Manual Joycare JC-610 Blood Pressure Monitor

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JC-610 (TMB 995)
Descrizione dell’apparecchio e simboli sul display / Description of the device and symbols on the display / Description de
l’appareil et symboles aches sur l’écran / Gerätebeschreibung und Symbole in der Anzeige / Descripción del aparato y
símbolos de la pantalla / Descrição do aparelho e símbolos no visor /       
 / Descrierea aparatului şi simbolurile de pe ecran / A készülék leírása és a kijelzőn megjelenő szimbólumok
      ,   / TENSIOMETRU AUTOMAT PENTRU BRA /AUTOMATA KAR-VÉRNYOMÁSMÉRŐ
Pressione sistolica / Systolic blood pressure / Pression systolique / Systolischer Blutdruck / Presión sistólica / Tensão sistólica / Систолно налягане / Tensiune
sistolică / Szisztolés vérnyomás
Pressione diastolica / Diastolic blood pressure / Pression diastolique / Diastolischer Blutdruck / Presión diastólica / Tensão diastólica / Диастолно налягане /
Tensiune diastolică / Diasztolés vérnyomás
Pulsazioni al minuto / Pulse- Beats per minute / Pulsations par minute / Puls- Herzschläge pro Minute / Pulsaciones por minuto / Pulsações por minuto /
Сърдечни удари в минута / Bătăi pe minut / Percenkénti pulzusszám
Sgonaggio: Il bracciale sta terminando a sgonarsi / Deation: The arm cu is deating / Dégonement: Le bracelet termine de se dégoner / Entleeren:
Die Manschette hat sich entleert / Desinado: El brazalete está terminando de desinarse / Desinsuamento: A braçadeira está a acabar de desinsuar-se /
Спадане: Маншетът приключва с изпускането на въздуха / Dezumare: Manşeta nalizează dezumarea / A karöltő majdnem leengedett
Data (ora-minuti) / Date (hour-minutes) / Date (heure-minutes) / Datum (Stunde-Minuten) / Fecha (hora-minutos) / Data (hora-minutos) / Дата (час-
минути) / Dată (oră-minute) / Dátum (óra-perc)
Memoria: Se compare sul display il simbolo “M” ed il numero signica che si stanno visualizzando i dati relativi a quella memoria / Memory: The symbol
“M” and number appearing together on the display indicate that data is being displayed for that / Mémoire: Si le symbole “M” s’ache sur l’écran en même
temps qu’un numéro, alors les données achées sont celles correspondant au numéro de mémoire aché / Speicher: Wenn auf der Anzeige das Symbol
“M” zusammen mit einer Nummer erscheint, bedeutet dies, dass die dieser Messung entsprechenden Daten angezeigt werden / Memoria: Si aparecen en la
pantalla el símbolo «M» y el número, signica que se están visualizando los datos de la posición de memoria correspondiente / Memória: Se aparece no visor o
símbolo “M” e o número tal signica que estão a ser exibidos os dados relativos àquela memória / Памет: Ако върху дисплея се появи символът „М” заедно
с данните, това означава, че са изведени данните, съхранени в този запис на паметта / Memorie: Dacă simbolul „M” apare pe ecran împreună cu datele
înseamnă că sunt aşate datele aferente acelui loc din memorie / Memória: “Ha a képernyőn az adatokkal együtt megjelenik az “M” jelzés és egy szám, az azt
jelenti, hogy az adott memóriára vonatkozó adatok kerülnek megjelenítésre.
mmHg: Unità di misura della pressione (1 mmHG=0.133Kpa) / Unit of pressure (1 mmHg = 0.133Kpa) / Unité de mesure de la pression (1 mmHG=0.133Kpa)
/ Maßeinheit für den Druck (1 mmHG = 0.133 kPa) / Unidad de medida de la presión arterial (1 mmHG=0,133 Kpa) / Unidade de medida da tensão (1
mmHG=0.133Kpa) / Единица-мярка за налягане (1 mmHG=0.133Kpa) / Unitate de măsură a tensiunii (1 mmHG=0.133Kpa) / A nyomás mértékegysége
(1mmHg= 0.133kPa)
La batteria si sta esaurendo e deve essere sostituita / The battery is running low and must be replaced / La pile est presque épuisée et doit être remplacée / Die
Batterie ist schwach geworden und muss ausgewechselt werden / Las pilas se están agotando y se deben reemplazar / A pilha está fraca e deve ser substituída
/ Батерията е изтощена и трябва да бъде заменена / Bateria se termină şi trebuie înlocuită / Az elem kimerülőben van, ki kell cserélni
Aritmia: Battito cardiaco irregolare / Arrhythmia: Irregular heartbeat / Arythmie: Rythme cardiaque irrégulier / Arrhythmie: Herzrhytmusstörung / Arritmia:
Ritmo cardíaco irregular / Arritmia: Batimento cardíaco irregular / Аритмия: Неравномерен сърдечен ритъм / Aritmie: Bătaie cardiacă neregulată /
Szabálytalan szívverés:
Livelli di classicazione / Classication levels / Niveaux de classement / Klassikationsstufen / Niveles de clasicación / Níveis de classicação / Нива на
класификация / Niveluri de clasicare / Osztályozás szintjei
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We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Joycare JC-610 Blood Pressure Monitor. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Joycare. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Joycare JC-610 Blood Pressure Monitor in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Joycare
Model JC-610
Category Blood Pressure Monitors
File type PDF
File size 0.65 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Joycare JC-610 Blood Pressure Monitor

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

I just measured my blood pressure with a blood pressure monitor, but what is considered a 'normal' blood pressure? Verified

In general a systolic pressure of 120 and a diastolic pressure of 80 is considered normal or healthy. People aged 60 and over can have a slightly higher blood pressure.

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What are systolic and diastolic blood pressure? Verified

When measuring blood pressure two values are displayed, systolic and diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure is the pressure on the veins when the heart contracts and diastolic pressure is the pressure on the veins then the heart relaxes.

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Manual Joycare JC-610 Blood Pressure Monitor

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