Manual IKEA UTRUSTA (002.046.48) Hinge

Need a manual for your IKEA UTRUSTA (002.046.48) Hinge? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 3 frequently asked questions, 14 comments and has 47 votes with an average product rating of 11/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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© Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2012 AA-698584-3
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Petra 01-03-2021
The utrusta hinge is folded together and I can't get it apart. How does this work?

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Janek kipisz 26-05-2020
After adjusting the hinges, it becomes difficult or they do not close by themselves, and when they close, they protrude beyond the outline and there are large gaps

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ESTHER 06-10-2020
Good morning, I am installing the hinge, because I am changing the doors to the wardrobe and I cannot do step 8 of the instructions, where it says click so that there is no separation between the wardrobe piece and the door, so that the hinge remains flat, no space in between. If you can help me. Thanks

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Ineke Martens 10-08-2021
We are assembling a cabinet, are working on the Utrusta, hinge, the hinge clicks together and we can no longer move it. How do we get it apart again??

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Aga 05-11-2021
I installed the hinges correctly in the wardrobe using methods, but I can't fasten them, they don't "surprise". Could it be a defect in the hinge or my mistake?

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Wenche 17-06-2022
Hello. Should change cabinets front, but do not get to loosen these. Will be using the hinges again. Must be a simple trick ...?

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Tomas Tomasson 03-06-2022
The adjustment instructions fr. IKEA is too bad. In my case, the small movement is not enough to adjust the door. In addition, the screw in the middle is bad and different angles on different hinges! Better with a "torks" skull. Tell how the adjustment affects the door with a picture and possibly. How much a lap does.

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Rick Lindhout 06-10-2020
Hard to say. It is not clear how to attach the hinge to the side of the cabinet. The manual is illegibly small. What is front and back. The video on Youtube is also unclear. The carpenter holds his hand in front of it. That should be better!

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Aleid van Papenrecht 24-10-2020
Dear Rick, As far as I can see, the piece on the case itself has a slightly rounder shape on one side, like a "boat", that side should point to the front. But do you get that "lid" of the part that is on the door flipped over?

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Helga Gafga 28-02-2022
The manual is a disaster for me.

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Marcin Pawlak 23-02-2021
Does manual closing of a door with a hinge with a shock absorber result in faster wear / damage to it?

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Ryszard 07-07-2021
After inserting the oven in the recess of the central column, it turned out that the upper cabinet door is too low and it cannot be opened. How to raise the door by 3 mm or if it is possible to use an ultra-thin hinge, then subregulate it vertically.

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Astri Keizer 26-12-2023
These Utrusta hinges are much more difficult to fit in the round recess (Bodbyn door) than with previous Ikea doors. Must be rough, OK, but this is exaggerated. One is now in place, but only after tapping with a hammer. With the other three, even that doesn't work. I don't want to force anything, so I want to know first if I'm missing a trick. Pictographic manual is worthless. Is it so difficult for a multinational like Ikea to offer a language manual online?

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Tore Hobbelstad 14-04-2024
I also need to change the side that the hinges are on. This is complicated as the plugs that the screws sit in on the hull are broken. Is it possible to get new ones??

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your IKEA UTRUSTA (002.046.48) Hinge. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact IKEA. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your IKEA UTRUSTA (002.046.48) Hinge in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand IKEA
Model UTRUSTA (002.046.48)
Category Hinges
File type PDF
File size 0.38 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about IKEA UTRUSTA (002.046.48) Hinge

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

What is the best way to disassemble my IKEA product? Verified

IKEA states that the best way to disassemble their products is to follow the instructions backwards.

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There is a screw/plug/nail missing from my IKEA product. Where can I get a replacement? Verified

Every IKEA has a section where you can take free screws, plugs and other fixings.

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I want to remove a wooden dowel from my IKEA product, but I can't get it out. What should I do? Verified

It's best to use a pair of pliers and use light pressure to remove the dowel. Don't squeeze too hard, or else the dowel will lose its grip.

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Manual IKEA UTRUSTA (002.046.48) Hinge

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