Manual Hitachi H 65SB Demolition Hammer

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Code No. C99050674 N
Printed in Japan
Wij verklaren onder eigen verantwoordelijkheid dat dit produkt conform
de richtlijnen of gestandardiseerde documenten EN50144, EN55014
en EN61000-3 voldoet aan de eisen van EEG Bepalingen 73/23/EEG,
89/336/EEG, 98/37/EC en 2000/14/EC.
•Type gereedschap: Handbetonbreekhamer
Typenaam: H65SB
•Gewicht gereedschap: 16,5 kg
•Conformiteit vaststellingsprocedure: ANNEX VI Paragraaf 5
•In kennis gesteld instituut: BSI Product Services, Maylands Avenue,
Hemel Hempstead, Herts. HP2 4SQ UK
•Gemeten geluidsdruk: 103 dB
•Gegarandeerde geluidsdruk: 105 dB
Deze verklaring is van toepassing op produkten voorzien van de CE-markeringen.
Declaramos bajo nuestra única responsabilidad que este producto está
de acuerdo con las normas o con los documentos de normalización
EN50144, EN55014 y EN61000-3, según indican las Directrices del
Consejo 73/23/CEE, 89/336/CEE, 98/37/CE y 2000/14/CE.
•Tipo de dispositivo: martillo manual para romper el hormigón
Nombre del modelo: H65SB
•Peso del dispositivo: 16,5 kg
•Procedimiento de evaluación de conformidad: ANEXO VI Párrafo 5
•Entidad notificada: BSI Product Services, Maylands Avenue Hemel
Hempstead Herts HP2 4SQ Reino Unido
•Nivel de potencia acústica medida: 103 dB
•Nivel de potencia acústica garantizada: 105 dB
Esta declaración se aplica a los productos con marcas de la CE.
Declaramos, sob nossa única e inteira responsabilidade, que este
produto está de acordo com as normas ou documentos normativos
EN50144, EN55014 e EN61000-3, em conformidade com as Diretrizes
73/23/CEE, 89/336/CEE, 98/37/CE e 2000/14/CE do Conselho.
Tipo de equipamento: Martelo de mão para demolição de concreto
• Nome do tipo: H65SB
• Peso do equipamento: 16,5 kg
Procedimento de avaliação de conformidade: ANEXO VI Parágrafo 5
• Órgão notificado: BSI Product Services, Maylands Avenue Hemel
Hempstead Herts HP2 4SQ, Reino Unido
• Nível medido de potência de som: 103 dB
• Nível garantido de potência de som: 105 dB
Esta declaração se aplica aos produtos designados CE.
∆ηλώνουµε µε απλυτη υπευθυντητα τι αυτ το προιν είναι
εναρµονισµένο µε τα πρτυπα ή τα έγραφα προτύπων EN50144,
EN55014 και EN61000-3 σε συµφωνία µε τις Οδηγίες του Συµβουλίου
73/23/EOK, 89/336/EOK και / ή 98/37/EK και 2000/14/EK.
Τύπος µηχανήµατος: Θραύστης τσιµέντου που κρατιέται απ το χέρι
Ονοµασία τύπου: H65SB
Βάρος µηχανήµατος: 16,5 kg
∆ιαδικασία ελέγχου εναρµονισµού: Παράρτηµα VI Παράγραφος 5
Πλευρά προς γνωστοποίηση: BSI Product Services, Maylands
Avenue Hemel Hempstead Herts HP2 4SQ UK
Μετρηµένο επίπεδο ηχητικής ισχύος: 103 dB
Εγγυηµένο επίπεδο ηχητικής ισχύος: 105 dB
Αυτή η δήλωση ισχύει στο προιν µε το σηµάδι CE.
We declare under our sole responsibility that this product is in
conformity with standards or standardized documents EN50144,
EN55014 and EN61000-3 in accordance with Council Directives 73/23/
EEC, 89/336/EEC, 98/37/EC and 2000/14/EC.
Type of equipment: Hand-held concrete breaker
Type name: H65SB
Weight of equipment: 16.5 kg
•Conformity assessment procedure: ANNEX VI, Paragraph 5
Notified body: BSI Product Service, Maylands Avenue Hemel
Hempstead Herts HP2 4SQ UK
•Measured sound power lever: 103 dB
Guaranteed sound power level: 105 dB
This declaration is applicable to the product affixed CE marking.
Wir erklären mit alleiniger Verantwortung, daß dieses Produkt den
Standards oder standardisierten Dokumenten EN50144, EN55014 und
EN61000-3 in Übereinstimmung mit den Direktiven des Europarats
73/23/EWG, 89/336/EWG, 98/37/CE und 2000/14/CE entspricht.
•Art der Ausrüstung: Handgehaltener Betonbrecher
Typname: H65SB
•Gewicht der Ausrüstung: 16,5 kg
Übereinstimmungsbeurteilungsverfahren: ANNEX VI Paragraph 5
Informierte Körperschaft: BSI Product Services, Maylands Avenue
Hemel Hempstead Herts HP2 4SQ UK
•Gemessener Schallleistungspegel:103 dB
•Garantierter Schallleistungspegel: 105 dB
Diese Erklärung gilt für Produkte, die die CE-Markierung tragen.
