Manuals for SilverCrest Slicing Machines

Below you can find all models SilverCrest Slicing Machines for which we have manuals available. Also view the frequenty asked questions at the bottom of the page for useful tips about your product. Is your model not on the list? Please contact us.

Is your product defective and the manual offers no solution? Go to a Repair Café for free repair services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

What is the model number of my SilverCrest product? Verified

Although some SilverCrest products have an alternative model number, all of them have an IAN number with which the product can be identified.

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Manual SilverCrest IAN 321533 Slicing Machine
Carme 03-07-2022
I want to change the cutting blade of the meat slicer, and to know if a blade that is not serrated is possible

(Translated by Google)
SilverCrest IAN 321533 Slicing Machine
Manual SilverCrest SAS 120 C1 Slicing Machine
Nodot 30-06-2022
Can you remove the base for cleaning?

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SilverCrest SAS 120 C1 Slicing Machine
Manual SilverCrest SAS 120 C1 Slicing Machine
Nodot 30-06-2022
Can you remove the base for cleaning?

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SilverCrest SAS 120 C1 Slicing Machine
Manual SilverCrest IAN 336967 Slicing Machine
Jean Yves Renault 13-08-2021
The big problem is that the blade does not hold on its axis. I have to press it while it spins Otherwise it ends up going out of its axis! I haven't cut my finger yet ... but it's still pretty dangerous, obviously. I am generally satisfied with the Silvercrest products, but here I am very disappointed. (I have had another slicer before for over 10 years with no worries other than wear at the end). Sorry for being negative. Thank you for answering me

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SilverCrest IAN 336967 Slicing Machine