Manuals for Parkside Drill-Drivers

Below you can find all models Parkside Drill-Drivers for which we have manuals available. Also view the frequenty asked questions at the bottom of the page for useful tips about your product. Is your model not on the list? Please contact us.

Is your product defective and the manual offers no solution? Go to a Repair Café for free repair services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

What is the model number of my Parkside product? Verified

Although some Parkside products have an alternative model number, all of them have an IAN number with which the product can be identified.

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I keep stripping the screw head when using the drill-driver. Why is that? Verified

Most drill-drivers can be set to screw harder or softer. If the head keeps being stripped, the drill-driver should probably be put into a different setting. When it is a wireless device, always be sure the battery is charged for an optimal result.

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Do I need to wear hearing protection when using a drill? Verified

Yes you should. Although the amount of noise produced by a drill can vary between brands and models, long term exposure to loud noise can cause permanent hearing damage. That is why it is a good idea to wear hearing protection.

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Can I store power tools in a shed or garage? Verified

In general, you can store power tools in a shed or garage, even if it sometimes freezes there. However, it is better for the lifespan of the power tool to store it in a dry place without major temperature fluctuations. In a shed or garage, differences in temperature can cause condensation to form, which can cause rust. In addition, tools that run on batteries last shorter and do not charge as well at very low temperatures. To be sure how your power tool needs to be stored, always thoroughly read the user manual.

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Latest comments

Manual Parkside IAN 302117 Drill-Driver
karime 05-02-2024
Hi! I need a link to download some PARKSIDE manuals to compose a Registration Form for each one of the machines that we have.. Could you please, inform an easier way to obtain it? I´d appreciate it.

Parkside IAN 302117 Drill-Driver
Manual Parkside IAN 302117 Drill-Driver
Karime 05-02-2024
Hi! I need a link to download some PARKSIDE manuals to compose a Registration Form for each one of the machines that we have.. Could you please, inform an easier way to obtain it? I´d appreciate it.

Parkside IAN 302117 Drill-Driver
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Alphonse FURSTOSS 16-07-2023
Where can I find a battery for a PABS 12 A1 IAN77288 drill

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Parkside PABS 12 A1 Drill-Driver
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Stano 02-02-2023
Can I use a new battery for the drill PABS 16 A2 X20V Team battery?

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Parkside IAN 280213 Drill-Driver
Manual Parkside IAN 90877 Drill-Driver
la bricole 26-11-2022
I am looking for a battery for my 18v B3 IAN 90877 drill-driver, or with the charger, or the complete box, study any proposal. Thanks

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Parkside IAN 90877 Drill-Driver