Need a manual for your IKEA HOLMSUND Day Bed? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 3 frequently asked questions, 15 comments and has 39 votes with an average product rating of 33/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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Mirja 27-06-2019
Can I wash the covers without taking the whole sofa apart?

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Sophie 18-07-2019
I am wondering that too. How can I cover the assembled sofa without disassembling it into all its individual parts? Request for Info!!!!!

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Irene D'Alessandro 05-02-2021
I took out the sofa for washing but I had to remove the right backrest. I did well?

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Anna 04-08-2022
Can I remove the cover and wash it without disassembling the sofa?

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Sabine 16-08-2022
I want to wash the Holmsund covers. How do I get the references?

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Riitta Taavettila 20-05-2022
I have a Holmund corner sofa, and now no observation, how the hell do I get the other uppers removed for washing ?. The corner part comes off.

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Alessio 06-11-2021
How to remove the ikea holsmund sofa

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Elisabeth 10-09-2020
I can't hide the sofa bed again. Is there any trick? .

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Aina 19-08-2021
I want to finally have a Holmsund sofa bed. Any tips, if anyone has done so? And is it twisted?

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U.F. 15-01-2022
When assembling the HOLMSUND corner sofa bed, I had my doubts as to whether the covers - as stated in the item description - could actually be completely removed for washing without having to disassemble the sofa into its individual parts. This is because the load-bearing screws that connect the seat to the back and armrests pass through openings in the cover of the seat that is subjected to the most wear and tear. A design flaw?

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paolo ruggeri 02-02-2022
after having mounted it I cannot open it, it opens only if I turn it upside down because

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Sara 15-09-2022
I can't get the Holmsund sofa out. How can I do?

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maria Gabriella 18-09-2023
This sofa is a dump or was designed by a dirty person. It is not possible to define it as removable since the most used seat requires dismantling part of the sofa to be removed. which by the way I can't do. To throw it behind him

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Maren Sommer-Frohms 02-03-2023
How can I change the cover of the seat? I can't even get the cover off.

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Andres 29-12-2023
Hello. holmsund corner sofa bed how do you change the upholstery for the sofa, do you have to remove screws, or is it not possible to change all parts of the upholstery?

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your IKEA HOLMSUND Day Bed. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact IKEA. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your IKEA HOLMSUND Day Bed in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand IKEA
Category Day Beds
File type PDF
File size 1.36 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about IKEA HOLMSUND Day Bed

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

What is the best way to disassemble my IKEA product? Verified

IKEA states that the best way to disassemble their products is to follow the instructions backwards.

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There is a screw/plug/nail missing from my IKEA product. Where can I get a replacement? Verified

Every IKEA has a section where you can take free screws, plugs and other fixings.

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I want to remove a wooden dowel from my IKEA product, but I can't get it out. What should I do? Verified

It's best to use a pair of pliers and use light pressure to remove the dowel. Don't squeeze too hard, or else the dowel will lose its grip.

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