Manual Jacques Lemans 1-17120 Watch

Need a manual for your Jacques Lemans 1-17120 Watch? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 6 frequently asked questions, 5 comments and has 2 votes with an average product rating of 50/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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Here you can share what you think about the Jacques Lemans 1-17120 Watch. If you have a question, first carefully read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

Krzysztof 13-10-2022
What battery fits the JACQUES LEMANS 1-1246 watch?

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Günther Hutter 29-03-2023
Ladies and Gentlemen The model number 1-1712 is engraved on the back of my Jacques Lemans watch, which has not been worn since 2017. However, only the 1-17120 model is listed on the user manual homepage. Failed to download user manual for model 17120. Instead, the insert reads: "Download failed. Check internet connection." The internet connection is 100% fine! I am asking for help. Best regards Gunther Hutter

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Eduard Schmidt 06-02-2024
Dear Sir or Madam, the Jacques Lemans watch I bought today has 1-1712 engraved on it. There is no instruction manual to download for this. I cannot change the date and day of the week. Please send me an instruction manual for the model. Kind regards, Eduard Schmidt

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Julija 17-04-2024
I have the same problem. Juwelier Christ changed my battery, but did NOT put all the digital data back together here I am

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Julija 18-04-2024
Yes, please attach the PDF user manual here so that we can do the digital data on the watch that the jeweler himself couldn't do. thanks a lot in advance!

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Jacques Lemans 1-17120 Watch. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Jacques Lemans. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Jacques Lemans 1-17120 Watch in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Jacques Lemans
Model 1-17120
Category Watches
File type PDF
File size 2.63 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jacques Lemans 1-17120 Watch

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

A battery in my device is oxidized, can I still safely use it? Verified

Ja, the device can still be safely used. Firstly, remove the oxidizd battery. Never use bare hands to do this. Then clean the battery compartment with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar or lemon juice. Let it dry and insert new batteries.

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My mechanical watch runs fast, what can I do? Verified

This might be caused by exposure to a magnetic field. It can be solved by a demagnetisation process performed by a professional watchmaker.

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What do AM and PM stand for? Verified

AM stands for Ante Meridiem and indicates that the time is before midday. PM stands for Post Meridiem and indicates that the time is past midday.

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What is a 'Chronograph'? Verified

A 'Chronograph' is literally a 'writer of time'. The term is used to describe clocks and watches that tell the time of day as well as measure a certain period of time, like a stopwatch.

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What is GMT? Verified

GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time (sometimes called UTC, standing for Coordinated Universal Time). It is the time for the longitude 0, that passes through Greenwich near London.

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What is a quartz movement? Verified

Watches and clocks with a quartz movement are driven by a battery. This sends an electric current through quartz crystals that will vibrate. These vibrations are passed on to the movement. Because the vibrations have a fixed frequency, watches and clocks with a quartz movement are extremely precise.

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Manual Jacques Lemans 1-17120 Watch

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