Manual Crivit IAN 47584 Sports Watch

Need a manual for your Crivit IAN 47584 Sports Watch? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 2 frequently asked questions, 2 comments and has 5 votes with an average product rating of 100/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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Indicaciones sobre su
utilización y su seguridad
Istruzioni per l’uso e per la sicurezza
Usage and safety instructions
Bedienungs- und Sicherheitshinweise
Indicaciones sobre su utilización y su seguridad .................................. - 1 -
Istruzioni per l’uso e per la sicurezza ...................................... - 24 -
Usage and safety instructions ................................................... - 48 -
Bedienungs- und Sicherheitshinweise ........................... - 71 -
Indicaciones sobre su utilización y su
Índice ........................................................................................................................... - 1 -
Introducción ................................................................................................................ - 3 -
Uso conforme a su propósito .................................................................................... - 3 -
Elementos incluidos en la entrega ............................................................................ - 3 -
Datos técnicos ............................................................................................................. - 4 -
Funciones ..................................................................................................................... - 4 -
Advertencias importantes de seguridad ............................................... - 5 -
- Pilas .................................................................................................................... - 5 -
- No dejar el medidor de frecuencia cardíaca al alcance de niños. ............ - 6 -
Encendido del medidor de frecuencia cardíaca .................................................... - 6 -
Reset ...................................................................................................................... - 7 -
Cambio de la pila del reloj de pulsera ............................................................. - 7 -
Indicador de nivel de batería ............................................................................. - 8 -
Sujeción de la banda pectoral ........................................................................... - 8 -
Transmisión codificada de las frecuencias cardíacas ..................................... - 9 -
Uso del soporte para bicicletas ......................................................................... - 9 -
Iluminación ............................................................................................................... - 10 -
Informaciones importantes relativas a la utilización del
medidor de frecuencia cardíaca ........................................................................... - 10 -
Ajuste rápido ..................................................................................................... - 11 -
Horario y ajustes básicos ....................................................................................... - 11 -
Segunda zona horaria ..................................................................................... - 12 -
Alarma despertador ................................................................................................ - 12 -
Función de repetición ....................................................................................... - 13 -
Temporizador/Timer (máx. 23:59:00) ................................................................ - 13 -
Cronómetro .............................................................................................................. - 14 -
Función de memoria de datos................................................................................ - 14 -
Pulsómetro ................................................................................................................ - 14 -
Señal de alarma ...................................................................................................... - 15 -
Temporizador/Timer .............................................................................................. - 15 -
Función de memoria de datos................................................................................ - 16 -
Zona-objetivo de pulso ........................................................................................... - 16 -
Calorías, quema de grasa e índice de masa corporal IMC .............................. - 17 -
Notas relativas al índice de masa corporal IMC: ......................................... - 18 -
Fitness/En forma ...................................................................................................... - 18 -
Solución de problemas ........................................................................................... - 19 -
El pulso no se indica correctamente ............................................................... - 19 -
Es difícil leer la pantalla / La iluminación no funciona................................. - 19 -
Estanqueidad del reloj de correa .......................................................................... - 19 -
Resistencia al agua de la banda pectoral ............................................................ - 19 -
Nota relativa a la limpieza .................................................................................... - 20 -
Eliminación y reciclaje del medidor de frecuencia cardíaca ............................. - 20 -
Eliminación de las pilas ......................................................................................... - 20 -
Declaración de conformidad ................................................................................. - 20 -
Garantía de digi-tech gmbh ................................................................................... - 20 -
Condiciones de la garantía .................................................................................... - 21 -
Duración de la garantía y derecho de reclamación ........................................... - 21 -
Ámbito de la garantía ............................................................................................. - 21 -
Procedimiento en caso de garantía....................................................................... - 22 -
Servicio técnico........................................................................................................ - 23 -
Proveedor ................................................................................................................. - 23 -
Download manual in English (PDF, 2.17 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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Here you can share what you think about the Crivit IAN 47584 Sports Watch. If you have a question, first carefully read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

Carlos Figueredo 12-03-2020
I need an instruction manual, I bought the watch, but it's all in German and Italian and I'm Spanish-speaking. With the instruction manual in Spanish I will give the product better utility

reply | This was helpful (1) (Translated by Google)
Manuel 22-04-2020
I need an instruction manual in Spanish, the warranty has already passed and the hinge has broken and here in Madrid I don't know which workshop to go to. Thank you

reply | This was helpful (0) (Translated by Google)

More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Crivit IAN 47584 Sports Watch. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Crivit. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Crivit IAN 47584 Sports Watch in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Crivit
Model IAN 47584
Category Sports Watches
File type PDF
File size 2.17 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Crivit IAN 47584 Sports Watch

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

What is the model number of my Crivit product? Verified

Although some Crivit products have an alternative model number, all of them have an IAN number with which the product can be identified.

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How many steps is the recommended daily amount for adults? Verified

To exercise enough it is necessary to take at least 10.000 steps a day. For people older than 65 this amount is 8.000 steps.

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Manual Crivit IAN 47584 Sports Watch

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