Manuals for Ardes Fans

Below you can find all models Ardes Fans for which we have manuals available. Also view the frequenty asked questions at the bottom of the page for useful tips about your product. Is your model not on the list? Please contact us.

Is your product defective and the manual offers no solution? Go to a Repair Café for free repair services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

Does a fan influence the room temperature? Verified

No, a fan only moves air, providing a cooling effect to the skin.

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What is the best place for a fan? Verified

If there is a source of cold air, like an air conditioner, a fan can be used to better and further distribute that cold air. If only the fan is used it's best to place it had head hight. The head is one of the body parts that transpires the most and the moving air helps dissipating the heat. This gives the maximum cooling effect.

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Latest comments

Manual Ardes AR5S40PBR Fan
Primo Rinosa 14-08-2023
Greetings. I have one of this model of fan AR5S40PBR remote control and function button. Unfortunately the fan does not start

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Ardes AR5S40PBR Fan
Manual Ardes AR5S40PBR Fan
franco picasso 24-07-2023
both manual and remote controls no longer work.

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Ardes AR5S40PBR Fan
Manual Ardes AR5S41PBT Fan
Denise permer 04-08-2022
I purchased the product but it does not stay on it keeps turning off

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Ardes AR5S41PBT Fan
Manual Ardes AR5S40PBR Fan
Alessandro 20-06-2022
Today I got the fan I haven't used since last summer. When I increase the speed and the setting is Normal and then I press the Swing key it stops, but if I set Natural as the setting and press the key it does not stop. Because?

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Ardes AR5S40PBR Fan
Manual Ardes AR5T85R Fan
[email protected] 11-06-2022
Good morning. The plastic support that connects the rotation motor to the fan is broken. Kindly I ask you: Can it be replaced ?; Is it possible to have the spare part ?; If you have the spare, I would also need the support placed under the fan that blocks the power cable. Those fixed with two French Allen screws. Looking forward to your reply, thank you.

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Ardes AR5T85R Fan