Manual EBA 1324 C Paper Shredder

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EBA 1324 • EBA 1524 • EBA 2127
D Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch:
1. Dieser Aktenvernichter ist zum Vernichten von Papier geeignet.
2. Die gehärteten Vollstahl-Messerwellen sind unempfindlich gegen geringe Mengen
Büroklammern und Heftklammern.
Dies gilt nicht für Modelle mit Partikelschnitt 0,8x12mm und kleiner.
In diesem Fall muss das zu vernichtende Papier bei Vernichtung frei von
Büroklammern und Heftklammern sein.
3. Je nach Gerätevariante können teilweise auch geringe Mengen CDs, Kredit- und
Kundenkarten sowie Disketten vernichtet werden. Ob Ihr Gerät, aufgrund der
Leistung und Schnittgeometrie, auch zum Vernichten dieser Datenträger geeignet ist,
erfahren Sie auf
GB Definition of normal use:
1. This paper shredder is suitable for the destruction of paper.
2. The cutting shafts, which are made of special hardened steel, are unaffected by small
quantities of paper clips and staples.
This does not apply to paper shredders with a particle size of 0,8 x 12 mm or smaller.
In this event paper clips or staples have to be removed from the paper before it
is shredded.
3. Depending on the shred size produced by the cutting head, small quantities of CDs,
DVDs, credit cards, customer cards and disks can be partially destroyed. To find out
whether your shredder is capable of shredding these kinds of data carriers, please
check at
F Utilisation :
1. ce destructeur est conçu pour la destruction du papier.
2. les cylindres de coupe de haute qualité en acier massif, peuvent accepter de petites
quantités d’agrafes et de trombones.
Ceci n’est pas valable pour les modèles en coupe croisée de dimensions
0,8 x 12 mm dimensions 0,8 x 12 mm ou inférieures. Ces modèles coupe croisée
n’acceptent pas les agrafes et les trombones.
3. De petites quantités de CD, disquettes, cartes de crédit ou autres cartes de ce type
peuvent être détruites selon les modèles.
Pour savoir si votre appareil peut également détruire ces supports, consultez notre site
NL Definitie van normaal gebruik:
1. Deze papiervernietiger is geschikt voor het vernietigen van papier.
2. De snijmessen, welke gefabriceerd zijn uit gehard staal, raken niet beschadigd door
kleine hoeveelheden paperclips en nietjes.
Dit geldt niet voor papiervernietigers met een snipperafmeting van 0,8 x 12 mm of
kleiner. In dit geval moeten paperclips en/of nietjes worden verwijderd voordat het
papier wordt vernietigd.
3. Afhankelijk van de snijmaat die door de snijkop wordt geproduceerd, kunnen kleine
hoeveelheden CD’s, DVD’s, credit cards, klantenkaarten en schijven worden vernietigd.
Om te weten te komen of uw vernietiger geschikt is voor het vernietigen van dergelijke
datadragers, gaat u dan naar de site om dit te controleren :
Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch
Definition of normal use
Definitie van normaal gebruik
Definizione di normale utilizzo
Uso normal del equipo
Definition av normal användning
Download manual in English (PDF, 4.08 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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Here you can share what you think about the EBA 1324 C Paper Shredder. If you have a question, first carefully read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

First Choice Golf 15-08-2022
We need the Top Gears for this machine. Some of the teeth have broken off on both the smaller and larger gears. What is the part #, etc and where can we get them? Thank you.

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your EBA 1324 C Paper Shredder. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact EBA. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your EBA 1324 C Paper Shredder in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand EBA
Model 1324 C
Category Paper Shredders
File type PDF
File size 4.08 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about EBA 1324 C Paper Shredder

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

Why does my paper shredder stop after a certain period? Verified

Paper shredders need to cool down after a while, to prevent overheating. The time that the device can work before needing to cool varies between different brands and models.

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How often should I oil my paper shredder? Verified

With occasional use, oiling the paper shredder once every two months is sufficient. With (very) regular use you might notice that the machine has difficulty with shredding or that paper gets stuck easily. These are signs that the machine should be oiled.

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Manual EBA 1324 C Paper Shredder

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