Manual Crivit IAN 310298 Vibration Plate

Need a manual for your Crivit IAN 310298 Vibration Plate? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 1 frequently asked question, 13 comments and has 3 votes with an average product rating of 0/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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Wragekamp 6 • DE-22397 Hamburg
Delta-Sport-Nr.: VB-5626
Instructions for use
Instructions d‘utilisation
IAN 310298IAN 310298
Návodu k použití
Návodu na použitie
Instrukcja obsługi
Klappen Sie vor dem Lesen die Seite mit den Abbildungen aus und machen Sie sich anschließend mit
allen Funktionen des Artikels vertraut.
Before reading, fold out the illustration page and get to know all of the functions of your unit.
Dépliez la page avec les illustrations avant la lecture et informez-vous ensuite au sujet des fonctions de
Klap voor het lezen de pagina met de afbeeldingen open en maak u vervolgens vertrouwd met alle
functies van het apparaat.
Przed przeczytaniem należy rozłożyć bok z ilustracjami a następnie zapoznać się ze wszystkimi
funkcjami urządzenia.
Před čtením si nejdříve vyklopte stránku s obrázky a seznamte se se všemi funkcemi přístroje.
Skôr než začnete návod čítať, si ho otvorte na strane s obrázkami a oboznámte sa so všetkými
funkciami prístroja.
DE/AT/CH Gebrauchs- und Sicherheitshinweise Seite 18
GB/IE Instructions and Safety Notice Page 36
FR/BE Instructions d‘utilisation et de sécurité Page 52
NL/BE Gebruiksaanwijzingen en veiligheidsinstructies Pagina 70
PL Wskazówki bezpieczeństwa i obsługi Strona 88
CZ Pokyny k používání a bezpečnostní upozornění Stránky 106
SK Pokyny na obsluhu a bezpečnostné pokyny Stranu 122
Download manual in English (PDF, 6.03 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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Here you can share what you think about the Crivit IAN 310298 Vibration Plate. If you have a question, first carefully read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

P. Van Dijk 07-06-2020
Vibration plate ian310298 no longer works. There is power but as soon as I start the program I get all lines. Looks like he's lost his memory. Can I reset this somewhere?

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Sarah 26-01-2021
What did you do then?

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Arianne vlieland 01-04-2020
I would like a new remote control the old one is broken

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Ursi 24-07-2022
Remote control not responding. Replacement possible?

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Karsten Surmann 23-11-2020
There are only 4 horizontal lines on my display and the device no longer starts.

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Bekius / Banda 02-01-2021
Vibrating plate IAN 310298 does not respond, remote control is not recognized / does not give a signal, I can change the parameters on the display of the device, but upon activation (start program) I get all dashes. Unfortunately nines a malfunction check list, for a product from a German manufacturer very poor support.

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Geraldine McGovern 15-02-2022
My Crivit vibration plate just stopped working. It is totally dead, it starting making strange noise and now will not power on. Can this be fixed? Thanks.

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Franz Fischer 29-08-2021
The IAN No. 327388 of my vibration board The boart has been making loud noises during operation for a while, which was not the case in the beginning. We bought it on June 20th, 2020 at Lidl, what could be the cause, could that indicate a defect in a few weeks? Please let me know. My e-mail. [email protected]

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anke H. 04-02-2021
before I can train with it, I have to figure out how to make this horribly LOUD beeping sound quieter !!!! I am totally stressed out !! In addition, the instructions are inadequate the functions of the FB are not adequately explained unbelievable that something like this can come onto the market

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Diez 03-05-2020
Hello , She worked very well and one day she knows how to stop every minute impossible to do Exercises how to do? What is the problem

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Dana 18-02-2022
It doesn't vibrate, how could it never be used. Display work and remote control also counts down but no vibrations

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Haj 19-02-2022
May device is working well but if I push by left leg it'll stop or make noise

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Cakir 10-04-2022
Hello the vibrating platform is shaking too much Impossible to decrease the intensity

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Crivit IAN 310298 Vibration Plate. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Crivit. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Crivit IAN 310298 Vibration Plate in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Crivit
Model IAN 310298
Category Vibration plates
File type PDF
File size 6.03 MB

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Although some Crivit products have an alternative model number, all of them have an IAN number with which the product can be identified.

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Manual Crivit IAN 310298 Vibration Plate

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