Manual Eta Storio 5777 90040 Kitchen Scale

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II. POPIS ČASTÍ (obr. 1)
A jednotka váhy
A1 – stupnica
A2 – otočný regulátor centrovania
B nerezová misa
Odstráňte všetok obalový materiál a vyberte váhu. Pred
prvým použitím umyte časti váhy, ktoré môžu prísť do styku s
1. Umiestnite váhu na stabilný rovný povrch.
2. Na váhu umiestnite nerezovú misu B (alebo inú vhodnú).
3. Pomocou otočného regulátora A2 váhu vycentrujte tak,
aby ručička ukazovala na „0“.
4. Umiestnite suroviny do misy. Dôjde k okamžitému zváženiu.
Nepoužívajte drsné a agresívne čistiace prostriedky (napr. ostré
predmety, riedidlá, alebo iné rozpúšťadlá).
Povrch váhy utrite
mäkkou vlhkou handričkou. Nerezovú misu opláchnite v teplej vode
s prídavkom saponátu (môžete použiť umývačku riadu).
Váživosť max. (kg) 5
Rozlíšenie (g) po 25
Hmotnosť (kg) asi 1,0
Rozmery (DxHxV), (mm) 245 x 245 x 212
Zmena technickej špecifikácie a obsahu prípadného
príslušenstvo podľa modelu výrobku je vyhradená výrobcom.
Pokiaľ to rozmery dovoľujú, sú na všetkých kusoch vytlačené
znaky materiálov použitých na výrobu balenia, komponentov
a príslušenstva ako aj ich recyklácia. Za účelom ich správnej
likvidácie ju odovzdajte na k tomu určené zberné miesto, kde
budú prijaté zadarmo. Správnou likvidáciou tohto produktu
pomôžete zachovať cenné prírodné zdroje a napomáhate
prevencii potenciálnych negatívnych dopadov na životné
prostredie a ľudské zdravie, čo by mohli byť dôsledky nesprávnej
likvidácie odpadu. Ďalšie podrobnosti si vyžiadajte od miestneho
úradu, alebo najbližšieho zberného miesta. Pri nesprávnej
likvidácii tohto druhu odpadu môžu byť v súlade s národnými
predpismi udelené pokuty.
Mechanical Kitchen Scale
Do not immerse the appliance into water and wash under
running water!
Unstable or soft pad under the appliance may influence accuracy
of the appliance negatively.
Handle the scale with care not to damage it (do not overload
and throw it).
Do not disassemble the scale and do not take any parts out.
Handle the scale with care not to damage it (do not overload
and throw it).
A unit of scale
A1 scale
A2 rotary centring controller
B stainless steel bowl
Unpack the scale from packaging. Before using for the first time,
wash the parts of the scale that may come into contact with food.
1. Place the scale on a stable, level surface.
2. Place a stainless-steel bowl B (or other suitable one) on
the scale.
3. Use the rotary controller A2 to centre the scale so that the
pointer points to „0“.
4. Place the ingredients in a bowl. They will be weighed
Clean the scale only after it has cooled down! Do not use coarse
or aggressive detergents (e.g. sharp things, thinners or other
solvents)! Wipe the surface of the scale with a soft damp cloth.
Rinse the stainless-steel bowl in warm water with detergent (you
can use a dishwasher).
Maximum weighing capacity (kg) 5
Accuracy (g) 25
Weight (kg) about 1.0
Size of the product (mm) 245 x 245 x 212
The manufacturer reserves the right to change the technical
specifications and accessories for the respective models.
Where dimensions permit, all pieces shall bear the indications
of the materials used in the manufacture of the packaging,
components, and accessories, as well as their recycling. In
order to dispose of them properly, hand them in at a designated
collection point, where they will be accepted free of charge. By
proper disposal of this product, you will help prevent potential
negative consequences for the environment and human health,
which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste disposal.
Contact your local authority or the nearest collection point for
further details. Improper disposal of this type of waste may result
in penalties in accordance with national regulations.
Mechanikus konyhai mérleg
Ne merítse a mérleget vízbe és ne mossa le azt folyóvízben!
A mérleg alá helyezett nem stabil vagy puha alátét negatívan
befolyásolhatja a mérés pontosságát.
A mérleget óvatosan kezelje, hogy az ne sérülhessen meg (védje
ütődés és túlterhelés ellen).
Ne szedje szét a mérleget és ne vegyen ki abból alkatrészeket.
A mérleget óvatosan kezelje, hogy az ne sérülhessen meg
(védje ütődés és túlterhelés ellen).
Download manual in English (PDF, 0.43 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Eta Storio 5777 90040 Kitchen Scale. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Eta. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Eta Storio 5777 90040 Kitchen Scale in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Eta
Model Storio 5777 90040
Category Kitchen Scales
File type PDF
File size 0.43 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Eta Storio 5777 90040 Kitchen Scale

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

How many grams go into one ounce? Verified

One ounce is exactly 28,3495231 gram or 28,5 gram when rounded up.

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A battery in my device is oxidized, can I still safely use it? Verified

Ja, the device can still be safely used. Firstly, remove the oxidizd battery. Never use bare hands to do this. Then clean the battery compartment with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar or lemon juice. Let it dry and insert new batteries.

This was helpful (245) Read more

How do I clean my kitchen scale? Verified

A kitchen scale is an electronic device and as such it can't be cleaned in a dishwasher. Use a damp cloth and mild detergent to clean the kitchen scale.

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Manual Eta Storio 5777 90040 Kitchen Scale

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