Manual Kenwood KDC-BT39DAB Car Radio

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Data Size: B6L (182 mm x 128 mm)
Book Size: B6L (182 mm x 128 mm)
Information on Disposal of Old Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Batteries (applicable for
countries that have adopted separate waste collection systems)
Products and batteries with the symbol (crossed-out wheeled bin) cannot be disposed as household waste.
Old electrical and electronic equipment and batteries should be recycled at a facility capable of handling
these items and their waste byproducts.
Contact your local authority for details in locating a recycle facility nearest to you. Proper recycling and
waste disposal will help conserve resources whilst preventing detrimental effects on our health and the
Notice: The sign “Pb” below the symbol for batteries indicates that this battery contains lead.
Information sur l’élimination des anciens équipements électriques et électroniques et piles
électriques (applicable dans les pays qui ont adopté des systèmes de collecte sélective)
Les produits et piles électriques sur lesquels le pictogramme (poubelle barrée) est apposé ne peuvent pas
être éliminés comme ordures ménagères.
Les anciens équipements électriques et électroniques et piles électriques doivent être recyclés sur des sites
capables de traiter ces produits et leurs déchets.
Contactez vos autorités locales pour connaître le site de recyclage le plus proche. Un recyclage adapté et
l’élimination des déchets aideront à conserver les ressources et à nous préserver des leurs effets nocifs sur
notre santé et sur l’environnement.
Remarque: Le symbole “Pb“ ci-dessous sur des piles électrique indique que cette pile contient du plomb.
Entsorgung von gebrauchten elektrischen und elektronischen Geräten und Batterien (anzuwenden
in Ländern mit einem separaten Sammelsystem für solche Geräte)
Das Symbol (durchgestrichene Mülltonne) auf dem Produkt oder seiner Verpackung weist darauf hin, dass
dieses Produkt nicht als normaler Haushaltsabfall behandelt werden darf, sondern an einer Annahmestelle
für das Recycling von elektrischen und elektronischen Geräten und batterien abgegeben werden muss.
Durch Ihren Beitrag zur korrekten Entsorgung dieses Produktes schützen Sie die Umwelt und die
Gesundheit Ihrer Mitmenschen.
Unsachgemässe oder falsche Entsorgung gefährden Umwelt und Gesundheit. Weitere Informationen
über das Recycling dieses Produktes erhalten Sie von Ihrer Gemeinde oder den kommunalen
Achtung: Das Zeichen „Pb“ unter dem Symbol fur Batterien zeigt an, dass diese Batterie Blei enthalt.
Informatie over het weggooien van elektrische en elektronische apparatuur en batterijen
Dit symbool geeft aan dat gebruikte elektrische, elektronische producten en batterijen niet bij
het normale huishoudelijke afval mogen.
Lever deze producten in bij de aangewezen inzamelingspunten, waar ze gratis worden
geaccepteerd en op de juiste manier worden verwerkt, teruggewonnen en hergebruikt.
Voor inleveradressen zie,, Wanneer u dit
product op de juiste manier als afval inlevert, spaart u waardevolle hulpbronnen en voorkomt
u potentiële negatieve gevolgen voor de volksgezondheid en het milieu, die anders kunnen
ontstaan door een onjuiste verwerking van afval.
Opgelet: Het teken “Pb” onder het teken van de batterijen geeft aan dat deze batterij lood
Informazioni sullo smaltimento delle vecchie apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche e
delle batterie (valide per i paesi che hanno adottato sistemi di raccolta differenziata)
I prodotti e le batterie recanti il simbolo di un cassonetto della spazzatura su ruote barrato non
possono essere smaltiti insieme ai normali rifiuti di casa.
I vecchi prodotti elettrici ed elettronici e le batterie devono essere riciclati presso un'apposita
struttura in grado di trattare questi prodotti e di smaltirne i loro componenti.
Per conoscere dove e come recapitare tali prodotti nel luogo a voi più vicino, contattare l'apposito
ufficio comunale. Un appropriato riciclo e smaltimento aiuta a conservare la natura e a prevenire
effetti nocivi alla salute e all'ambiente.
Nota: Il simbolo “Pb” sotto al simbolo delle batterie indica che questa batteria contiene
JS_KWD_KDC_BT39DAB_EN_S00_01.indd iJS_KWD_KDC_BT39DAB_EN_S00_01.indd i 30/9/2014 2:40:28 PM30/9/2014 2:40:28 PM
Download manual in English (PDF, 3.19 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Kenwood KDC-BT39DAB Car Radio. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Kenwood. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Kenwood KDC-BT39DAB Car Radio in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Kenwood
Category Car Radios
File type PDF
File size 3.19 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Kenwood KDC-BT39DAB Car Radio

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

What is DAB+? Verified

DAB+ is the successor of the FM signal and stands for Digital Audio Broadcasting. It is a digital signal that allows for more channels within the same bandwidth and allows for easier switching between channels.

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There is a CD stuck in my car radio, what is should I do? Verified

Some car radios have a feature to eject stuck CDs. Turn the car off and press the 'on' and 'eject' button simultaneously for 10 seconds. If this does not work, start the car and try again.

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What is the difference between FM and AM? Verified

FM and AM are both forms of modulation used to transmit a signal. FM stands for Frequency Modulation and AM stands for Amplitude Modulation. AM is the oldest form of modulation. The biggest difference is that the FM signal is much stronger than the AM signal.

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What size car radio fits my car? Verified

There are two standard car radio sizes, 1-DIN and 2-DIN. 1-DIN is the standard slim versin and 2-DIN is double that height. 2-DIN car radios often have room for a screen to display navigational information or play movies.

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Manual Kenwood KDC-BT39DAB Car Radio

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