Nous déclarons sous notre seule et entière respon-sabilité que ce
produit est conforme aux normes ou documents normalisés EN50144,
EN55014 et EN61000-3 en accord avec les Directives 73/23/CEE, 89/
336/CEE, 98/37/CE et 2000/14/CE du Conseil.
Type de matériel : Outil de démolition à main
Nom du type : H65SB
•Poids du matériel : 16,5 kg
•Procédure d’évaluation de conformité : ANNEXE VI Paragraphe 5
•Organisme notifié : BSI Product Services, Maylands Avenue Hemel
Hempstead Herts HP2 4SQ R-U
•Niveau de puissance sonore mesuré : 103 dB
•Niveau de puissance sonore garanti : 105 dB
Cette déclaration s’applique aux produits désignés CE.
Si dichiara sotto nostra responsabilità che questo prodotto è conforme
agli standard o ai documenti standardizzati EN50144, EN55014 e
EN61000-3 conforme alle direttive 73/23/CEE, 89/336/CEE, 98/37/CE e
2000/14/CE del concilio.
Tipo di apparecchiatura: Demolitore per cemento portatile
Nome di tipo: H65SB
Peso dell'apparecchiatura: 16,5 kg
Procedimento di valutazione conformità: ALLEGATO VI Paragrafo 5
Ente notificato: BSI Product Services, Maylands Avenue Hemel
Hempstead Herts HP2 4SQ UK
Livello di potenza sonora misurato: 103 dB
Livello di potenza sonora garantito: 105 dB
Questa dichiarazione è applicabile ai prodotti cui sono applicati i marchi CE.
H 65SB
Demolition Hammer
Marteau de demolition
Read through carefully and understand these instructions before use.
Diese Anleitung vor Benutzung des Werkzeugs sorgfältig durchlesen und verstehen.
Lire soigneusement et bien assimiler ces instructions avant usage.
Prima dell’uso leggere attentamente e comprendere queste istruzioni.
Deze gebruiksaanwijzing s.v.p. voor gebruik zorgvuldig doorlezen.
Leer cuidadosamente y comprender estas instrucciones antes del uso.
Antes de usar, leia com cuidado para assimilar estas instruções.
∆ιαβάστε προσεκτικά και κατανοήσετε αυτές τις οδηγίες πριν τη χρήση.
Handling instructions
Mode d’emploi
Istruzioni per l’uso
Instrucciones de manejo
Instruções de uso
Οδηγίες χειρισµού
Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd.
Representative office in Europe
Hitachi Power Tools Europe GmbH
Siemensring 34, 47877 Willich 1, F. R. Germany
Head office in Japan
Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd.
Shinagawa Intercity Tower A, 15-1, Konan 2-chome,
Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
30. 9. 2003
K. Kato
Board Director
Download manual in English (PDF, 0.64 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Hitachi H 65SB Demolition Hammer. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Hitachi. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Hitachi H 65SB Demolition Hammer in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Hitachi
Model H 65SB
Category Demolition Hammers
File type PDF
File size 0.64 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Hitachi H 65SB Demolition Hammer

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

Do I need to wear hearing protection when using a demolition hammer? Verified

Yes you should. Although the amount of noise produced by a demolition hammer can vary between brands and models, long term exposure to loud noise can cause permanent hearing damage. That is why it is a good idea to wear hearing protection.

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Can I store power tools in a shed or garage? Verified

In general, you can store power tools in a shed or garage, even if it sometimes freezes there. However, it is better for the lifespan of the power tool to store it in a dry place without major temperature fluctuations. In a shed or garage, differences in temperature can cause condensation to form, which can cause rust. In addition, tools that run on batteries last shorter and do not charge as well at very low temperatures. To be sure how your power tool needs to be stored, always thoroughly read the user manual.

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Manual Hitachi H 65SB Demolition Hammer