Manual Camry CR 4443 Coffee Grinder

Need a manual for your Camry CR 4443 Coffee Grinder? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 2 frequently asked questions, 3 comments and has 2 votes with an average product rating of 50/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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CR 4443
(HU) felhasználói kézikönyv - 18 (BS) upute za rad -15
(RO) Instrucţiunea de deservire - 16 (CZ) návod k obsluze - 21
(RU) инструкция обслуживания - 27 (GR) οδηγίες χρήσεως - 24
(MK) упатство за корисникот - 22 (NL) handleiding - 28
(SL) navodila za uporabo - 20 (FI) manwal ng pagtuturo - 19
(PL) instrukcja obsługi - 46 (IT) istruzioni operative - 43
(HR) upute za uporabu - 31 (SV) instruktionsbok - 33
(DK) brugsanvisning - 39 (UA) інструкція з експлуатації - 40
(SR) Корисничко упутство - 37 (SK) Používateľská príručka - 35
(GB) user manual - 3 (DE) bedienungsanweisung - 4
(FR) mode d'emploi - 6 (ES) manual de uso - 7
(PT) manual de serviço - 9 (LT) naudojimo instrukcija - 11
(LV) lietošanas instrukcija - 12 (EST) kasutusjuhend - 13
Download manual in English (PDF, 1.91 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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Here you can share what you think about the Camry CR 4443 Coffee Grinder. If you have a question, first carefully read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

БОРИС СИДОРОВ 19-01-2021
There is no handle on the container of ground coffee - I have to remove the container even with two hands with great effort - leaning against the edges of the ledges ... you can and should make either a pusher of the ground coffee container or an auto pusher - some device that allows you to conveniently remove the container - since it is installed tightly and removing the container with one hand is not possible at all

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wiesław sewastianik 04-02-2021
The grinding coarseness knob adjusts itself automatically

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Volker 20-07-2023
How can I remove and clean the grinder?

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Camry CR 4443 Coffee Grinder. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Camry. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Camry CR 4443 Coffee Grinder in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Camry
Model CR 4443
Category Coffee Grinders
File type PDF
File size 1.91 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Camry CR 4443 Coffee Grinder

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

What does the grind say about the coffee? Verified

The type of grind heavily determines the taste of the coffee. A finer grind generally means a stronger taste and a coarser grind means a milder taste. A very fine grind can result in bitter coffee.

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What is the best way to store coffee? Verified

Coffee is best stored in a clean and airtight can.

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Manual Camry CR 4443 Coffee Grinder

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