspondiente a ésta, por favor, llámenos al número de teléfono que se menciona en la página de Servicio de
Atención al Cliente. Por favor, asegúrese de tener su recibo o ticket de compra para que podamos establecer su legitimidad a este servicio.
GARANTIA P A UNIVERSAL ELECTRONICS INC>/ONE FOR ALL garante ao cliente a protecção deste produto no que respeita a defeitos de fabrico de material, dentro de um período de uso
correcto e normal de 1 ano a partir da data da compra do mesmo produto. Este produto será substituido sem qualquer encargo no caso de ter sido comprovada qualquer avaria dentro do período de 1
ano e após o seu retorno ( custos de envio da responsabilidade do consumidor ) dentro deste mesmo prazo.
Esta garantia não cobre embalagens de cartão , caixas , pilhas, ou outros items usados em conjunto com este produto. Qualquer outra obrigação para além daquela acima descrita não será tida em
consideração. Para obter o serviço de garantia durante o período a este destinado,
para mais informações contacte-nos no número mencionado na página do Serviço de Apoio ao Cliente
Por favor tome nota que ser-lhe á pedido o comprovativo de compra, de forma a que possamos confirmar a sua legitimidade para este serviço.
GARANZIA I La compagnia Universal Electronics inc./ ONE FOR ALL garantisce L’ acquisto originale che questo prodotto sarà esente da difetti di mano d’ opera dietro l’
utilizzo proprio di 1 anno. Questo prodotto sarà sostituito gratuitamente se verrà provato che e’ difettoso entro l’ anno di garanzia e ovviamente accompagnato dalla prova dello
scontrino che assicura la data d’ acquisto. La garanzia non copre la scatola, L’ imballaggio, le pile o ogni altro articolo che abbia a che vedere con il prodotto. Non ci sono ulteriori
obblighi di qui sopra elencati.Per accedere al nostro servizio al cliente durante l’ anno di garanzia potete chiamare al seguente numero telefonico che trovate sulla pagina ”Servizio
Clienti”. Vi chiediamo cortesemente di conservare lo scontrino affinche’ noi possiamo stabilire la vostra credibilità, per richiedere un nostro servizio.
GARANTIE NL UNIVERSAL ELECTRONICS INC./ONE FOR ALL garandeert de klant, dat dit produkt bij normaal en correct gebruik vrij van materiële of technische defecten
zal blijven voor een periode van één jaar, gerekend vanaf de datum van aankoop. Als aangetoond kan worden dat binnen de periode van één jaar een defect is ontstaan, zal dit
produkt gratis vervangen worden als het genoemde produkt op kosten van de klant binnen de garantieperiode teruggestuurd wordt. Deze garantie is niet van toepassing voor
verpakkingen, dozen voor transport, batterijen, gebroken of beschadigde behuizing of enig ander object, dat in verbinding met dit produkt gebruikt wordt. Elke andere verplichting
dan het bovengenoemde wordt uitgesloten. Om gebruik te maken van onze garantieservice tijdens de garantieperiode, belt u het nummer dat u vindt op de Klantenservice pagina.
Wij maken u erop attent dat wij uw bewijs van aankoop nodig hebben om vast te stellen of u voor deze garantieservice in aanmerking komt.
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Universal Electronics BV
Europe & International
P.O. Box 3332
7500 DH, Enschede
The Netherlands
Kameleon omslag met 7 mm rug 20-09-2002 20:00 Pagina 1
Download manual in English (PDF, 5.89 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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Here you can share what you think about the One For All URC 8060 Kameleon 6 Remote Control. If you have a question, first carefully read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

[email protected] 07-02-2022
Is there an updated device list so that the remote control can also be used to control newer devices? If YES, where can I find them.

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your One For All URC 8060 Kameleon 6 Remote Control. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact One For All. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your One For All URC 8060 Kameleon 6 Remote Control in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand One For All
Model URC 8060 Kameleon 6
Category Remote Controls
File type PDF
File size 5.89 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about One For All URC 8060 Kameleon 6 Remote Control

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

How do I connect a universal remote control to my television? Verified

To connect your universal remote control, you need the model number and brand name of both the remote control and the television. There is a list of codes for brands and model numbers in the manual of the remote control .

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Why are there letters next to the numbers on the remote control? Verified

Certain television settings may require you to enter letters. There are usually three letters or other characters on a button. When letter input is required, you can press that button once for the first letter, press twice for the second letter and press 3 times for the third letter. This way, text can be written with a minimum number of buttons.

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Will my remote control also work on other television models of the same brand? Verified

Often a remote control of a television will also work on similar models of the same brand. However, it is unusual that it will work on all models of that brand. Universal remote controls are more suited to do this.

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What is the average range of an infrared remote control? Verified

An average infrared remote control had a range of around 3 to 6 meters. Also, the further away the device is, the harder it will be to aim.

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A battery in my device is oxidized, can I still safely use it? Verified

Ja, the device can still be safely used. Firstly, remove the oxidizd battery. Never use bare hands to do this. Then clean the battery compartment with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar or lemon juice. Let it dry and insert new batteries.

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Can I leave a replacable battery in a device for a long time? Verified

Replacable batteries can remain in a device for a long time if the device is in use. When a device is being stored for a long time it is advisable to remove the batteries to prevent oxidation.

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Manual One For All URC 8060 Kameleon 6 Remote Control

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