Manuals for Blaupunkt Electric Steps

Below you can find all models Blaupunkt Electric Steps for which we have manuals available. Also view the frequenty asked questions at the bottom of the page for useful tips about your product. Is your model not on the list? Please contact us.

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Latest comments

Manual Blaupunkt ESC608 Electric Step
Indika 26-08-2024
It displayed setting icon

Blaupunkt ESC608 Electric Step
Manual Blaupunkt ERL814 Electric Step
Zan Vrhovec 07-05-2024
The electric scooter "beeps" when starting and the number 2 flashes, what can I do?

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Blaupunkt ERL814 Electric Step
Manual Blaupunkt ERL814 Electric Step
Νικολέτα 25-09-2023
Good evening, could someone tell me why when I open it sometimes it whistles and the number 10 appears on the screen? What should I do in this case?

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Blaupunkt ERL814 Electric Step
Manual Blaupunkt ERL814 Electric Step
petroy sakis 18-04-2023
Good morning, I would like some help please. During my drive here and now it cuts my drive whenever it wants by flashing the dial and does not go above 12k, let me have the third speed. what should I do so that it can be used normally again?

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Blaupunkt ERL814 Electric Step
Manual Blaupunkt ESC608 Electric Step
Dawid 09-12-2022
I have a question error 20 in Blaupunkt ESC608 WHAT IS THIS ERROR

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Blaupunkt ESC608 Electric Step