Manual Oleo-Mac G 53 TKE Allroad Plus 4 Lawn Mower

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1 - Leggere il libretto uso e manutenzione prima di utilizzare questa
2 - ATTENZIONE! - Non lasciare avvicinare nessuno durante il lavoro.
Fare attenzione alla proiezione di oggetti.
3 - Prima di effettuare qualsiasi pulizia o riparazione, fermate il
motore e staccate il filo della candela.
4 - Non avvicinare mani o piedi al carter della lama mentre il motore
è avviato.
ATTENZIONE! - Le lame rimangono in movimento per alcuni
secondi anche dopo che il motore è stato spento.
5 - Obbligo di indossare le cuffie (modello 53)
1 - Read operator’s instruction book before operating this machine.
2 - WARNING! - Do not let anybody approach to the working area.
Be careful of thrown objects
3 - Before cleaning or repairing the mower, stop the engine and
disconnect the spark plug lead.
4 - When the engine is running, do not put hands or feet near or
under the mower deck.
WARNING! - Blades continue to rotate for little seconds after
machine is switched off.
5 - Must wear ear protection (model 53)
1 - Lire le manuel avant d’utiliser cette machine.
2 - ATTENTION! - Ne laisser sapprocher personne durant le travail.
Faire attention aux objets qui pourraient être projetés.
3 - Arrêter le moteur et débrancher le fil de la bougie avant de
nettoyer le carter de lame, d'inspecter ou de réparer la tondeuse.
4 - Ne pas placer les mains ou les pieds à proximité du carter de lame
lorsque le moteur est en marche.
ATTENTION! - Les lames restent en movement pour quelques
secondes même après que le moteur a été éteint.
5 - Protection obligatoire des oreilles (modèle 53)
1 - Betriebsanleitung vor der Inbetriebsnahme lesen.
2 - ACHTUNG! - Das Annähern von Unbefugten an die Maschine
während der Arbeit ist untersagt: Gefahr projezierter
3 - Bevor Sie den Mäher reinigen oder reparieren, ziehen Sie den
Zündkerzenstecker ab.
4 - Wenn die Maschine läuft, Hände und Füße vom Mähwerkzeug
ACHTUNG! - Die Messer bleiben auch nach dem Abschalten des
Motors noch einige Sekunden in Bewegung.
5 - Gehörschutz tragen (modell 53)
1 - Antes de utilisar esta maquina, leer el manual de instrucciones.
2 - ¡ATENCIÓN! - No permitir que nadie se acerque durante el trabajo.
Prestar atención a la proyección de objetos.
3 - Antes de efectuar la limpieza o reparación del motor pararlo y
desconectar el cable de la bujia.
4 - No poner las manos o los ples proximos a la cuchilla hasta que el
motor este parado.
¡ATENCIÓN! - Las hojas permanecen en movimiento durante
algunos segundos incluso después de que el motor ha sido
5 - Obligación de utilizar auriculares (modelo 53)
1 - Pred použitím tohto stroja si prečítajte návod na použitie a
2 - POZOR! - Počas práce nenechajte nikoho priblížiť sa ku stroju.
Pozornosť venujte odmršteným predmetom.
3 - Pred vykonaním akejkoľvek údržby alebo opravy, vypnite motor a
odstráňte káblovú koncovku zo sviečky.
4 - Nepribližujte ruky alebo chodidlá ku krytu noža, keď je motor
POZOR! - ž je v pohybe počas niekoľkých sekúnd, aj potom, ako
bol motor vypnutý.
5 - Používajte chrániče sluchu (model 53)
Download manual in English (PDF, 2.34 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Oleo-Mac G 53 TKE Allroad Plus 4 Lawn Mower. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Oleo-Mac. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Oleo-Mac G 53 TKE Allroad Plus 4 Lawn Mower in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Oleo-Mac
Model G 53 TKE Allroad Plus 4
Category Lawn Mowers
File type PDF
File size 2.34 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Oleo-Mac G 53 TKE Allroad Plus 4 Lawn Mower

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

How do I know when to sharpen the blades of my lawn mower? Verified

Sharp blades cleanly cut the grass. Dull blades roughly tears the grass which will quikly turn brown. If the lawn mower produces teared grass, then the blades should be sharpened or replaced.

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What is mulching? Verified

Some lawn mowers are able to mulch. Mulching finely shreds the grass and blows it back to the lawn. There the mulch functions as nutrition and protection for the grass.

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I accidentally put diesel in my petrol lawn mower, what should I do? Verified

Do NOT use the lawn mower. The only option is to completely empty the tank and fill it with the right fuel.

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What is the best lenght for my grass? Verified

To prevent the grass from drying out it should not be too short. It's better to mow the grass more often than to cut it too short. The optimal length it between 3 and 4 centimeter.

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Can I mow grass when it's wet? Verified

It is possible, but not advisable. When grass is wet it will lump together during mowing, preventing an optimal result.

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What is the right moment to mow my lawn? Verified

The best months for lawn mowing are March to October. Mowing should be done once or twice a week depending on how fast the grass grows. The best time of day to mow the grass is at the end of the afternoon and never in full sunlight. This is to prevent the grass from drying out after being cut.

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At what lawn surface do I choose an electric mower and at which surface a petrol mower? Verified

For surfaces up to 300m² you can use a battery driven mower. For surfaces larger than that it is recommended to use a petrol mower.

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Can I let a robot mower work in the night? Verified

It's better not to let a robot mower work in the night. Some animals, like hedgehogs, are mostly active at night. They are often not quick enough to escape from the robot mower and can get severely wounded or killed.

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Manual Oleo-Mac G 53 TKE Allroad Plus 4 Lawn Mower

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